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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Welcome to the Hub! Glad to see you return to a game we all love. I'm not familiar with RP stuff so I don't know about that. I'm sure others would love to help you out with that though.
  2. That only worked with the models that were all the same but with different skins. This can be done with any model. Like Kyle's head on the jedi_hm body as seen above.
  3. I think he's planning on changing it to accommodate this difference. It looks like he kinda has started already in that pic if you look closely at the shape of the head. I could be wrong though. Here's some refs: Oh and here's Hapslash's actual model he was working on of it: For reference and curiosity only. Not to compare to yours at all.
  4. 2005, eh? That was quite some time ago. JA has been quite alive since you left, despite the highs and lows. That must have been one of the first lows. There have been many. That command for the grapple should work. The server should tell you what mod it has installed when you join the match.
  5. https://jkhub.org/files/file/73-jedi-academy-patch-pc/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1408-the-jka-all-seeing-eye-server-browser-mod/ Those should help more servers show up. As far as mods go, JA+ and JA++ are big. MBII and Lugormod are pretty popular as well.
  6. Yay, the JKHub account has appeared! And he's a ruthless dictator...
  7. Welcome to the Hub! Hope you enjoy your time here and maybe you'll run into a few people online sometime.
  8. Looks great! I'm so glad this is being made finally. There are still many Star Wars models and skins that need to be made.
  9. My project for tomorrow: organize my "Mods" folder. It's gotten quite messy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Omicron


      easily, here are 3 screenies of my models and skins folder:




      It is 3.53GB in size altogether.

    3. Circa


      Very nice guys. I'll be doing something similar. Right now I have 3 separate folders called "mods" in different locations and they all just have random things in them.

    4. Onysfx


      Very nice. If I had a bigger harddrive, I probably would also make a mod collection :).

  10. "npc freeze all" does wonders.
  11. Welcome ! We have gathered and have been rejuvenated by this very convenient new site. Things are going quite well for the JK community now, compared to year before. Glad to have you here.
  12. Can't wait for this. This truly is a new era of JK modding. /cheesy post
  13. Circa

    DT Mara Jade

    Very nice. Glad to see it finished and released.
  14. http://jkhub.org/page/modforums.html
  15. The source code was released.
  16. That should be fairly simple to reskin Toshi's model. It won't have a modeled jacket, but it could turn out decent.
  17. Sometimes I wish there was a minimum age limit here.

  18. It's crazy how time flies. I'm glad you did this for the community Caelum. It is very impressive and we all appreciate your time and skills.
  19. I kinda agree with , it was a little harsh Chalk. Not sure where that came from. But I'm glad you apologized.
  20. It's looking great man! Keep it up! This project is coming along nicely.
  21. That's why. That model has an issue with the hands that do that. You have to go into the .skin file and remove the * from the hand line that has the issue. Probably r_hand. So it should look like: r_hand,off
  22. Yeah, I was hoping you would come clear things up. I saw someone else say they used Mod Tool in a different thread, so I was just relaying what I saw.
  23. Softimage Mod Tool is what the developers used to make JO and JA, and it's free. I'm currently learning how to use it. 3DS Max is the more popular one among modelers because of it's ease of use and there are probably more tutorials for it.
  24. There aren't any that are that specific. Most just explain how to do thing in a modeling program. The rest is you messing around with it and learning by doing. That's what I've gathered. There are some tutorials here on JKHub in the tutorial section. There are many on YouTube as well.
  25. Either the quality of that image is horrible, or that's quite a low quality skin...
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