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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Also with Winamp don't forgot about the Shoutcast Radio it comes with. Access to internet radio stations from all over the world.
  2. Open the map files in GTKRadiant. My files are included in the apibitor.pk3 file in the Original_MapFiles folder. There will be many missing textures so you may have to load the textures/Icestationwampa folder to your texture directory if you don't want to see the missing texture texture in Radiant.
  3. Redesigned the barn by making the roof a bit more angular in the middle and then the side addition ate up some open space. Probably going to change the wood texture to something colored but the roof is staying put. The area I'm standing in will be gated shut and the player won't be able to be in here but for now its open.
  4. Finally get to update this with textured terrain. Not much, but , it is a start. The grass texture is going to be changed cause it tiles too much. Looks too distorted when its made larger. The wall texture is from Textures.com. 15 free downloads per day which isn't too bad. This bottom shot is the larger field area which might get cut down a bit. Byond the wall there is raised terrain ( caulked ) which I want to put trees on. So, most of the background here would be trees. The inside the wall area is either going to either be empty and dirt or have some smaller vegetation in it. So, if anyone has any ideas or models or textures or thoughts let me know.
  5. Well, your luck has worked, sir. Thanks.. I really don't know how I got it to work. After updating the compiler it still would not work. So, I re-added the textures again and then caulked everything in the test map and then re-textured it once again. So, now its working. Going to start texturing my terrain in my project and will get images up of that this weekend. Thanks for all the help everybody.
  6. Gave up on his for now. Using what was made for me from jkhub member in 2013 in my jo project. I'm at work and on my phone now but the shader is posted on google drive link. I'm using 1.4 so I'll update the compiler and see if that is it. I've forgotten much of this little stuff since last time.
  7. Alright, I'm freaking lost here. I found a post from summer 15' where I got this to work and can't for the life of me do it this time. Not sure what the heck is going on. I've checked my previous work and nothing is different that I have noticed. I've included all my textures, shaders, shader list, and test map file on my Google Drive. If anyone can take a look at this and see what is wrong I'd greatly appreciate it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_HRn54BTmRDUFNvOVlwY0VkSTQ/view?usp=sharing
  8. Wish he could dumb it down a wee bit more. I'll read through it again later tonight and see if it makes more sense.
  9. just getting ready to post up this one....
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrMdnR5duR4
  11. I have all the shaders someone made for me a few years back both for the textures itself (dirt/rock) and the blending shaders. I'm going to reuse those to start texturing my new terrain, but, with different textures. Do the blended textures have to be in .TGA format? Also, here is the shader for one blend and for one of the alpha thingy's. The alpha's range from 0,25,50,75,100. Is there anything that should be added to this to or to make it better or is this basically it for terrain blending shaders? { qer_editorimage textures/icestationwampa/darkrock_dirt_blend.jpg q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeAngle 75 { // Primary map textures/icestationwampa/dirt.tga rgbGen identity } { // Secondary map textures/icestationwampa/darkrock.tga blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen vertex rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO rgbGen identity } } textures/icestationwampa/alpha_0{qer_editorimage textures/icestationwampa/alpha_0.tgaq3map_alphaMod volumeq3map_alphaMod set 0.0surfaceparm nodrawsurfaceparm nonsolidsurfaceparm transqer_trans 0.7}
  12. Here is a shot of the level from the view of where the manor house will be. Outside the of the yard around the house and some land around the barn this is pretty much done for playable outdoor area. The manor house is going to look similar to this. The first and last image of this place (in the link) are what I'm using for reference for the house and the road towards it. http://www.dordognerental.com/rental-properties/manorhouses/near-bergerac/le-bourdil-blanc.html Now I am going to have to get the blended textures created for the grass/dirt and dirt/rock and whatever else.
  13. If you need some real world examples of how stuff works.. doors, elevators, trains, scripts, triggers, then feel free to download my project https://jkhub.org/files/file/2293-a-plot-is-brewing-in-the-outer-rim/ All 6 .map files are in there and might help you out some.
  14. Here is a bit more terrain added in. Behind the barn in the field will be a vineyard. Blame it on the TNG episode I saw Saturday where Picard visits the family vineyard on Earth The raised area behind the wall in hte middle of the image will be trees. The road will make a left turn and work its way up to a manor house. There will be a path the player has to take and ways will be blocked and stuff but you get the idea. This map will take place at night time as well. I'm making the playable part first. and then going to go back and build the non-playable parts. 1400 brushes total so far which I'm pretty happy with.
  15. An imageless update, but things are going well. Starting to work on the road from the barn to the manor house. The field will now be a vineyard. Decided this would work well with a manor house. I raised the barn about 40 units higher than the road, so the path from the barn to the road kinda angles downward and gives the road a lower look even though its flat, but bumpy. Until i get blended textures made its going to be rather difficult to show how its supposed to look but i may post an image later on tonight.
  16. No, I just have the "Start_On" box checked as this is to be run constantly. Only thing I could think of is to start over and build it all again. I don't remember what tutorial I used when I made mine. Even though this seems to be for a platform, its basically the same concept. See if this tutorial helps you out any. You're probably doing something really small wrong that is messing it up. http://z14.invisionfree.com/LK_Studios/ar/t15.htm
  17. I apologize for that. I cut most of the brushes out and re posted the map file again. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_HRn54BTmRDNFVrY05WTU4wb1k?usp=sharing
  18. a repulsor lift tank maybe, not a sherman! Its slow going creation wise but the terrain is really smooth. I'm working on more of it now and just going section by section.
  19. This is someone's conception of the creature in HP Lovecraft's "The Dunwich Horror".
  20. I've redone this section a few times and now I'm pretty happy with the design. I made terrain brushes in 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, and 512x512 which allows me to pretty much do what I want wherever I want. This is all about 500 brushes in the image below, including the barn and wall which is 10x smaller in brush count than the images i posted last time. And, its larger. Behind the barn is made from terrain brushes as is the furthest left section as you can see. The non-joined brush there is a 512x512 in the bottom left. A stone wall will go around this field and it moves up and down with the elevation of the brushes as well. I've also been messing around with making trees from brushes and they aren't too shabby for distance stuff. I'm trying to see if I can use the same technique to make shrubbery to use as a border like in the Call of Duty Games. From here there will be a road to a larger chateu or manor house then to the trenches. So, that is how I'm going to tie all this together.
  21. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_HRn54BTmRDc2ZNTEtQc2g3NW8/view?usp=sharing Here is the .map file of the sixth map in my project. There is an area like a warehouse near the start of the map that has a conveyor belt and has the func_train setup that works. When you open the .map file it will be on the left side of Radiant. Take a look at it and see if you are doing anything different.
  22. Are you going to use this in a cutscene perhaps ?
  23. I planned on making a small canal off to the side of this location and maybe having a pipe come from the canal to a pump in a shed at the back of the field. Then, running some pipe into the flooded field. I'm probably going to follow that tutorial here regarding the clear water shader in the tutorial section. I'll keep posting new images with new textures as I find them as the building continue. Also, it is going to rain. This is a rainy, overcast planet so weather will come in to effect in all the maps outside. Worse comes to worse I can do snow but I'd rather rain and green stuff.
  24. I need trees, plants, bushes, ect... that's the most important.
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