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Everything posted by ent

  1. Do not use the checkbox. Just right click - Start with admin rights.
  2. ent


    Can't wait to watch it! Teasing me over a year. x]
  3. You could set sv_master[x] since 1999. Try sv_master2 set to master.jkhub.org. Or try "seta" command. Idk if it helps. Use JAMP either way. Or connect directly by IP using "connect" command (optionally "password" command afterward). @MaceMadunusus posted the serverlist above.
  4. ent


    Wished opening demos FROM ANY PLACE since 2003? Now that innovative option comes 12 years later! jaMME registers "dm_26" and "dm_25" files for itself. Look at that option to open with jaMME on top and file type description on bottom.
  5. What about other players? Show me your jampconfig.cfg from mme folder.
  6. The output AVI file will be played normally. It's fine if you are seeing everything slow while capturing. Using over 60 FPS for video is not recommended, I would say.
  7. /mme_demoAutoQuit 1 - to quit at the end of demo playback (2 - quit the game) /mme_saveWav 2 - to have the audio inside AVI (1 - separated WAV file) /capture avi fps name - replace fps with desired fps and name with the output file name Optional: /mme_aviFormat 1 - to use jpeg compression in AVI to save size of the video Try demolist feature: http://jkhub.org/topic/2710-5-how-to-do-demolist-capturing/ Or try http://www.igmdb.org/?page=render
  8. So what can you state for now? How demos length relates to playability? Still waiting what @redsaurus will say.
  9. Mine is clickable, @Xycaleth.
  10. Probably chmod +x jaMME.x86_64.app/Contents/MacOS/jaMME.x86_64 did the trick. You don't need to do cd ~/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.jediacademy.appstore/Data/Library/Application\ Support/Jedi\ Academy/ if you are already in mbpdeguillaume:Jedi Academy. If I am right about the trick then try to add chmod +x jaMME.x86_64.app/Contents/MacOS/jaMME.x86_64 as a new line inside start_jaMME.sh before open command. And then do what @Xycaleth said: ./start_jaMME.sh being inside mbpdeguillaume:Jedi Academy.
  11. And what happens after those commands?
  12. Just do this cd path/to/GameData. Then being in the game folder type open jaMME.x86_64.app --args "+set fs_game mme +set fs_extraGames \"japlus japp\"" or just open jaMME.x86_64.app --args "+set fs_game mme. So intead of starting any script just do that directly. If it fails then try without open and --args commands. Also try to add +x to jaMME.x86_64.app.
  13. Did it show the new path that you moved to in the terminal? It supposes to show user~: /path/to/GameData>_ or similar. According to this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8409946/how-do-i-make-this-file-sh-executable-via-double-click try to rename start_jaMME.sh to start_jaMME.command. If fails then try to add the executable permission +x as showed in the same link.
  14. Do not create anything, just extract all the files from the downloaded .zip file to GameData. Then hit start_jaMME.sh. It should work as a starting script file. If it gets opened as a text file for some reason try to use terminal. Just type cd /path/to/GameData and when you get there type start_jaMME.sh and it should start the script. Replace /path/to/GameData to the actual path ofc. If you dunno what terminal is then google: mac terminal basics.
  15. You don't need those files. You suppose to start the application with start_jaMME.sh. Are your files in GameData folder, right?
  16. If anyone had missing effects such as saber blade when connected to servers on Android version then redownload the file.
  17. Make a new shader file like skysaberer.shader. Fill it with gfx/effects/whiteglow { { map *white blendfunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE rgbgen const ( 0 0 0 ) alphaGen vertex } } Put skysaberer.shader file into the shaders folder, put the shaders folder into pk3, put pk3 into base. Name the pk3 file either zzzzzzz or aaaaaaa. I bet the last one will work since shaders files don't get overrided iirc. If it doesn't work then try to replace *white with any transparent image. But the image has to be in that pk3 too.
  18. Just override it with your custom shader that uses transparent image.
  19. Those, who tried Mac or Android versions, tell me, do they run fine?
  20. key words: s - snapshot with unique server time and bunch of events that we seek for t - time that we count to move demo forward a bit regular playback s--s--s---s-s-s--s--s---s ttttttttttttttttttttttttt all snapshots/events catched find command playback s--s--s---s-s-s--s--s---s t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t all snapshots/events catched higher speed playback s--s--s---s-s-s--s--s---s t--t--t--t--t--t--t--t--t | 1 missed snapshot/event even more higher speed playback s--s--s---s-s-s--s--s---s t---t---t---t---t---t---t | | 2 missed snapshots/events You risk to miss some events. Especially it affects demos that recorded on servers with big value of sv_fps. But do whatever you want, I personally won't release something like this. That map above is not very precise but it's enough to explain what I mean.
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