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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. One more shot for the night. Added in some cargo containers. I also think I am going to borrow from the TIE Hanger in Battlefront and extend my platform a bit on each side. So, the platform will have some stairs to a lower part and then another set of stairs to the hangar floor. This will follow the path of the walls on each side of the hangar.
  2. Thanks. I love that signature you have. I wish that scene stayed in the movie.
  3. Still having a slower time than I had thought getting used to all this again and I wish I had more "design" progress to show. I CAN say that the level design for the Death Star 2 intro cutscene has been completed. Well, the all the rooms, hallways, ect, have been completed. Details are now going to be added to each of these areas, then the scripting. On the story front, the stuff I don't want you to know, is going well. So that aspect is moving forward a bit better. I can say that this meeting is to be a bit more secret a meeting than some official meeting like in A New Hope w/ Tarkin. I did re texture the hangar once again and changed the lighting and I think its much better now. Those slanted struts that took forever to get the texturing right are now in Basic... lol. However, it doesn't look as loud as it originally did. The floor is some Byss shader shrunk down by about half. This is the view opposite the first image. I added a platform above the door with railings and will have some activity up there. Going to add in cargo containers and some other hangar-ish things.
  4. I had DF2 when it originally came out and was always perplexed why then as well... I'd think a fixed emplacement would be better suited for a landing pad.. oh well.
  5. Ya know, that radiation suit would make a good model for these games. You can make a lab or something and have a better character than the Imperial Technician to stick in there..
  6. So, did anyone catch the season opener last night? I think its getting better and better as the seasons go on. I just don't understand the point of having a walker on a landing pad that's over a cliff. Other than that it was a great start to season 3.
  7. That latest video you posted was great. The lighting and textures create a nice atmosphere and it reminds me of Quake 3 a bit.
  8. Just curious if its possible to replace the e-web with something else. Would it be possible to make a t-21 or dlt-19 blaster that can be mounted to a window pane or short wall or something? Kinda like how a real life machine gun would be mounted. While I like the E-Web its a bit too large and bulky for some of the ideas I have.
  9. ugh.. starting my own Blog...

    1. Bek


      I remember my first blog, good times. What's yours gonna be about?

    2. IrocJeff


      One is going to be for a program I wrote that stores build information for Mountain Bikes. I may turn this into an Android App in the future. A second one is going to be about my new SP project. I also may make a third about my fishing adventures.

    3. Bek
  10. Your not missing out on much. I forced my way through it and while it had its moments, like Hoth, its nowhere near as good as JO or DF 1 or 2.
  11. Sorry for the late reply. Ahem. I'm glad you enjoyed them more than the original JO maps. I did, too. hehe. I really took a lot of inspiration from Black Mesa for some areas. I did not have the skills to make models and textures of Star Wars-ish soda machines and stuff so I just used some artistic license. It was supposed to be a secret originally but I put real world stuff in for the heck of it. I am working on something new but not a sequel. This will also push peoples buttons a bit as well. Don't worry, you'll like it.
  12. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2293-a-plot-is-brewing-in-the-outer-rim/ Download my project. In the APIBITOR.pk3 file is the original map files in .map format that shows how I did the nav goal / combat point so they chase after you. All of my scripts are in that pk3 as well and feel free to use them if you want. You'll be able to see how I did my NPC's which were all scripted and would chase you. I could not get any NPC to follow the traditional waypoint system so i had to script them.
  13. I watched the video you posted and I have a question regarding the starfield. Is that a custom shader or some effect in game?
  14. Looks really great. I love those hallways and the light/color scheme.
  15. Yeah, but you just have to be creative and use what you got. That is part of the fun. I added curved walls on the sides as well as a recessed area on the ceiling there. I also put a monitor on the wall.
  16. Thanks and Thanks.. I'm going to keep the table design but I am going to make the room more curved. I also am going to make the main light in the ceiling. I think I want to keep a more red light scheme in this room. Keep any suggestions coming because I'm only one person here.
  17. Here is an initial design I borrowed a bit from Rebels. Problem is it looks better with windows and stuff so I'm not too sure this will be on the Death Star but maybe a Star Destroyer instead. I can then put in windows.
  18. Changed the floor texture again and decided to put some open blast doors at the end of the hallways. Working on the office room now.
  19. Decided to edit the Kejim Floor texture and remove the border around it. Didn't turn out too bad. The lights in the room are causing the odd shine. Probably something with the shader buts its staying like this.
  20. Well you should play it! Its much better than most maps as the NPC's are all scripted which is one of the highlights of the project. Also, you are more than welcome to lend a hand regarding voices. In fact I'll take pretty much anyone. he he. I DO want someone who can do an upper-class twit-like British officer from WW2 voice. His name will be Fairfax. Outside of that I'm not really too picky. Even better if you can do Stormtrooper voice effects in Aufacity or something. I do plan on using the Imperial Army NPC's so I may need some voices for those guys too. And yeah, that flag wasn't meant to be that large. Its basically a placeholder. Those compiled images aren't 100% finished. I build as I go so I need to see what things look like since I have no plans other than a rough idea in my mind on what is coming next.
  21. Here are some updated in-game shots of this area. I decided against the cargo area on the opposite side and just cut and pasted a hallway in. Just going to add in more people walking. I'm also still trying to get the lighting down especially in the TIE rack area. I might raise the ceiling and put large pipes in up there as well. Not sure. Also, I'm trying to find a black, shiny floor texture that is solid. Is there one anyone knows about? I'm using my ceiling texture as a holdover for now. Here is the opposite view.
  22. Figured I'd post this shot of what I want to do. The highlighted brushes would be one side of the door and it would open outwards.
  23. Sorry I haven't uploaded anything recently. At any rate here are some in-editor images since I'm still working on it. The first image is just a shaft with an elevator. The player walks from the door the elevator.. well, the camera will. This image is going to be near the end of the cutscene. You get off the elevator and walk to the left. In the middle of the room TIe fighters will be moving along a track as you walk by. Behind the TIE fighters there will be a cargo area you'll see before you turn down the hall and enter the office for your meeting with your superior. Decided to cut this down a bit cause I really want to start the outdoor stuff soon.
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