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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Welcome!
  2. All I see are black images. You need to be way more specific. We don't read minds.
  3. Could just be the preview. Try exporting the result.
  4. Firefox and Chrome are the two I recommend.
  5. Probably related to this: [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:137]
  6. Yeah, their certificate is fine on my end.
  7. Can't you do what is done in JK2 SP (since I believe this is for JK2)?
  8. Supply your pk3 and we can take a look.
  9. So MBIII is dead. /thread
  10. He was answering me. He's talking about using JK2 models and JKA models together.
  11. Actually, this site is mostly geared towards Jedi Academy, the most recent JK game, but Jedi Outcast as well.
  12. It can't be fixed by anyone but a Raven employee. We don't have the ability to turn a master server back on that we don't have access to.
  13. He hates this place, so good luck.
  14. Circa


  15. You should really post what all the changes are. The screenshots aren't as obvious as you may think they are. The only change I see from them is Kyle's outfit.
  16. I get those errors too. The way I fixed the first issue was just load the model in Blender again and export it again, and the error in ModView goes away. No issues with the models after this, which is odd. No floating parts or missing bones or meshes.
  17. Mmk. Do that please. Here's the link to the page for you to edit.
  18. [mod=Moderation Notice]This topic was moved the Jedi Knight General Discussion.[/mod] Not sure if it's dead, but I know the MBII team is still mostly focused on MBII. @@MaceMadunusus
  19. Me either. I wouldn't get to technical on the driver and sound card thing. They won't really matter all that much in the grand scheme of things. You can do music production perfectly fine on some basic sound cards. I've found that gaming PC's can double as good music production machines, for the most part.
  20. Nah, you don't need these to play multiplayer. You should be able to use this mod to see the server list: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1408-the-jka-all-seeing-eye-server-browser-mod/ The issue is that the default master server that ships with the game is down (perhaps forever) and servers must use our alternative master server now. Mods like this, JA++, and the OpenJK project have the ability to point to secondary master servers. We will be making an article soon for people to follow some steps to get their server list functional again. Also, take a look at this thread.
  21. Any errors in the console?
  22. Crediting is important, but if the author doesn't want you to use their work, you can't use it. That should be obvious. The Qui-Gon head looks like the JK2 one but with a reskinned head. You say you got it from @@Kualan?
  23. Yep, which is why we're waiting until then to make an article about it all.
  24. This sub-forum would serve plenty for what you want anyway. Just need to get some official topics made, I'd think.
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