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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Pretty sure that means you have too many models in your base folder. Considering the fact that you're using KOTF, which is just a huge collection of dozens of models, I'd say that's the issue for sure.
  2. Just tiny ones that I'll add.
  3. Yep, it's from DT's Luke which means the belt and the saber can both be turned off if needed.
  4. That's what I figured but didn't want to speak for you.
  5. I actually made one similar to the last picture years ago when I read the books, but I don't have it anymore. It wasn't as accurate as I would have liked though.
  6. A disturbance in the Force was felt last week when JK3Files was taken down, along with the rest of the FileFront Network sites. This was a site that used to be the center of all Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy modding, complete with mod hosting, reviews, polls, Picture of the Day, contests, and more. What will you miss most about JK3Files? This may or may not help us with improving the future of JKHub. You can read our article about the shut down here.
  7. I think that statement has probably been posted about 2382 times in this thread alone.
  8. Are you asking for OpenJK or baseJKA? baseJKA - no And I'm assuming the same goes for OpenJK as well, though I'm not one to ask.
  9. I think Xycaleth is gonna shoot us all.
  10. I like that HS Anakin version a lot more. A TCW model will always look out of place in JKA unless you replace all models to look like that art style.
  11. I'd argue that most other games do things better than SW games do. SW games are my favorite, but it seems they are always developed by small companies and don't seem quite as smooth or polished as mainstream games do. Or make good stories for that matter. KOTOR and DF might be the only really good stories so far. I want an open world Star Wars game so bad. If Bethesda or Ubisoft made a Star Wars game, I'd die happy. I also want a stealth based game, either with a Jedi/Sith character and combat, or a Splinter Cell-esque agent game. This is why I was sad to see 1313 go. The combat looked awesome. I'm really glad Lucasarts is dead, because they limited themselves too much.
  12. So what you're saying is, this can only be changed in mods, and won't be changed in OpenJK?
  13. Some of this is leaning towards semantics. What Archangel is wanting is a solution of some sort. I don't think other mods really matter at this point. I can't think of any that use OpenJK anyway. If people want rend2, they'll figure out a way to implement it, which in turn would allow them to implement this blue overlay fix, no? What gerbil said above makes sense as well, though not sure if it's possible.
  14. Either way, the amount of one-post accounts lately is crazy. Especially to just say they want a model made. I wasn't directly pointing at you, just saying in general, it's been happening a lot, and you happened to be the OP. Not gonna bother with IPs, not that big of a deal.
  15. The amount of brand new 1 post accounts in this thread is silly. If you're creating accounts or telling people to come put in their two cents, that seems a bit desperate to me.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Circa


      Pure realism has been attempted by some games, yeah. There's a point where it just takes away from the fun factor. I'm thinking of survival games where you have to literally find food and water and sleep regularly or else you become sick and die, PLUS trying to progress in the game's story. There are only a few games like that and it's usually a bonus option rather than default.

    3. Circa


      As far as lightsabers go, I think JKA and JK2 are the only games to get it close. Turning on dismemberment helps with that, but that fact that you can take out a stormtrooper with one swing is pretty accurate, and is why I love SP as much as I do. I shouldn't need to spend a good 5 minutes button mashing the attack button to kill one person. :P

    4. Ping


      I was about to say that JK2 had a good explanation for taking long to kill enemies: The sith in the dark armor wear an anti-lightsaber alloy or whatever it was. But then again, reborns fight in robes and take a while, as do all the bosses. Bushido Blade is good, but wouldn't work in a JKA setting. Also, survival games are fantastic (arma), but again, they're more of a simulation than an action game and wouldn't work very well with SW.

  16. I'm all for HQ sounds, but having them any higher than they already are on JKA would be overkill in most cases. If we do anything with sound, it'll be creating new ones, but even then there isn't much point. Almost all the sounds in the game are official Star Wars sounds.
  17. @@mrwonko do you have AshuraDX's Katana Swords Pack? Can't find it on Syko's archive, and the one we have here is corrupted. The file name *should* be ashuras_katanapack.zip if that helps.
  18. You should have a crash log in your OpenJK folder somewhere. In Documents, My Games, OpenJK. I think.
  19. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2224-swtor-revan/
  20. Why not wait for @@Cerez's Ahsoka model and ask permission to use that instead? And why not use the default JKA Kel'Dor head that looks almost exactly like Plo Koon? Either way, yes you are correct.
  21. It's because they use their own skeleton. You could try the protocol droid that was rigged to the human skeleton. It was on jk3files. I have it. Might try contacting the author again to have it hosted here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5hmc5hekcw8mae8/C3PO-Macman.zip?dl=0
  22. Yeah, I figured. I mentioned them, so hopefully they come on soon and still have those versions.
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