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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Have you seen this Trandoshan model's head? Looks more like a Barabel than a Trandoshan to me. Could use that, or request it to be put on a body of your choice. https://jkhub.org/files/file/852-generic-wookiee-and-trandoshan-duo/
  2. I see none with 1 or 2 files in it.
  3. How is that invalid? When JKHub was created, there were no sound mods at all. Therefore, no section for them. And I just stated that I will make one, so I don't see why that was even necessary.
  4. That's why I think it will be more of an ancient Sith sword that's powered by the dark side or something, rather than a crystal.
  5. Yeah this is the one I was thinking of. I remember when Tyrael worked on it over at the Void. Good stuff. I'd rather have a new Clone model than this.
  6. For now, sure. I'll make a section later for it.
  7. Circa

    Secret Santa 2014

    Of course a wish list helps the person know what to make, just isn't mandatory.
  8. Go for it. And I think he meant download KOTF to get the map, not play on KOTF itself.
  9. Thought the scout trooper model looked good. At least the reskin I have looks good. Not sure about the original skin.
  10. Looks like a similar one has been made before, just have to find it.
  11. Well considering they just finished filming a couple months ago, I'd say they did a great job so far. With the tiny bit of post production experience I have, it's crazy how much they've done so far just for a 2 minute trailer.
  12. Circa

    Secret Santa 2014

    People don't need a wishlist to make things. It'll be a surprise! Lots of people haven't supplied a wishlist.
  13. Circa

    Secret Santa 2014

    You don't need a wishlist to participate.
  14. Agreed. I like the idea of it being an ancient Sith sword of some sorts. Could hint to an ancient Sith figure "awakening" or something.
  15. Circa

    Secret Santa 2014

    Two more days to sign up! We've had a quite a bit of sign ups so far, but more the merrier!
  16. I really hope the lightsaber blades don't look like that now, and that's just his. They look like flames.
  17. I've gotta say, I'm a bit disappointed, mostly because it didn't show much. And mostly because of that lightsaber. I think it looks ridiculous. I'm still excited for the movie of course, but that trailer wasn't all that great. Looking forward to a full trailer and more info on the official plot. The troopers look pretty cool too!
  18. My point is, there are only a couple mods even like that, and it would be silly to have a section with one or 2 files in it. If there are more uploaded (and approved) then I will make a new section for it.
  19. He doesn't have internet as of right now. He'll be back, I'm sure.
  20. For SP, yes. But not MP, at least not in base.
  21. Do it. Was planning on revisiting it too, but now I won't need to!
  22. I might if nobody has it. Funny thing is, I'm sort of a hoarder also but can't find it anywhere.
  23. I'd still love to see a new Clone trooper model happen sometime.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AshuraDX


      ah damn - I forgot about this I had started workinmg at a base mesh for some clones a while ago... will pick it up again once I got more time to work at JKA related stuff

    3. Barricade24
    4. Rooxon


      If AshuraDX makes it, it's gonna be awesome for sure!

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