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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Circa

    SP Ideas

    Saber holsters should be implemented in some way. Properly, unlike JA+. With the hilts facing down, instead of up.
  2. Bail Organa could be reskinned from the Lando model. Or at least his Episode III outfit can. Not sure about his Senate outfit. I'm surprised that hasn't been done. When was Boss Nass released? I know it was in MBII but I didn't know it released separately.
  3. Why don't you just have "helpusobi 1" the first line in autoexec.cfg?
  4. As far as worn armor goes, the last one looks great! But for battle damaged, they should be more "damaged", like Omicron said.
  5. Those haven't been made because nobody wants them. They are irrelevant for the most part. The Sith Stalker I understand, but why do you want the others?
  6. They should be in there. They are only duel maps. Type in "map duel_hangar" in the console and it should take you there.
  7. Unless you want to play with your friends on Xbox Live that live far away...That's really why I have a 360, although I don't have to worry about disk space and installing on a console. But yeah.
  8. Well it puts my ESB Luke skin to shame. I might delete mine from all existence now. Now for pilot and ANH versions...
  9. One of the main points of this site is to make all mods available and downloadable to anyone. The JKHub team launched this site by reaching out to all authors of all of the mods that were made available here. They asked permission to do so and gave the authors 2 options, to either sign up and take ownership of their mods with a profile, or let the JKHub team just upload them. That's how they did it with me anyway. That said, uploading other people's work is sort of a grey area. I think the agreed upon notion is that if you can't contact the author in any way and have tried your best to do so, then give credit as much as possible. In the description, the readme, anywhere. That's really for uploading something that is based off of or uses someone else's work. As far as just straight uploading it, that would be up to the staff member that approves it, I would assume.
  10. Amazing work as always! Thanks DT!
  11. I added you both to the conversation anyway.
  12. It should be in the manual in the japlus folder. Not sure what you mean by no mention, but it seems a lot of attention has moved to the newer JA++ project. I don't know much about it though.
  13. Welcome to the Hub. I see that you like to get attention.
  14. You guys don't know all of them? I'm talking about Hapslash's models, Toshi's models, and some of Mars' models. I sent it to him because he's new to JA and doesn't know of them.
  15. I'm going to PM you a list of amazing models.
  16. I've been having trouble with that. I might make a version 2 if I get it figured out.
  17. It's definitely up there, but the head is Toshi's Luke head, with some changes. My favorite JA model would have to be Haps' Obi-Wan though.
  18. Nope! Also, the NPC file is not in a "npcs" folder and it also doesn't have the line for the weapon (WP_SABER) in it, so she holds a blaster instead. You should include her actual saber. I didn't test her out until now or else I would have pointed these out before.
  19. I don't think you can have that many sub-forums in IP.Board. I could be wrong.
  20. How would it be more organized to have one thread about all of their maps? That makes no sense. That would be confusing. They have multiple people and working on different maps and if it was all in one thread, how would you distinguish between them all in one thread? :blink:
  21. You don't need to PM people with questions like this. This is the purpose of forums, to discuss things like this and it lets other people to join the conversation.
  22. I'll work on that and send you a PM with a link to download later today.
  23. That looks amazing. I would be willing to add a pilot and Dagobah version to it if you don't have the time to. It would just be a matter of fitting the base pilot textures and the Hapslash textures to it and making separate skin files.
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