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Everything posted by ent

  1. Please, leave your feedback.
  2. Version 2.0 with official Mon Mothma annoucer (thanks to @eezstreet). What do you think?
  3. Hardcoded, it does not use .shader files. As an alternative, you can type in the console cg_draw, click [TAB] key and see all the cvars that you can toggle with 0 value to hide most on-screen elements. P.S.: jaMME and OpenJK fix very opaque underwater video effect, btw.
  4. Hello there. There is a guide of basics of jaMME in Russian by lele:
  5. , come #movie_battles irc and ask someone for MBII v1.00 mme binaries. New incoming v1.01 will have mme already built-in. There also was a post on MBII forum with jaMME binaries for MBII.
  6. ent

    Recording in SP

    Just a quick answer which I think you already know, It's not possible to record a demo in SP then play it back in jaMME. ent
  7. Expedition by Acrobat. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1422-expedition/ It has several "mountains" that you should concuer. Although my fav is v1.03 but this one is cool too.
  8. Now put the red grid on player, lock and recapture.
  9. And set the needed Focus and Radius values with SPACE and W and mouse moving (or just modified the demo HUD) which showed some ceratin values in the demo HUD? Also try to set mme_depthFocus to 1 then.
  10. @Boothand, DOF is ok, just set the most minimal (0) for mme_depthFocus. Or if it doesn't help, then try to lock scriptable DOF because iirc when chase mode is set then it does autofocus on current player, but it's not when the POV is on. Sounds weird I guess x]. But give it a try. Do not forget to set custom Radius and Focus values, just do not create the keypoints.
  11. Show the result? As I got you use "realistic" new DOF then there are only two cvars you need: mme_depthFocus and mme_dofFrames. Try to follow step-by-step the second way for capturing DOF in my tut. Ontop: told ya ppl to use speed over timescale so many times.
  12. Send me your demo, please. What about other demos?
  13. If you want to change point of view to another clients then switch view mode to Chase and with holding SPACE click Q or E. But you cannot see other players' HP unless they are your teammates, and you can see their HP from team overlay. If I understood you wrong then tell what you meant exactly because your question(?) looks weird.
  14. Add weekly tournaments, please, at least for the small CTF community it'd be nice (too small to take a part in the legue). Once on week, I'd say on weekends, people could gather and play double elimintion tournaments. At least it could be a part of this competative project.
  15. You have to put sounds in the same directories as files placed in assets0.pk3 which is in base folder. And there is no songs directory. So if you tried to replace default ones then it has to go to some of existing ones, for example: /music/mp/duel.mp3 in MP3 format with the settings from the link above which I posted. Do not forget that names have to be same as the existing files have. If you tried music or play console commands then you have to write the full path to files, for example: /music music/songs/name.mp3 or /play music/songs/name.wav (WAV only, I think) (also try without music folder). WAV format will probably work too, I don't remember the default sound code well.
  16. @Angel Soul, if I could get an access to its source code then probably.
  17. http://jkhub.org/topic/3170-custom-sounds-in-jo/
  18. Hi. Did you try this: http://jkhub.org/topic/4276-important-solution-to-fix-msvcp120dll-is-missing-when-starting-jamme-poll/ ?
  19. They are not odd to ask. I wanted to be sure that you actually loaded the mod, and you have rights to write files. According to your answers, everything should work. Do you have mmedemos.cfg in your mme folder? There are all the binds. If, as you say, they are not working, try to load the config directly with /exec mmedemos.cfg. Also be sure you followed the tutorials correctly. Maybe you were trying to control camera when actually did not switch to camera at all? There has to be shown View: Camera nd Edit: Camera in the demo HUD which is put on the left side.
  20. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/166-character-modeling-for-jk-in-3ds-max-walkthrough/ http://jkhub.org/files/file/1877-horseton-legged/
  21. this And if it's still hard to answer to the 2nd question: Do you have anything in mme/mmedemos folder? (after playing any demo)
  22. Visual guide... wth... Before saying you what to do, I need to be sure that everything works as it suppoeses to work. @Bacon, answer my questions, please.
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