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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. Well my mobile has gotten pretty slow and I'm looking for a clean up app that will hopefully remove unnecessary files left from old apps I dont use anymore

    sort of like Tune up utillities , but for my mobile


    does anybody know of an app like this ? or something that might do the job ? Thanks in Advance

  2. @@Circa

    yuck , that's a fugly issue , and it certainly wouldn't take a lot of time to fix , if you didn't have to reweight the model

    but I don't think it's worth fixing , I'd rather build a new model but as you know I allready have a ton of unfinished models and lack the time to

    finish them I'm happy when I can invest a few hours of work into one of my models in a week which does not only depend on my freetime but also my concentration

    Tempust85 likes this
  3. I like it, one of the closest so far, i don't know if that'll help but here's what i'd tweak:


    -The eyesockets / eyes could be sunked in more, but dont' touch the brow.

    -Bring back the bridge of the nose too.

    -The bottom of the jawline is too "circular"  (just straighten the bottom part and keep the angle of the vertical plane pretty much the same because you don't want to have a 90 degree angle either)

    -Neck in sideview is too thick, just push it towards the front a little (mostly where it meets the cranium *i think*)

    -The tip of the nose should be straight.

    -More volume on bottom of chin.

    -Tweak the shape of the earhole texture...it's missing a small opening near the lobe and makes my spidey sense totally tingle!

    -The skin tone is very flat and washed out, that's the drawback of relying too much on AO.

    Here's some theory to hand painting skin tones (unfortunately it's not that easy and takes practice)






    AH Thanks a lot @@Psyk0Sith !

    I've seen that tutorial ages ago when I started modding for JKA

    and I couldn't find it when I started painting head textures , you dont know how long I've been looking for that :o

  4. The smudge too does alright but I dont like how low res it leaves the texture more often then not. I generally try to avoid doing skins where I will have to mess with hair (aside from recolors etc) but if I could find a PS CS3 brush that could help, I may take on different varieties of skins.

    well I used a specific brush in cs 6 , which might have been in cs 3 aswell


    The brush I use kind of simulates a real brush , you get to set the amount of bristles , their length and stiffness and even a cut off angle

    I'll screenshot my brush settings for you but I cant guarantee that you got this brush





    I could try to write a tutorial on painting hair like this , but as I jsut found out about this by experimenting and playing around with various brushes I odnt know wether I should really write a tutorial on that


    Edit : I altered the brush shape from angled to bend/rounded , and made this in about 5 minutes



    just a tiny sample , @@AngelModder I'd suggest using a tablet if you have one , I think it wont work that well with a mouse

  5. Will you make me one of these?




    dafuq is that O.o looks japanese and creepy

    I guess I could make you something like that sometime


    well I really dont know whats wrong with my starkiller head

    the subdivided model was pretty close but after texturing the lowpoly I ust didn't see starkiller in there anymore so who knows where I fucked up


    also , here's my texture map


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