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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Goes without saying, but pretty much every video game vendor has Star Wars games on sale right now. Go check out your preferred stores!
  2. If you're taking it from MBII then you should credit all of the people they list. That means all of those people contributed to the MBII version.
  3. I don't think that will be possible without changing the source code for the server side, but I wouldn't know how to do so or if it would be possible. I'm more curious why you would want that.
  4. To be clear, it's assumed that your Switch is jailbroken to be able to do such a thing.
  5. What's the context? Are you wanting them to be removed from the customization menu for yourself, or are you wanting it to be blocked from people using it on your server?
  6. I hear you, however of all the options on this forum, you picked one of a handful that has nothing to do with the Jedi Knight games. ? No worries, I moved it. It sounds like what you want is probably custom scripts or even a custom map or something like that. I know nothing about Lugormod, but I'm not sure it's really equipped to handle something like what you want. You probably want to look into something built for RP purposes like RPmod or Zyk Mod:
  7. I recommend asking on the MBII forum: https://community.moviebattles.org
  8. They were clear that this was the end of the Clone Wars, which is why it feels like such a finale. This Siege of Mandalore arc is going to become an instant must-have for any Star Wars marathon going forward. I really wish they'd release a collection of episodes from TCW that has all the good and necessary arcs for easy watching. Sam Witwer's performance of Maul is outstanding. I really hope he wins some kind of award for his portrayal of him in some way.
  9. I did as well! Shoutout to @Darth Martyr for reminding me via text this morning, or else I would have completely forgotten. ?
  10. Limited Run orders have begun! https://limitedrungames.com/

  11. Pre-orders have begun! Some bundles have already sold out so hurry! https://limitedrungames.com/
  12. No, but alternatively you could replace red or blue as a temporary solution, I suppose.
  13. If you can get past that mindset, it's pretty darn good. I understand everyone wants JKA saber combat, but not every game can have that. For what this aimed to be, I feel like it succeeded. Definitely recommend picking it up when it's on a good sale.
  14. To be clear, does the game function as normal without any mods installed? Are you opening the game with the exe or the BAT file that says play_OpenRP?
  15. @idontlikesand The only one available is one made for JK2, however it works in JKA. It's the one I used in my Prequel Conversion mod back in the day. I just took out what I had in there and made it standalone and functional in JKA: https://circa.im/files/jka/BattledroidJKA.zip I didn't test it, so let me know if there are issues.
  16. Went ahead and edited out your public IP address from your post there. Not a great idea to post that for all to see, necessarily. ? Your issue seems odd. My first recommendation is to run the app as administrator. Right click the exe, go to Properties, Compatibility, Run as Administrator, and hit Apply.
  17. Completely different situation. The original KOTF developer quit because he stole work and tried to sell it as his own. All of the work he stole was obtainable outside the mod, aside from the menu, which is the only thing he made. This new version had much more promise, since they give credit and ask permission to use content in their mod, in addition to being actually free.
  18. Welp, first episode of Siege of Mandalore hit me in the feels.
  19. Like Aldro said, start small to learn. Even if it's just a prototype of the map you want, go into it knowing you will probably start over from scratch a few times along the way as you learn how to do things better. Mapping is an art and takes practice. The hardest part will be learning Radiant and all of it's nuances and hidden features and achieving your goals. Ask questions here and on the JK Discord if you haven't joined that yet (link is in the bar up top). Check out my compiled list of mapping resources as your first step: https://mapping.jkhub.org
  20. They just announced a new series on Disney+ about the making of The Mandalorian, airing on May 4th. Looking forward to that! https://twitter.com/starwars/status/1250408538263949313
  21. Pinning this to be the main season 7 thread, despite the rambling about how Disney is bad. Cleaned it up a little, but the remaining was entertaining enough to leave. What are your thoughts on season 7 so far? I think the Bad Batch arc was really good. I actually haven't seen the latest 2 episodes, so I can't say how I feel about the Ahsoka one yet.
  22. Kinda shocked there isn't a thread for this here, since I think overall it has been well received and shit posts would be at a minimum. I'd prefer it to be that way. Let's discuss the Mando, likes/dislikes and be civil and concise about your reasonings. I have to put this on anything about new Star Wars content, unfortunately. Any personal vendettas to constantly shit on the topic at hand will be warned. This is also spoiler heavy, so don't keep reading if you haven't watched it all yet. It's only available on Disney+ right now (legally) and nothing has been said about a physical release yet. Overall I really liked season 1. It's some of the best Star Wars we've had since Revenge of the Sith. My main complaint about it is that the episodes are way too short. I think they wanted to play it safe and keep them shorter so kids can watch them easier, but in my opinion it ruins the pacing a bit to have them so short. The Mandalorian as a character is really well done. He's introduced as a mysterious gunslinger bounty hunter, and as the season goes on, we learn more and more about him, eventually learning his actual name. They did really well with implementing Mandalorian culture throughout it, even canonizing some legends stuff that hadn't been yet. I think it's interesting that the Mandalorians that he's a part of became extremely strict about their rules after the Purge, not even allowing their helmets to be removed. We don't see that in previous Mandos in Clone Wars or Rebels, so it must be a way to preserve their culture in a new way since their numbers were thinned out and scattered. I hope we see more of that. The ending shot was extremely cheesy, with the Darksaber. But it was still cool to see it in live action. Really looking forward to seeing how that guy got it, and if Mando ends up with it.
    They look so much better than the originals, very nice work. Would love to see more!
  23. For you people that still adore physical copies, Limited Run Games is releasing brand new copies of Jedi Outcast and Academy. For those unfamiliar, Limited Run Games is a company that makes exactly that: prints limited runs of select games. They announced a bunch of Star Wars games awhile ago, including Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast, and Jedi Academy. Unfortunately we missed the DF2 order window, but luckily I noticed the JK2 and JKA ones were announced today. Orders will begin on April 24th at 10am EST and then later at 6pm EST. There are a couple editions to choose from that come with some really cool collector's editions items. Also of note, is there are PC, PS4, and Switch options, which is nice for those that wanted the new console ports, but were wanting a physical copy instead of digital. Check out the news posts for both games here: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. Orders will take place on their website. View full article
  24. For you people that still adore physical copies, Limited Run Games is releasing brand new copies of Jedi Outcast and Academy. For those unfamiliar, Limited Run Games is a company that makes exactly that: prints limited runs of select games. They announced a bunch of Star Wars games awhile ago, including Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast, and Jedi Academy. Unfortunately we missed the DF2 order window, but luckily I noticed the JK2 and JKA ones were announced today. Orders will begin on April 24th at 10am EST and then later at 6pm EST. There are a couple editions to choose from that come with some really cool collector's editions items. Also of note, is there are PC, PS4, and Switch options, which is nice for those that wanted the new console ports, but were wanting a physical copy instead of digital. Check out the news posts for both games here: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. Orders will take place on their website.
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