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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Right. The vehicles are in the assets already. You might have a pk3 that changes them or might even remove them.
  2. This is brilliant. For some reason @@Milamber comes to mind as a person that would do this.
  3. I doubt they'll have any EPVII stuff though. Could be wrong I guess.
  4. No, but he's a huge character in the EU books during the Clone Wars and he even is in an episode or two of the show. He's an interesting character.
  5. I'm suspicious on whether or not they'll be actual "stormtroopers" at all. Or just have similar armor. Anyway, looks great!
  6. Right. And they don't have to be separate missions where you replay part of the story. Could switch in the middle of the mission itself when it switches. That might make it more interesting and keep you on your toes.
  7. Doing two separate sides would be a little more complicated. You'd have to think of an even amount of missions for each, for each episode. I figure we should just do the missions that would feel natural and be interesting to play as.
  8. I wanted to add IP.Gallery in order to have a proper media center for people to upload photos and videos like those, and to have an actual featured picture and featured video that's built in with that, and not my jank featured picture method. So people can just watch the videos people upload with an option to download, and not just download in the files section like it is now. As it turns out, we have some plans to revamp the entire JKHub site soon anyway, so we will keep all that in mind when planning it. I wanted a server like that, and have some people like you guys admin it, but two things stopped me: wasn't sure if you were active enough in JKA anymore to even consider it, and having a server will attract a lot more drama than we already have (mod used, gamemodes, DDoSes, typical clan drama, etc)
  9. You think? It would be cool to do any side. I don't think a game has quite done that yet, unless you count Battlefront but that was uniquely from a troopers point of view, which ended up being both sides. I think it would be unique to not limit to one side.
  10. I'm pretty sure the blood thing was changed because it didn't make sense. so yeah, no blood in this mod. After the Tantive IV escape, I was thinking of a short little mission where you control C3PO or R2D2 and wander through the desert a little bit until the jawas attack. Would be fairly simple to map out and script I'm sure but wouldn't be a cool little addition. After that, could be a mission as Luke, looking for R2. Could make it more elaborate than the movie. Maybe something more along the lines of how Lego Star Wars does it.
  11. Well we make backups of the entire site regularly, if that makes a difference. And yeah, it would be great if the ESL players came here and stayed but I seemed to get the impression that they didn't care to, and didn't see the point, judging from conversations I've had. (can't give names, just randoms on servers that claimed to be ESL players) I could try posting on the ESL forums if you think that would make a difference. And feel free to try getting them here as well, since you actually have some credit with that community.
  12. Red for MP, with some yellow occasionally. Yellow for SP, though I switch occasionally, depending on the situation.
  13. There are 7 unique styles for saber combat in Jedi Academy. All have pros and cons and some are only usable in single player. What's your favorite and why?
  14. Could make the scope's lens a separate texture and make it bigger. Maybe.
  15. I'm not saying I hate that we have it, I love that it's there and I really want people to contribute to it more. It could be really cool. The pages that are already there are really well done. Also, the wiki was launched way before I even became staff. I think @@Fighter, @@SiLink, or @@therfiles had something to do with it. But yeah, like @@Xycaleth said, I was mostly referring to how it functions. Ever since it broke and went to hell, it was never brought back fully. It used to have the entire JKHub navigation at the top for a seamless transition from wiki to forum. There may be better software I suppose but wikis in general can be a pain to work with. Like I said though, its on our list to improve this year. We'd love for more members to write pages though. There are so many things that have yet to be covered.
  16. I'll be honest. I hate the wiki. There, I said it. The staff agrees and have been trying to think of ways to give it more attention but we haven't done much yet. It seems to fall on the back burner a lot.
  17. No, hit markers, like this: Tells you that you hit your target. In CoD Ghosts and above, it turns red when you successfully get a kill. Not something necessary in JK2 or JKA SP in my opinion.
  18. Very nice. Will make a fine addition to JKE. Aside from that though, we really need a new Han Solo model to give this thing justice.
  19. Basically, we've had some slow progress but it's progress nonetheless. I have rearranged the forum into new categories for better organization now that we have a lot of threads for various things. Great work has been done so far, but there's lots still to do, and that means we need some help still. I like the random contributions that have been done so far, it makes the project feel like a community project rather than just a set team. A few more skilled people are needed though, in the following areas: Mappers - particularly fluent in scripting for SP but not necessarily. We are planning on have a whole new tier of missions for SP, and need some more help with that.Texture artist - this would be nice. Right now I'm the only one I believe, and would love to have another to help out. We're wanting to recreate the base textures to be higher quality. Not every single one, but most of the 2D/HUD textures and many of the map textures, as well as new customization options for the player models. Menu coder - we're planning on some changes to the menus, as well as adding new ones in certain spots. Would be great to have another one on board.Any other contributions would be awesome Perhaps we can have a nice (but rough) beta version ready for people, if we're being optimistic?
  20. @@Pande since reworking the "gold pack" into JK: Enhanced, this is mostly a SP project, but we will possibly include some MP maps like this. I'm curious though, could we use this map as an additional SP mission? I was thinking of possibly reworking the t1_sour mission to start on this map, and then move to the original after Kyle and Jaden "check out the cantina" like he says in the original. And also any other maps you have that we could use would be appreciated as well. Could rework and add to them a bit to turn into a SP level.
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