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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. @@AshuraDX: Sorry man but I could never get the .ase exporter to work. Here's the .map file if someone can convert it:




    Also, as much as I love what you've done, is there a way to offset the layers to make it more realistic? Like have layer 1, then layer 2 will be shifted a bit up and to the right, and layer three will have the texture mirrored, and so on? And lastly I'm a bit confused. Are you making a model of the hedges or a shader? I understand the other foliage like flowers was going to be modeled, but I was hoping for just a shader for the hedges to that I could just apply it to the brushwork I've already done. It would be a massive pain to try and redo it all.



    allright i'll try to catch szico onlnie for the conversion


    okay now a few things :

    the hedge model was an exmapel what I'd like you to do with your hedges , using different offsets for each texture layer shouldnt be a problem with gtk's texturing tool


    the flowers wont be modeled , I was thinknig of using a sprite based "grass" shader with a flower image so isntead of a grass halms you get flowers on all brushe using the shader

  2. @@Botdra will model ASAP , could you pass me that brush archway as ASE ? for scaling reference

    I'm currently working up an example for your hedges


    so here check this out :

    my hedge persists of 3 outer , alpha mapped shells a core hedge brush and a base

    the very out shell doesn't touch the base of the hedge


    I'M still waiting for my bud to pass me the photo's


    ChalklYne likes this
  3. @@Botdra I just sent a friend of mine who allways carries his cam with him to take some good shots of a few hedge

    but I dont know how long it will take till I get his pics as it depends on when he comes across a good looking hedge the next time

    he's out of town so I sadly cant borrow his cam and take those shots myself


    you'll get some decent hedges ;)

    ChalklYne likes this
  4. That's exactly what I will do, but as I said I'll need someone's assistance with that, as even after spending a while with shaders for skins etc. I still have a lot of trouble with them and usually have to copy and adjust other people's shaders.


    ah allright , guess I could do that for ya but i'll have to refresh my knowdledge about making shaders for maps

  5. I have an idea for your hedges , but you'd need to duplicate them and shrink them down a little so you get 2 layers

    the outer hull will recieve an alpha mapped version of your hedge texture

    the inner brushes will be textured with a slgihtly darkened fully opague version of the texture


    the slgiht offest between both surfaces will create the illusion of depth

  6. the ingame hilt models are the same as shown in the menu


    I jsut checked a default hilt :


    Verts : 249

    Tris : 234


    but heck I made some higher detail hilts , and soem jsut crappily mdoeled hilts with high vertcounts but I'd say 1.5 k verts si the absolute max for a hilt

    the ingame hilt models are the same as shown in the menu


    I jsut checked a default hilt :


    Verts : 249

    Tris : 234


    but heck I made some higher detail hilts , and soem jsut crappily mdoeled hilts with high vertcounts but I'd say 1.5 k verts is the absolute max you should aim for when making a hilt

  7. Not too bad!  What's it for exactly?



    Just for the sheer will of his creativity :D

    not just that :

    a. had been thinking about modeling him for a while as he used to be one of the most requested characters and there wasn't a decent model of him and I allready attempted to model his head ages ago (but failed)

    b.Chalks numerous attempts made it look like a challenge to get his head right , which it was and I'm still not happy with the textures

    c. and it's ofc going to end up in JA



    I really dislike the straps. And as for the torn peices of cloth... dont do it like that... do it like this...










    exactly like it looks. Paint the rips exactly like this. 

    For the straps, make each one independent man. Wont cost u but maybe 100 tris and the entire model would look so much better. Then overlay maybe a stretched satin texture (easily created in photoshop) to get that clothy look to it. with this guy, if u spend so much time on the face, better spend so much time on everything or itll look like a decent head transposed onto a jka body. you're scared to use a few more tris huh? its yer model bro

    1. I'm NOT done with the torn cloth pieces it was jsut getting late AGAIN (again) and I figured I'd just take a few renders and go to bed afterwards

    2. modeling those straps will take more than quite a few hundreds of verts , as I'll need to have 8-10 sides for each one to get them to look halfway decent and I'm allready at 4890 verts/6193 tris so I'm kinda in the red-zone allready

    ChalklYne likes this
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