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Everything posted by Kahzmat

  1. Quite funny x) ! Pray lord Circa !
  2. Well, my words are not strong enough for this file. Nice work!
  3. From France, a little city on the west, Rochefort. No americans from Boston here? We have L'Hermione, Lafayette's frigate! https://www.google.fr/maps/place/Rochefort/@44.8789291,-3.026061,6z/data=
  4. Now, we need to make a JKA mod during the Episode 7. With Kylo Ren instead of Rosh x) !
  5. I'm gonna watch it tomorrow... This would give me ideas!
  6. Well, that's an amazing start! Keep going ^^ ! We need the other protagonists!
  7. Can't wait to discover the next ones ^^ !
  8. Version 1.0


    Fencing lightsaber without Guard by Kahzmat This is the same model as my other fencing lightsaber but without the guard. It was Baal's request. It's a simple removal of the guard so you can have a standard hilt. -Installation- Put the .pk3 file in your "base" folder. By default : C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base -License- You can share and modify this file freely if you me in the readme for example. Still renaming the folders to prevent compatibility issues
  9. Wow, really impressive! I really like this skin! That's an amazing texture job! 5/5
  10. I'll try to make an armature to the bones but, what are the wrong and good way to unwrap ? I'm modeling on Blender 2.75 and I can link the model.
  11. Hello everyone, I'm a JKA modder and currently I'm working on a usable shuttle. To make it, I followed mrwonko's tutorials but at the export phase I got some errors : Without splitting edges : "Cannot load surface *Object* (LOD 0) from Blender: UV Seam found! Split meshes at UV seams." And after splitting edges : "Could not load surface *Object* (LOD 0) from Blender: Vertex without UV coordinates found." or "Could not load surface *Object* (LOD 0) from Blender: Could not load a vertex: Could not retrieve bone weights : *Object* has no armature modifier! I tried few things like adding an armature modifier, retexturing parts, splitting etc... Now I'm stuck, does anyone here know what to do ?
  12. I don't know but for me, It seems normal...
  13. Version 1.0


    Fendryss - Savage Warrior by Kahzmat Title : Fendryss, Savage Warrior Author : Kahzmat Date Released : October 07, 2015 Model : Jedi Zabrak (Raven) Textures : Jedi Zora for base (Me0is0Jade) Sounds : Should be Tavion Bot Support : No NPC Support : No Team Skins : No SP Support : No New Sounds : No This is a reskin of the zabrak model, based on a predator style and with parts of Me0is0Jade's nice textures. RP : Freelance Force user who acts to survive. "There is neither love nor hate in a wild heart ..." - Kahzmat to The Grey, about his encounter with Fendryss. _____________________________________________ -Installation- Put the .pk3 file in your "base" folder. By default : C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base -License- You can share and modify this file freely if you mention the authors in the readme for example. Still renaming the folders to prevent compatibility issues -Credits- Raven's models and textures. Original skins : Me0is0Jade
  14. Version 1.0


    This is my first Hilt model. I hope you like it! RP: This lightsaber has been built by Kahzmat during the clone wars, the guard is made with a rare metal, the cortosis which prevent hands to get cut. This is the first Lightsaber to have a guard. The second one is handeld by a certain Kylo Ren... - Fencing lightsaber by Kahzmat -Installation- Put the .pk3 file in your "base" folder. By default : C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base -License- You can share and modify this file freely if you mention me in the readme for example. Still renaming the folders to prevent compatibility issues Big Thanks to mrwonko for his tutorials ! (In the Hilt menu, don't look at the name, it's a bug, the real name is Kahzmat)
  15. This remodel looks quite badass ! It seems just a bit messy between the jacket and the shirt, I think it may be interesting to add some little shadows. Anyway this is an amazing job!
  16. Salut, bah écoutes, ça provient de la texture de base, je n'ai pas touché à cela pensant que ça allait dans le style un peu rebelle. Mais oui, ça peut paraître too much, je le conçois, je suis aussi le premier à râler sur ce genre de détails #MGS5 ...
  17. This looks amazing *o* ! It would be interesting to save the background track, music/effects, and then we could make some versions with other languages!
  18. I want to specify something about our map. We have somes "signs" in the map and some vocal announces (by the ship's AI). It will be for the basic .pk3, entirely in French, textures, announces, warnings... BUT, I will make a patch which will replace, textures and sound by their english version. A kind of patch. And, later, with more work, I'll try to translate it in Spanish, German and Russian. Like : AulumT5.pk3 AulumT5-EnglishPatch.pk3 AulumT5-SpanishPatch.pk3 etc... SO, don't worry if you see some text that you are unable to read on the screenshots .
  19. Last update of the training ground, need some small fixes and refinements but ready to be implemented. https://goo.gl/photos/DS58T6rHikSgDD7Z7 This is a kind of an obstacle course. There is 3 options... (Do not worry, I'll indicate them with a tex.) 1 - Stormtroopers 2 - Rebels 3 - Turret You can accumulate these options. 7 combinations. When you activate the turret, a forcefield will obstruct the elevator, preventing you from running away. As long as the turret is alive, you would not be able to flee. You will be able to train yourself into moving accuracy, grenade throwing, sense of balance, dodging etc... Then, there is a reinitialisation button which will reboot every targets.
  20. No, there is no collision problems. I will retry but I remember that we hadn't this problem. If there is, do not worry, we'll clip a floor. ____________________________________________ Then, the next part that I'm working on is the little training ground, with targets. Some screens of the beginning in -meta. https://goo.gl/photos/Z3UWLsswM3w8h2A9A
  21. My last BSP, "hinting" the ship. Now without the bugs I had before, there are more and better screens : https://goo.gl/photos/hBDu2eEu1Jux23258
  22. There are slightly different architectures for prison, "senate", training area, lab etc...
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