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  1. Circa liked a post in a topic by Showersinging in Taunt creating issue   
    Hey guys,
    I was able to fix the issue after some extra research. The conversions must've corrupted the file in some way that i have no clue about.
    I did find a tutorial on how to make sound packs which was sort of a last resort as somehow, none of the other options or suggestions worked.
    Since the skin in question (Narkina 5 prisoner) was a simple reskinned default model i didn't need any other emotes beside the "ONE WAY OUT" chant so just copied the base file into diffent voice lines: taunt, gloat1 and victory1, and simply group transformed them as said in above tutorial.
    That seemed to have done the trick as it works perfectly now.
    Thank you guys so much for the help though! Really appreciate it! 😄
  2. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in ZelZel's Archive   
    Lol yes! Used his likeness and head model from a GoT web game for my OC.
  3. PierceDoughty liked a post in a topic by Circa in ZelZel's Archive   
    Richard Madden? Looks good!
  4. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in ZelZel's Archive   
    Some more portraits i've done or pieces i've put together. Trying to change some things up, do new styles of lighting, etc. 

  5. Cor liked a post in a topic by Circa in Mino's Mediocre Maps   
    These maps are so good. "Mediocre" is definitely inaccurate for this thread title! You should be proud. Can't wait to see this new one released!
  6. GamerRedNeck liked a post in a topic by Circa in Mino's Mediocre Maps   
    These maps are so good. "Mediocre" is definitely inaccurate for this thread title! You should be proud. Can't wait to see this new one released!
  7. Circa liked a post in a topic by BlindDaThief in Mino's Mediocre Maps   
    I was gonna say that!
  8. Circa liked a post in a topic by Minoda in Mino's Mediocre Maps   
    As the saying goes, it takes a village! I have great friends in my RP community who help me with these kinds of creative works with making beautiful models to help the places I create come to life! 

    I truly appreciate your kind comments!
    Thank you so much! 
  9. SomaZ liked a post in a topic by Circa in Mino's Mediocre Maps   
    These maps are so good. "Mediocre" is definitely inaccurate for this thread title! You should be proud. Can't wait to see this new one released!
  10. BlindDaThief liked a post in a topic by Circa in Mino's Mediocre Maps   
    These maps are so good. "Mediocre" is definitely inaccurate for this thread title! You should be proud. Can't wait to see this new one released!
  11. Minoda liked a post in a topic by Circa in Mino's Mediocre Maps   
    These maps are so good. "Mediocre" is definitely inaccurate for this thread title! You should be proud. Can't wait to see this new one released!
  12. Circa liked a post in a topic by Minoda in Mino's Mediocre Maps   
  13. Mrkaiser liked a post in a topic by Circa in Help Needed!   
    Is the mod you're talking about this one?
    Looks like all menu changes. The red saber option should already be an option with JAEnhanced with the RGB option.
    Projected shadows is just cg_shadows 3 in the console.
    Subtitles for all voiceovers is already in the JAenhanced menu.
    The menu music can easily be changed. If you'd like that menu music I can change that for you for JAEnhanced or you can do it yourself. Open zZz_jaenhanced.pk3 and go to the ui folder, then main.menu, open with Notepad. Control + F to search for music. Change the below line.
    exec "music music/yavin2_old/yavtemp_explore" ; Replace it with this:
    exec "music music/mp/MP_action4" ;  
  14. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lancelot in Star Wars: Outlaws - Open-world game by Ubisoft   
    I was surprised how smooth the transition from planet to surface was. This is exactly what I imagined when the space battles for the original 'Star Wars Battlefront II' were announced. And I'm also impressed by the hyperspace jump. In the 'Star Wars Jedi' games, you jump into hyperspace, and you won't get out until you trigger a (short) cutscene. But in Outlaws, they have masked the transition so well that it's flawless.
  15. Lancelot liked a post in a topic by Circa in Star Wars: Outlaws - Open-world game by Ubisoft   
    The gameplay looks extremely good. Being able to go from surface to space is something everyone has wanted in a Star Wars game since gaming was a thing. So cool.
    Much more excited for this game now after seeing that gameplay.
  16. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lancelot in Star Wars: Outlaws - Open-world game by Ubisoft   
    And here's the gameplay video:
  17. Circa liked a post in a topic by NumberWan in The Dark Pastime   
    Been working on several models, which I'll post in a few days.
    I guess, new spacers (based off classic JO Prisoners) are always a warm welcome.

    Also finished a few maps and several main characters. Still not sure, if I could pull through some ideas, as they require coding.
  18. Circa liked a post in a topic by AradorasXeon in 2FA is now an option on JKHub, and Jedi Outcast turns 21   
    Hey! For the 20th anniversary Jedi Academy interview. Can you ask some qestions about siege? Whose idea was it? How those maps came to be? How come that you can strafe jump basically in every other multiplayer mods but not in that one?
  19. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lazarus in [W.I.P.] (SP) Star Wars - Republic Intelligence   
    before (pic from 2021 when i wrapped this part up)

    today (june 1st, 2023, after wrapping up the middle island)

    find the difference 😉
  20. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: May 2023   
    Quite an interesting month!
    As reported in the previous report, the 3rd gameplay level was said to be done, with only a few minor bugs to take care of. I'm pleased to report that those bugs have been ironed out and I've been able to move on to the next level.
    The 4th level is by far the largest level in the entire campaign both in terms of length and location. As of writing this, I'd estimate that about half of the level has been ironed out, with one of the worst bugs present being fixed at last!
    There are a few more things to iron out, but I'm hopeful that after this level is completed, Knightfall will be very close to release (for real this time!).

    Literally as I was typing this section of the report I decided to finally program the ability to make any NPC speak any audio file you want. This should be a great tool for machinima makers.

    Thanks to the talented people at Jedi Knight: Enhanced, we have been able to implement a number of quality improvements to the mod, primarily for those with Widescreen displays.
    Cutscenes from the original game (and Jedi Outcast for that matter) will no longer suffer from the black bars in cutscenes cutting off parts of the cutscene shots and should appear as they did in the original game with minimal difference. Furthermore, text areas will appear more appropriate and the HUD will no longer stretch!
    So again a huge thank you to the Jedi Knight: Enhanced team for inventing these fixes.

    If anyone has followed us on Facebook or Instagram in the past you might notice that we rarely post on either platform, and we've come to the decision to drop both pages. Facebook was moreorless forced on us as we are flagged for "violating the community guidelines" which was utter BS. Despite efforts to appeal this, they refused to listen.
    This, in addition to our utter inactivty on Instagram, has ultimately made us decide to drop Facebook and Instagram completely, and we'll only be available here on JKHub, Discord, Moddb, and YouTube.
    Knightfall is coming along well and we also implemented a few quality fixes which should've been added a long time ago (but better late than never, right?). I'm hopeful that Knightfall should be completed during June, then we'll focus on adding every character we've announced so far, then we'll have ourselves an update!
    This has not been the easiest updateto work on, with these past several months causing me personally multiple cases of burnout, but I am very excited to keep moving forward with this mod and delivering this remake that's been years in the making.
    I do want to offer my sincerest apologies to those that have been disappointed with the length of time the Knightfall remake (and Father vs. Son and Deathstar Rescue for that matter) has taken to develop. I hope with the conclusion of this update's development that we will approach announcing new things with more caution instead of forcing you to wait an indeterminate amount of time after we announce something.
    Regardless, thank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
  21. mrwonko liked a post in a topic by Circa in Get Player to Show Up in Custom Cutscenes   
    I believe that's what the NPC called player is for.
  22. Circa liked a post in a topic by triplex in Baylan Skoll Saber Blade?   
    Does anyone know if any saber blade mod contains a blade colour like that of Baylan Skoll, the character to be featured in Ashoka?
    If not, how easy is it to make "additional" blade colours for JK that show in the saber selection alongside existing colours? Think I might give it a go for myself if it's not too complex.
    Or does someone else feel like having a look?
    I quite like the orange core with the orange/red edges. Nice to see something that doesn't feature a bright white blade core (apart from the Darksaber of course).
    Reminds me of the orange blade from DF2/MOTS actually.
    RIP to Ray Stevenson by the way. Gone way too soon. I bet his performance in Ashoka will be great!
  23. butykoSh. liked a post in a topic by Circa in Terrain Creation using Easygen   
    Hm, I think it was because it was a non-https link. I fixed that, try now. It works for me.
  24. Circa liked a post in a topic by Lazarus in [W.I.P.] (SP) Star Wars - Republic Intelligence   
    added another cover to break up the terrain more, now need to transition down so you have to walk around to the NPC there. Image as well with effects (closer up, efx dont show on distance pics)
    Top view pics to show size of the map.

  25. Circa liked a post in a topic by mrwonko in Anyone have a copy of this?   
    So it turns out that's not quite true. If the file is not listed in the torrent, I didn't download it as part of my jk3files scraping. However, there are still some mods I downloaded separately, just to play them. Looks like Expedition 1.05 is one of those, I found an 11-year-old file on my hard drive. I've uploaded it to my website, the download link on the page you posted should no longer be dead.
    On closer inspection, while the readme of that file does contain "File Version: 1.05", its filename is "expedition1.06_readme.txt". Chances are this is a WIP release I received at some point? The full 1.06 release correctly says "File Version: 1.06"
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