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  1. Smoo liked an article by Circa, Banner Artwork Contest   
    Hey folks, a new contest has been long overdue, I know. I meant to start this one up shortly after the last one but too many things took my attention away. I have way too many hobbies to keep up with. 😅 No summer themed contest this year, but that could be up to you depending on your submission.
    Everyone likes mod contests but sometimes it’s fun to mix it up and try something different. We have a decent number of in-game photographers, digital artists, and lots of creative people that could make this one really cool.
    Essentially this is a contest for who can make the best Jedi Knight-related poster/banner for JKHub. I’ve been wanting something really nice and flashy looking to use for the front page and for social media accounts, and I made one really quick back when we launched the new theme. I can probably spend a lot more time on making a better one, but I figured it would be much better to involve the community.
    This isn’t just to win and get the award badge on your profile. This will be the new banner on the front page of JKHub in place of the existing one and will be used on social media.
    So what qualifies as a banner?
    An image in PNG or PSD format. Dimensions at minimum 3200px X 2000px with 72ppi (more is okay). Aspect ratio of 16:10. If you include text, you must also include a textless version. If you include a signature, make it unobtrusive but still legible. Must be related to the Jedi Knight series (particularly Outcast & Academy), including characters, locations, weapons, items, etc. Multiple entries are allowed. Additional orientations are allowed, but a horizontal 16:10 is required. Upload in a ZIP file to ensure no unnecessary compression is added anywhere. No pornographic or ultra violent subjects or content allowed. Huge bonus points if you make a version for each major season of the year or holidays. The deadline to submit is September 24th, 2022. After which we will sort through all submissions over the following days and announce the winner then. By submitting to this contest, you are fully aware that your art will be used by us, for JKHub. Full credit to you will be given when and where possible.
    We also reserve the position to not choose any submissions, or to choose multiple. If none are chosen, you still get an award badge and be featured on the contests page. All submissions will be displayed on a page when the contest concludes.
    Need inspiration?
    Here’s an album full of the kinds of things I’m looking for. Something like a movie poster or something very cinematic-looking. You can take screenshots in-game, post them in ModView, digital paint, Blender, literally anything.
    Poster examples and inspirations
    How to submit?
    You can submit like a normal contest: in the Files section in the Contest Entries category. You can use the button below. You must submit the PNG or PSD file in a ZIP compressed folder file. Include all versions of your work in one zip file. If you are submitting multiple works, please submit them separately. 
    EDIT: Results are in! Click below or scroll down to see the submissions and winners!
    See results and winners

  2. theNEMESiS liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  3. Lord Trovas liked an article by Circa, Banner Artwork Contest   
    Hey folks, a new contest has been long overdue, I know. I meant to start this one up shortly after the last one but too many things took my attention away. I have way too many hobbies to keep up with. 😅 No summer themed contest this year, but that could be up to you depending on your submission.
    Everyone likes mod contests but sometimes it’s fun to mix it up and try something different. We have a decent number of in-game photographers, digital artists, and lots of creative people that could make this one really cool.
    Essentially this is a contest for who can make the best Jedi Knight-related poster/banner for JKHub. I’ve been wanting something really nice and flashy looking to use for the front page and for social media accounts, and I made one really quick back when we launched the new theme. I can probably spend a lot more time on making a better one, but I figured it would be much better to involve the community.
    This isn’t just to win and get the award badge on your profile. This will be the new banner on the front page of JKHub in place of the existing one and will be used on social media.
    So what qualifies as a banner?
    An image in PNG or PSD format. Dimensions at minimum 3200px X 2000px with 72ppi (more is okay). Aspect ratio of 16:10. If you include text, you must also include a textless version. If you include a signature, make it unobtrusive but still legible. Must be related to the Jedi Knight series (particularly Outcast & Academy), including characters, locations, weapons, items, etc. Multiple entries are allowed. Additional orientations are allowed, but a horizontal 16:10 is required. Upload in a ZIP file to ensure no unnecessary compression is added anywhere. No pornographic or ultra violent subjects or content allowed. Huge bonus points if you make a version for each major season of the year or holidays. The deadline to submit is September 24th, 2022. After which we will sort through all submissions over the following days and announce the winner then. By submitting to this contest, you are fully aware that your art will be used by us, for JKHub. Full credit to you will be given when and where possible.
    We also reserve the position to not choose any submissions, or to choose multiple. If none are chosen, you still get an award badge and be featured on the contests page. All submissions will be displayed on a page when the contest concludes.
    Need inspiration?
    Here’s an album full of the kinds of things I’m looking for. Something like a movie poster or something very cinematic-looking. You can take screenshots in-game, post them in ModView, digital paint, Blender, literally anything.
    Poster examples and inspirations
    How to submit?
    You can submit like a normal contest: in the Files section in the Contest Entries category. You can use the button below. You must submit the PNG or PSD file in a ZIP compressed folder file. Include all versions of your work in one zip file. If you are submitting multiple works, please submit them separately. 
    EDIT: Results are in! Click below or scroll down to see the submissions and winners!
    See results and winners

  4. Lazarus liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  5. inb4poof liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  6. NumberWan liked an article by Circa, Underworld Mod Contest Winners   
    Well this hasn't happened before. We have an exact tie for winner of the Underworld Mod Contest! Instead of finding someone to break the tie, I'm going to be generous and give the win to both @Noodle and @biggs for their amazing mods! It may not feel quite as sweet to you guys to share it, but you both get the shiny new badge that you can show on your forum profile!

    Noodle's Bounty Hunter is one of the winning mods, and let's just say it was very well deserved. Inspired by an outfit in the game Star Wars: Uprising, this character has quite an intimidating appearance; a figure that would definitely be seen on the payroll of a Hutt or other crimelord. Your modeling skills have come along quite well, my friend!

    Inspired by Bladerunner, biggs' Underworld map is an impressive stage of dark and mysterious atmosphere and fits in perfect for its namesake. Though its not technically finished, what is done is very well done and I'm sure everyone will agree that we'd love to see it completed!

    Excellent job to everyone that submitted, and thanks to those that voted. Going forward for contests we will be limited votes to accounts that were created before the poll opens to avoid any fraudulent or padding of votes, just a heads up there.
    Remember, just because you didn't win this time, we will have more contests in the future, but the goal of these contests is just to inspire creativity with a twist of a deadline and competition. The ultimate win is getting more mods out there for people to enjoy from talented creators like you!
    View all entries   Read original news post   View contest poll
  7. SomaZ liked an article by Circa, Underworld Mod Contest Winners   
    Well this hasn't happened before. We have an exact tie for winner of the Underworld Mod Contest! Instead of finding someone to break the tie, I'm going to be generous and give the win to both @Noodle and @biggs for their amazing mods! It may not feel quite as sweet to you guys to share it, but you both get the shiny new badge that you can show on your forum profile!

    Noodle's Bounty Hunter is one of the winning mods, and let's just say it was very well deserved. Inspired by an outfit in the game Star Wars: Uprising, this character has quite an intimidating appearance; a figure that would definitely be seen on the payroll of a Hutt or other crimelord. Your modeling skills have come along quite well, my friend!

    Inspired by Bladerunner, biggs' Underworld map is an impressive stage of dark and mysterious atmosphere and fits in perfect for its namesake. Though its not technically finished, what is done is very well done and I'm sure everyone will agree that we'd love to see it completed!

    Excellent job to everyone that submitted, and thanks to those that voted. Going forward for contests we will be limited votes to accounts that were created before the poll opens to avoid any fraudulent or padding of votes, just a heads up there.
    Remember, just because you didn't win this time, we will have more contests in the future, but the goal of these contests is just to inspire creativity with a twist of a deadline and competition. The ultimate win is getting more mods out there for people to enjoy from talented creators like you!
    View all entries   Read original news post   View contest poll
  8. Noodle liked an article by Circa, Underworld Mod Contest Winners   
    Well this hasn't happened before. We have an exact tie for winner of the Underworld Mod Contest! Instead of finding someone to break the tie, I'm going to be generous and give the win to both @Noodle and @biggs for their amazing mods! It may not feel quite as sweet to you guys to share it, but you both get the shiny new badge that you can show on your forum profile!

    Noodle's Bounty Hunter is one of the winning mods, and let's just say it was very well deserved. Inspired by an outfit in the game Star Wars: Uprising, this character has quite an intimidating appearance; a figure that would definitely be seen on the payroll of a Hutt or other crimelord. Your modeling skills have come along quite well, my friend!

    Inspired by Bladerunner, biggs' Underworld map is an impressive stage of dark and mysterious atmosphere and fits in perfect for its namesake. Though its not technically finished, what is done is very well done and I'm sure everyone will agree that we'd love to see it completed!

    Excellent job to everyone that submitted, and thanks to those that voted. Going forward for contests we will be limited votes to accounts that were created before the poll opens to avoid any fraudulent or padding of votes, just a heads up there.
    Remember, just because you didn't win this time, we will have more contests in the future, but the goal of these contests is just to inspire creativity with a twist of a deadline and competition. The ultimate win is getting more mods out there for people to enjoy from talented creators like you!
    View all entries   Read original news post   View contest poll
  9. z3filus liked an article by Circa, Underworld Mod Contest Winners   
    Well this hasn't happened before. We have an exact tie for winner of the Underworld Mod Contest! Instead of finding someone to break the tie, I'm going to be generous and give the win to both @Noodle and @biggs for their amazing mods! It may not feel quite as sweet to you guys to share it, but you both get the shiny new badge that you can show on your forum profile!

    Noodle's Bounty Hunter is one of the winning mods, and let's just say it was very well deserved. Inspired by an outfit in the game Star Wars: Uprising, this character has quite an intimidating appearance; a figure that would definitely be seen on the payroll of a Hutt or other crimelord. Your modeling skills have come along quite well, my friend!

    Inspired by Bladerunner, biggs' Underworld map is an impressive stage of dark and mysterious atmosphere and fits in perfect for its namesake. Though its not technically finished, what is done is very well done and I'm sure everyone will agree that we'd love to see it completed!

    Excellent job to everyone that submitted, and thanks to those that voted. Going forward for contests we will be limited votes to accounts that were created before the poll opens to avoid any fraudulent or padding of votes, just a heads up there.
    Remember, just because you didn't win this time, we will have more contests in the future, but the goal of these contests is just to inspire creativity with a twist of a deadline and competition. The ultimate win is getting more mods out there for people to enjoy from talented creators like you!
    View all entries   Read original news post   View contest poll
  10. OCD2 liked an article by Circa, Underworld Mod Contest Winners   
    Well this hasn't happened before. We have an exact tie for winner of the Underworld Mod Contest! Instead of finding someone to break the tie, I'm going to be generous and give the win to both @Noodle and @biggs for their amazing mods! It may not feel quite as sweet to you guys to share it, but you both get the shiny new badge that you can show on your forum profile!

    Noodle's Bounty Hunter is one of the winning mods, and let's just say it was very well deserved. Inspired by an outfit in the game Star Wars: Uprising, this character has quite an intimidating appearance; a figure that would definitely be seen on the payroll of a Hutt or other crimelord. Your modeling skills have come along quite well, my friend!

    Inspired by Bladerunner, biggs' Underworld map is an impressive stage of dark and mysterious atmosphere and fits in perfect for its namesake. Though its not technically finished, what is done is very well done and I'm sure everyone will agree that we'd love to see it completed!

    Excellent job to everyone that submitted, and thanks to those that voted. Going forward for contests we will be limited votes to accounts that were created before the poll opens to avoid any fraudulent or padding of votes, just a heads up there.
    Remember, just because you didn't win this time, we will have more contests in the future, but the goal of these contests is just to inspire creativity with a twist of a deadline and competition. The ultimate win is getting more mods out there for people to enjoy from talented creators like you!
    View all entries   Read original news post   View contest poll
  11. ZelZel liked an article by Circa, Underworld Mod Contest Winners   
    Well this hasn't happened before. We have an exact tie for winner of the Underworld Mod Contest! Instead of finding someone to break the tie, I'm going to be generous and give the win to both @Noodle and @biggs for their amazing mods! It may not feel quite as sweet to you guys to share it, but you both get the shiny new badge that you can show on your forum profile!

    Noodle's Bounty Hunter is one of the winning mods, and let's just say it was very well deserved. Inspired by an outfit in the game Star Wars: Uprising, this character has quite an intimidating appearance; a figure that would definitely be seen on the payroll of a Hutt or other crimelord. Your modeling skills have come along quite well, my friend!

    Inspired by Bladerunner, biggs' Underworld map is an impressive stage of dark and mysterious atmosphere and fits in perfect for its namesake. Though its not technically finished, what is done is very well done and I'm sure everyone will agree that we'd love to see it completed!

    Excellent job to everyone that submitted, and thanks to those that voted. Going forward for contests we will be limited votes to accounts that were created before the poll opens to avoid any fraudulent or padding of votes, just a heads up there.
    Remember, just because you didn't win this time, we will have more contests in the future, but the goal of these contests is just to inspire creativity with a twist of a deadline and competition. The ultimate win is getting more mods out there for people to enjoy from talented creators like you!
    View all entries   Read original news post   View contest poll
  12. PreFXDesigns liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  13. skew liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  14. DT. liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  15. Sentra liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  16. BenSlzak liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  17. RAILBACK liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  18. Rage liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  19. Reepray liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  20. H3llBaron liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  21. Futuza liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  22. mjt liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  23. Asulynn liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
    Reddit post
  24. DarthValeria liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
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  25. LusoJedi liked an article by Circa, Jedi Outcast 20th Anniversary Developer Retrospective   
    It's been 20 years since Jedi Outcast launched in 2002, if you can believe that. This masterpiece of a game truly defined what it means to be Jedi in a video game, even to this day, with its intricate lightsaber combat and Force powers. Continuing the Dark Forces story, Outcast follows the mercenary turned Jedi, Kyle Katarn, after he shuts himself off from the Force and returns to being an agent of the New Republic.
    With such a milestone anniversary, I really wanted to do something special here, and unfortunately I did not get this published in time for the actual day, yesterday. I'm hoping I will be forgiven for being late with how great this project turned out.
    I got a chance to sit down with 5 of the developers of Jedi Outcast over a Zoom call and not only did they take time to talk with me about this wonderful game, but they talked to me for nearly 3 hours. I cut it down to just 2 hours. It's clear from the very beginning that they were truly passionate about this game and consider it their proudest achievement. Take a look at the video below and listen as they reminisce and chat about development and that era of their careers!
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