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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Oxenfree is free for a limited time. Highly recommend this platformer. Good stuff. https://www.gog.com/game/oxenfree
  2. Layers of Fear is free for a very limited time: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/layers-of-fear-and-soundtrack
  3. I mean...it was pretty close to a spy movie. They even went undercover. It was like a spy movie combined with a war movie.
  4. This is the perfect article for those that struggled with The Last Jedi. [spoiler alert] https://t.co/l5tbycmLnz

  5. Yeah you silly @@Caelum. Fixed.
  6. Have you tried different cables? Tried plugging the faulty one into the other port?
  7. Using a nightly build is always risky because they don't necessarily quality check every single night. This is also why they *really* need to get a stable and official release out ASAP, so people know that they're downloading something stable.
  8. I had to ask the same thing. Someone sent me the github page for it: https://github.com/ClydeFrog68/MCS Here's a video showing it:
  9. Did you open it from Pakscape while the game is open as well?
  10. Replace that shield with a briefcase, give him a cigar, a fedora and a tux, and he'd be a badass mob boss with that walk.
  11. Well you could definitely set up a bind or a vstr to run them, but it wouldn't be as convenient as just a simple command. Check out the tutorial below: [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:7]
  12. What you are calling "scripts" are actually commands, and have to be programmed into the mod itself. I recommend asking @@Zyk to implement those shortcuts into his mod, because frankly it would make more sense your way anyway.
  13. Technically the Patreon you are referring to is Caelum's personal Patreon, and not a direct JKHub Patreon.
  14. It was actually very popular on consoles. It wasn't good for competitive play, but since a good portion of JK2 was using guns, it worked like any other FPS, and the sabering wasn't as bad as some people assume. I was first introduced to the JK series with JK2 on Gamecube and it was great.
  15. I'm having this issue as well. 0 bytes written. Tried the ones you linked above, still doesn't work. @@ent
  16. Yeah, lets not be posting our emails on a public forum. That’s exactly how the spam demons find you. Just use the PM system.
  17. If you’re using japlus then edit the japlus ui files.
  18. I don't think metallic bolts are the same as real world bullets. Like you said, they can be deflected by a saber, but they also travel far too slow and are glowing as if the bolts were melted when put in the gun or something. This is why the projectiles appear to be burning when they are fired.
  19. There is no NPC for the TLJ version. To achieve what you want (and the proper way to do it anyway for SP) is this: /playermodel kylo_ren model_default_tlj model_default_tlj model_default_tlj For unmasked: /playermodel kylo_ren_nomask model_default_tlj model_default_tlj model_default_tlj
  20. In some ways, yeah. But I look for this stuff in the cinematography point of view. The camera angles they tend to use usually only imply that the people are killed. Either it happens off screen or the act is covered by something on screen, etc. It's interesting. They leave a lot to your imagination. A good example is the episode where the Mandolorians were killed by the weapon that Sabine built. You don't see it happen, but you see the explosion and you see the aftermath. I think they do a very good job about how they go about violence in a kids show. I'm sure they are forced to be discreet about how they show it, and they do a good job.
  21. @@syainkn moved your thread to the Star Wars forum since this is not JK related. On topic though, you also have to keep in mind Rebels is a kid show. They try to avoid showing killing as much as possible.
  22. You have to enable MP movement in JK:E. Can't remember the command for it. @@redsaurus would know, if he's still around. Try searching for it in the console by typing cvarlist *move and see what pops up. I agree though, SP movement is just awful compared to MP.
  23. Exactly. I definitely won't be spending money on any loot crates, but the people that do will always have an advantage because they can earn them quicker that way. I hope by disabling the microtransactions for now means they are moving to a cosmetic-only structure for the crates. That would solve the whole issue. If people want to spend money on customizing their characters and ships, by all means go for it.
  24. My biggest peeve about the current state of the game right now: https://i.imgur.com/3rMB4dX.gifv Since the rewards for progression is based on activity, people put rubber bands on their controllers while they go AFK and get the same exact rewards as if they were actually playing. Like why would rewards NOT be based on performance like every other game ever? It worked perfectly in the first game. They made credit rewards a percentage of the score you earn. Makes perfect sense. But no, now you are rewarded a set amount for just playing. And its only like 100 credits per game which is extremely low.
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