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Everything posted by Bek

  1. I recommend this page for anybody trying to model a head: http://www.craftsy.com/blog/2013/05/drawing-a-head/

  2. Bek

    Donation Time!

    Thanks for all your help @@Cerez!
  3. Damn, I wish I found this song last year.
  4. jeez... Mirror's Edge is one beautiful game. It's on my top ten for sure.

    1. Dat Chinchilla

      Dat Chinchilla

      Wait for the next one!

    2. Bek


      Yeah, but I've actually have to upgrade my system to run it.

    3. Dat Chinchilla

      Dat Chinchilla


      Best games, deserve the best PC.

  5. Dude, you're back! One of the best mappers here, has returned!
  6. I believe one exists as a weapon in movie battles.
  7. I was just checking up on the progress, I'm not trying to stress you or anything dude, we all appreciate the work you're doing. I just didn't know you do one project at a time, not many modelers do this.
  8. You guys are like family to me!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bek
    3. JAWSFreelao


      I'll be the dad who makes dad noises- nothing but grunts and throat clearing,

    4. Bek



      I feel like my Dad has consistent lag in real life.


      Kid: "Dad, can I-"

      Dad:*Gumble Grumble*

      Kid: "Go out with som-"

      Dad: "WHAT!?"

      Kid: "Can I go out with some friends?"

      Dad: ... sure.

      Dad: *Grumble* *Grumble*

  9. Can't wait to see Ackbar again, I hope they give him more of a role this time.
  10. Bek

    FFA Nowhere

    Very Silent Hill-esque.
  11. Personally I use WinRAR, I have no idea why we even have pakscape.
  12. Here you go Telesto, I made put the saber into pk3. so you can specifically spawn it, just put this(https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6SNmRAqpEKrYVBYMWFvanc0YmM/view?usp=sharing) in your base folder, and type in "saber reborn" or "saber stinger". You should have the saber the entire time.
  13. Yes, use Pakscape. Import the pk3. and find the text files I mentioned.
  14. This saber is from Rooxon's pack, you can find by going into either his misc. saber pack or single sabers pack (not sure which one) then look in the pk3 (under models, weapons2, saber). I believe this saber belonged to one of the reborns.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7k-f-snxco&index=2&list=LL38bsqaLnumzQll3A1shvpw
  16. Motivation should come from yourself, your work is amazing, and has more application. You won't see that other luke model imported into JKA.
  17. Would anybody so happen to have Jkg animations uploaded anywhere?

    1. Smoo


      I think there was a post about it in the JKG section of this forum

    2. Bek


      Yeah, but it only mentioned it, I never saw a update with a link with the pk3.s that contained the animations.

  18. I forgot I made it into a npc a while back, here's a download link for Kyle in stormie armor specifically: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6SNmRAqpEKrM2tvcnNhWGgydjA/view?usp=sharing It should replace the default Kyle.
  19. 4 out of 5 for effort. I've been trying to fix this ever since I started playing jka, when I wanted all the npcs to spawn, I would remove the npcs from jko, that don't show up in jka. It's the small sacrifices.
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