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  1. That's the one! Then nice, definitely impressed. The way you've done the lighting and shaders reminds me of a @Szico VIImap, who interestingly also did a lot of urban environments
  2. Nice work, I remember checking in on this mod years ago and it's certainly come so far. Neat seeing the new Star Wars content incorporated in it as well
  3. Finally, a skin for the star of Wookieepedia's page on Breasts!
  4. Nice work, you're really squeezing that Quake 3 rendering for all it's worth (or is this using that new renderer someone made? Name escapes me, been a while)
  5. Hello everyone Not sure if there's many left who remember me but I was reminded this forum existed from someone reaching out to me about the unfortunately long defunct Hrakert Station map I was working on once upon a blue moon. It made me want to re-engage with the community and see where the state of JK modding is in 2023 because my god it has been a long time. I think the last time I posted here was 2017 according to my activity log A crazy amount of stuff has happened since then, with the world, with me. In some ways it's oddly poetic to return here because this was where my first foray into game development really started, and never in a million years did I think I'd return here all these years later having made it in the games industry I'm now a gameplay programmer for Sledgehammer Games which has been amazing and surreal, particularly the times I've worked with some of the folks from current Raven Software. I never expected knowledge of JK's Quake 3 engine to become so useful and I can't say too much except that I'm glad I picked up GTK Radiant all those years back Maybe I'll just comment on things, maybe I'll get the spark to give modding a go again with my newly developed skills - we'll see what happens. It's good to be back though, love what you've done with the place, that UI is very slick
  6. haha yes, and also Dustil - Carth's son, where he is equally as impetuous.
  7. ah, so the audio is spliced? its pretty seamless so as long as you don't have to force your custom narrative around it that's not a bad direction to go in. having the original VOs for the German dubs read the audiobooks must be surreal, I imagine it'd be like hearing the actual James Earl Jones in one of the EU audiobooks like Lords of the Sith.
  8. haha I don't speak German but it seems like you've got some pretty damn good VOs already. very nice trailer and I wish you luck with the final product.
  9. @@Noodle great addition as ever! I'd suggest maybe adding two extra elements to the skin changer UI: the name of the skin and x/y (y being total possible number of skins for this character). these would probably look the most ergonomic underneath the 'Change Skin' text/button. of course, if none of this is possible then feel free to ignore my craziness .
  10. yeah, I generally have faith in the writers, instead of the PR department who knows how to spin things to please a very vocal minority. its impossible to leave out politics in someone's creation because their own mindset influences how the movie is made, but when it becomes an ideological statement it very often compromises the quality of the writing. take the trend of writing the strong woman character. people don't care that she's made out to be competent, people care if she's flat and has very little vulnerability or compelling characteristics that betray weakness as well as strength. the narrative that some people push that women are perfect is just disingenuous and doesn't make for entertaining products.
  11. @@Langerd good idea, voice-acting/performance should be the last thing that's considered on any video game project as just the cherry on top.
  12. that's a real shame. I thought they were touting how there'd be so much more customization than before? does this mean that its going to be on the same level as EA Battlefront where it's boiled down to a few skins? was hoping for some kind of separate accessories/armor paint option at least. @@Necrolifer I don't understand the sentiment that you and others I've seen in this community share that actually doing something new with Star Wars instead of continuing stories from the EU, that for the most part, have already reached their conclusion, is a bad thing. if anything, that need to constantly reference old parts of the Star Wars legacy is whats putting me off from the new films. the only time I've seen a successful re-integration of something from the EU is Thrawn in Rebels, but that's most likely because Timothy Zahn had creative input and David Filoni has a lot of respect for that character and story. it may not be a popular decision but there was really no way to go about it if Disney wanted to expand the Star Wars universe and not be beholden to a miriad of stories that have a great variation in quality. in addition, because the original creative team of some of your favourite parts of the EU would most likely no longer be available, any sort of re-integration is most likely doomed to disappoint and be a shadow of its former self. for example, I can't see Kreia coming back in her nuanced and compelling glory unless Chris Avellone was directly responsible.
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