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Everything posted by Circa

  1. The .glm file is the actual model. In order to add things like a cape and hood, you need to know how to model with a 3D modeling program like 3DS Max or Softimage Mod Tool. It's much more difficult than skinning I'm afraid.
  2. I like it! Nice work so far. The character definitely looks like a mysterious sort of guy.
  3. I'm glad! Feel free to come back and join the conversation in other threads!
  4. 210 downloads

    This is a script that zooms using the cg_fov command. Pretty simple and brings back a binocular function that was in JK2. It's especially helpful for taking good screenshots ingame. This is based on another script made by [bDC]BountyJedi[JK] on JK3Files a long time ago. I changed it a little bit and explained how to use an autoexec.cfg to simplify use. I give credit to him for the idea. This works for SP and MP. It should work for JK2, but I didn't test it.
  5. I'm scared to click on either of those links...
  6. The gut/hips/middle area looks too skinny to me compared to the shoulders.
  7. I know, but how would you get better quality than the screenshot command? The only way to get better quality is better graphics settings. Even with a third party screenshot program, it will end up the same as an ingame screenshot. The zoom script helps to focus the subject better without cropping it later, which might be what he's doing.
  8. The screenshot command should be sufficient. What I use is the zoom script mod to get good pictures ingame. See if that helps. I'm going to be releasing my own version of it here on JKHub soon.
  9. Here's an easy way to do it: Make a separate folder called whatever you want. I'll call it aurora, assuming that's what you want. Now go back to the original folder and you need to look in the .skin files (opened with a text editor like NotePad) of the parts you want to keep of the model. Every line that has a file path (models/players/jedi_hm/texture.jpg) is the file that it uses. So go through the folder and copy those files and paste them into the aurora folder. Make sure you do it for head_b1.skin, torso_b1.skin, and lower_a1.skin. Those are what is pictured in your post. So you have the textures, now you need those .skin files in that folder. Copy them over to aurora. Now you need to change the path so the game and modview know your textures are in the aurora folder. So go through those .skin files and change each path to say "aurora" instead of "jedi_hm". I always use the Find and Replace feature for this, it's much faster. Do that to each file. You need to combine those skin files to make a default skin file. In NotePad, open a new document and open the three .skin files. Copy and paste all the text from each file into your new document. Do it in order from head, torso, and lower. Make sure there isn't a blank line at the top. Now save your document as "model_default.skin" (not .txt) and save in your aurora folder. Now you also need the model file so find "model.glm" in the jedi_hm folder and copy that over. If you want your model to show up in the SP menu, keep the head, torso, and lower skin files in your folder and find the corresponding icon files that match up with your choices. So select icon_head_b1.jpg, icon_torso_b1.jpg, and icon_lower_a1.jpg. Copy them over to aurora as well. Then copy over player choice.txt In order to make your model show up in the MP menu, you need an icon for the model_default.skin you made. This can be one of the ones you just copied over to your folder, or you can make one. If you make one, make sure the size of it is 128 X 128 pixels. I think that's it. If I forget something, someone else chime in.
  10. Looks better. I'm still not a fan of the textures, but that's from the original and not really your fault. It seems you've done your best to fix it all. Good work.
  11. Looks awesome! Keep up the good work!
  12. Everything just looks blurry. Not sure what this improves...
  13. I just stick with the default Jedi model with the beard. Or the human male with the brown head.
  14. No, I have been asking around for that too. Someone really needs to make one. I tried just converting the GLMs to something else and import that. It kinda worked but I'm sure someone with more experience would have a better answer.
  15. I meant the process of using the software to get a model in game, not necessarily modeling itself. That's probably learned from experience, no?
  16. @ChalklYne, did you drink to much caffeine before you wrote/edited that post?
  17. @minilogoguy18 is making tutorials on modeling using XSI. Check it out here. It's focused on people who don't know how to model (like me) and it' exremely basic (I assume), but I'm sure it's helpful for knowing the software.
  18. I wish auto download was just a default option and couldn't be changed. I too like to be individualistic and would love to use my custom skin, but if I am just Kyle to everyone else, what's the point?
  19. You should send that working HUD you have to him in a PM so he can check it out and learn why. Or link us to where you got it from.
  20. Even the effects are the same. The only differences are the name, model, and code.
  21. That would be a disaster if there were "different versions".
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