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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. I'll see what i can find but there's not that many around unfortunately. Having good reference is also a tremendous help.

    I'm basing the folds off of Manny's sculpt (the original one that was made for the game)


    and while I think I got the shape right I cant seem to find out how to really make them look good , they look okay to me but I think I could get a better result


    I just don't know how - yet

  2. I think in general the head is too tall compared to how wide it is, kinda looks more like Sheldon Cooper than Starkiller right now I'd say. ( well not quite but you get what I mean :) )


    to me the head appeared to wide and not tall enough so I overlayed a picture of the original sculpt they used for TFU over my model in mudbox and used that as quide to alter my model (after matching the perspective as close as possible)

    so I think that's not what's off

    lLkDyyT.png  altered the chin

    therfiles and ChalklYne like this
  3. lemme show you how I get my glow effects done :

    I'm worknig in photoshop so it mgiht not be the exact same in gimp but here you go anyway :


    1.start with a black Canvas


    2.draw the shape you want to glow on a new layer with "sharpish" edges , I simply drew a rectangle and added a simple blur to soften the edges a little as I didnt like the hard 1 pixel edges , but if you're painting them on with ma brush you'll get that kind of AA anyway (layer 1)

    W6sqBHJ.png Canvas + Layer 1

    3.duplicate that layer , gaussian blur it by a small amount and push the brightness up by increasing it via image/adjustments/brightness &contrast . Then set the layerblendmode to negative multiply/screen (layer 2)

    HWNYe5T.png Canvas + Layer 2

    4.duplicate layer 1 another time , move it on top of the layerstack and gaussian blur it by a larger amount. Then set the blendmode to screen/negative multiply again (layer 3)

    zop7RH1.png Canvas+Layer 3

    5. Enjoy your finished glowmap , this is my final result , it keeps definition of whats actually glowing instead os just placing a large blob of color above things and I think it works best for small lights and screens

    RsnT4EQ.png Canvas + Layer 1,2&3


    Edit : you can also experiment with different colors in the layers or use more layers to get a thicker glow effect , but this is the most basic example I could come up with . Just play around with this and see what you can come up with ;) dont limit yourself on 3 layers

    a0V75V0.png quick 5 layer lightsaber blade type effect

    Circa, Jeff, Omicron and 2 others like this
  4. @@eezstreet You got a valid point about the sound files , I have to agree there

    I used ported or better recorded(record gameplay via fraps->convert2mp3->split the recording in appropiate clips, which is about the same as just taking the soundfiles straight from the game) sounds aswell for 2 of my models


    I'll get a discussion on this started with the other staff members

  5. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1640-new-vegas-ncr-veteran-armor/






    There are possibly others as well, but those were the main ones that came to mind. I don't have much against ports, but you probably do, as they can lead to legal issues and such. :/


    allright :o

    I didn't know we hosted the predator model here


    where are those models from if they are not from a game (Savage and Maul) ?


    I cant believe someone let that grievous pass O.o

    about that fallout model... I thought this was a model from a mod for fallout ? It's not ?

  6. But yet, we do have ports on the site...

    Might be , but whoever approved that file must have missed that it's a ported model and it can be hard to tell

    got any examples ? I havn't seen ported models here yet



    @@Circa , well I pretty much learned english from watching other people write on sites like this , Youtube Clips and videogames so my grammar is most likely flawed sometimes

    still better than what most students pick up at school here

  7. But yet, we do have ports on the site...

    Might be , but whoever approved that file must have missed that it's a ported model and it can be hard to tell

    got any examples ? I havn't seen ported models here yet



    @@Circa , well I pretty much learned english from watching other people write on sites like this , Youtube Clips and videogames so my grammar is most likely flawed sometimes

    still better than what most students pick up at school here

    Evulant and Circa like this
  8. @@Laisum

    I see, let's see if you can pick up a bit of english here ;)


    probably you could try to re-express your answer to my first point

    "Probably it is required to someone also such."


    I dont really get what you want to say, what is your mother language?


    Omicron likes this
  9. @@Laisum 3 things :

    1.we dont accept ported material on this site

    2.adding detail to such a low poly model can be as much work as creating a new model

    3. not related to this model but : Are you using google translate or a similiar service to compose your messages here ?

        If not you might want to consider improoving your english

    Tempust85 likes this
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