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Everything posted by Circa

  1. So reinstalling Radiant made things worse.... Now it's not finding any textures when compiling. They all show up fine in Radiant though. WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/common/caulk WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/skies/desert WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/terradesert/terrain_0 WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/system/blockplayer WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/system/physics_clip WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/desert/t_rockwall1 I don't get it. @@redsaurus, I've double checked all the paths everywhere to make sure they're pointing to the right place, but maybe I'm missing one? Asking you because i'm using Mac.
  2. And it happens on a new machine with a fresh install. @@MagSul did you compile the map after I gave it to you when you tested it in-game? Is that why it worked?
  3. Don't you need a target_scriptrunner to run the script with usescript? Maybe you are and it just looks different for EF.
  4. Did you read this? https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/158-creating-an-roq/
  5. That's how it is in the image you posted, from JK2. I can remove that part of the script if that's not what you wanted. http://circa.im/files/jka/lock_unlock2.pk3
  6. If it wasn't created by you, who created it? o.0
  7. It does have a shader, I believe. But it's a base shader. Its there in the assets.
  8. I think I'll just try reinstalling Radiant...as much as I really don't want to, because it's a pain to set up on Mac.
  9. I'm not really interested. Not only can I not get radiant to work right now, I have maps to make for JKE and the SWS mod.
  10. Maybe both? Someone along the lines of Owen Lars and maybe someone a bit more rough. @@hleV like I said, that dialogue is placeholder. Those are lines from JKA SP.
  11. Putting in a pk3 doesn't make a difference. And these are base textures, which look fine in base maps. I've also tried running JKA with a clean base a fresh config. Still has the issue. I booted into Windows to see if it happened on there and it does. Which really doesn't make sense. I'm about to try on a new machine.
  12. Its a machinima, not a mod. Just video. Nice work so far! I skimmed through it for now. I'll have to watch the full hour later.
  13. So I can't quite figure this out. Since I started mapping again, a bunch of random textures show up as tiny and tiled in-game. They look perfectly fine in Radiant. I've tried pressing S and changing the wrap to Axial or Fit, etc. None of that changes anything. The same texture that's used on a model works fine and looks good. See pics below. At first I thought it was a problem with my first map, but now it's happening on a new map. This wasn't an issue a year ago. I gave my map to @@MagSul to test and he says the textures look fine to him. I'm also missing a few models in one map. They show up for him, but not me. No errors in the console. It's really driving me crazy. Any ideas what's going on?
  14. Well the Stormtrooper file says this: Doesn't replace the original stormtrooper in /base folder. So if you're wanting it replaced in SP, doesn't look like that's what it does. As for the other one, the replacement might not work on a saved game, if you're in SP. If that's the case, play through the level you're on and move on to the next one and it should work, OR reload the map you're on.
  15. I'd rather have one made for JKA from an artist here. Using one from those sites makes me uneasy.
  16. I wasn't sure if you meant the legality of it, or if it were possible in general.
  17. You can run a script through the console to do this. Download the pk3 below and put in your base folder. Then you can run the following: http://circa.im/files/jka/lock_unlock.pk3 To lock the player: runscript player lock To unlock the player: runscript player unlock And you can bind those to keys if you want. Still not sure why you'd want this outside of scripting a level, but whatever.
  18. If you're putting them in the base folder, then you're doing it right. Link the files here.
  19. Actually, after working on it further, I realized I need the escape pod model. Good catch. I definitely need that soon, as it'll be the very beginning of the mission. I'm using the JK2 escape pod as a placeholder right now. If someone wants to take a stab at that, I would be grateful. Doesn't have to be super detailed. At least not as much as the pictures.
  20. It was a script built into the mission. I recently looked into this while learning scripting. I believe it's this line in the script that does it: set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );
  21. What do you mean by policy? Anything in JK2 can be used in JKA, and vice versa.
  22. STAR WARS SAGA: A NEW HOPE STAGE II: DUNE SEA This was mentioned before but I'm finally making progress on it. The mission after Tantive IV will feature the squad of stormtroopers that was tasked with finding C-3PO and R2 on Tatooine. We see them a few times in that whole sequence. We know they're searching. They eventually find them as the group is fleeing in the Falcon in Mos Eisley. This mission will aim to give a sense of what they faced during their search. The story isn't fully planned yet but it will feature some of the following: Various Tatooine native creatures: womp rats, Tusken Raiders, anoobas, dewbacks, maybe a krayt dragon?Moisture farmer and jawa encounters (could get brutal, they kill Owen and Beru and all those jawas, remember)possible dialogue with Vader via comlink regarding their missionThe key is making it line up with and make sense with the story we already know. We know the Empire doesn't mess around, so these troopers that you play as will not hold back. Yes, there will be new dialogue for these troops and other characters. Yes, you will be able to ride a dewback, like they show in the film. This is still very much a work in progress. All dialogue you see is placeholder base lines. Mostly just getting the map and scripting out of the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSAa-_JxZgM What I need: I'm hoping for maybe some new models/skins eventually. Some that people have started and not finished already, that I'd love to see finished for this. Others would just be nice for someone to do. New sandtrooper - I used Haps' Sandtrooper in the video but I would love to have @@Barricade24's new and improved skin of @@DT85's modelNew Lambda shuttle - I know there are a couple people here that have mentioned wanting to start or already have started a better version; would be nice for this mission and future missions for the modNew dewback model - it's pretty rough, as you can see in the video, would love to see someone take a stab at a new one with smoother animationsFinish @@Boothand's womp rat model - would love to see it finished. He made it for me for the white elephant event, but he didn't finish it. Boothand, if you want to finish it that would be amazing. Otherwise, someone else could take it and give it animations and suchPossible NPC skin/model - more on this later, but anyone that wants to contribute a skin/model of a moisture farmer and/or his family, be my guestEscape pod model - you'll encounter this at the beginning - dialogue about them not being there and to move on
  23. You probably won't get much interest in anything non-Star Wars. Also, there are probably a total of 4 mappers here these days. Seeing how the last mapping project turned out, I'd be cautious if trying it again. A couple members left JKHub for good because of that.
  24. I wouldn't say it's hated. For years there was an overabundance of mappers around here, (or FileFront, rather). A better program would be nice I suppose, but would never happen and probably wouldn't be too much different than Radiant anyway.
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