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Atlantis and other projects + Playable Alpha

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 You gotta show me pics of this dude, that sounds awesome!

Yea... that was more than 15 years ago. We had real cameras and hardly any cell phones. Finding old photos would be difficult. I can ask the film guys when they come around filming again.


I think Raven did the best job they could within the time constraints and budgets they had. Most game companies make much better environments now. Your work is great and very detailed. That's what makes art great, it's all in the details.


I think Raven did the best job they could within the time constraints and budgets they had. Most game companies make much better environments now. Your work is great and very detailed. That's what makes art great, it's all in the details.

Is Raven still around and part of Activision?


Is Raven still around and part of Activision?


Yeah sadly they are relegated to doing dlc for call of duty. Then again most of the old employees have probably left/moved onto other companies


On topic: @@Sting Really liking the maps :) all the extra polish and details you're doing really pushes what the engine can do.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

Some small minor details. Updated the stairs model, new wall texture and some other changes. Not in the screenshot is the new doors. 




Got some placeholder textures going while I tweek the lighting on my Massassi Temple. Next I'll add new skybox and some godrays and attempt to blend the two. 



Langerd, Lazarus, Merek and 4 others like this

Completely redid the stair well again to get it much more accurate to the set, might as well go all in since the people on Reddit want a Steam VR Home port of this. 




While this map is going to be heavily designed for role players or programs such as Steam VR Home, I still want to make it friendly for FPS players so I started on the corridors surrounding the gate room, I created a door way in this wall to promote circular flow by minimizing dead ends. In any FPS game or with the dueling mechanic in Jedi Academy, you always want to have constant momentum. The only dead ends around the gate room will be the transporter booths which will teleport you to areas of the city beyond the gate room (IE: the lower piers.)








The new doors are also visible. No more low resolution place holder texture. :) Some are also .ASE models, the ones on extreme angles anyway. Also fully shadered. 




I will be releasing the .map file in the final release of this to promote ports to Elite Force and other QIII games, or HL2 or Steam VR since you can easily port to those through using Quake Army Knife. Luckily this map draws practically nothing from Jedi Academy's assets, just the gradient shaders /system and /colors

Merek, GPChannel, Balt and 1 other like this

Hello Stargate, still a WIP. It's a heavily modified version of Wade's gate, still working on aligning the glyphs within the recess of the gate.




Finally made an ASE model for the conference room doors to replace the 2D texture. I'm eventually going to redo the shape of the whole room to keep up with the new models alongside a new table



GPChannel, Balt, Merek and 1 other like this

Been overhauling the textures, the side stairs got a complete makeover alongside control room windows + the light panels on the grand doorway.



Daniel and SomaZ like this

Okay so this isn't Atlantis, I always wanted to make custom ships for Star Wars Galaxies JTL (and with all of the emulators now, especially SWG Legends and Bloodfin it's completely possible now) And since there is already an existing Lambda Shuttle model in the game, I thought I would make a POB interior for it which it lacks and hopefully somewhat smarter than me can get it into the game. I built it in radiant and ported it over to MAYA. :) I'm nearly finished, I just need to texture the cockpit. If this goes successfully I will make more ships. 


And I guess it can also be in a JKA map since I built and textured it in radiant originally.







Jeff and Noodle like this

THAT IS FANTASTIC! Oh, it's been years waiting for a good lambda interior! There's sort of one in an old SJC map, but the ramp is locked down, so you can't really use part of it, and the front was so cramped... This is far more accurate. I really hope it does make it in game!


Okay so this isn't Atlantis, I always wanted to make custom ships for Star Wars Galaxies JTL (and with all of the emulators now, especially SWG Legends and Bloodfin it's completely possible now) And since there is already an existing Lambda Shuttle model in the game, I thought I would make a POB interior for it which it lacks and hopefully somewhat smarter than me can get it into the game. I built it in radiant and ported it over to MAYA. :) I'm nearly finished, I just need to texture the cockpit. If this goes successfully I will make more ships. 


And I guess it can also be in a JKA map since I built and textured it in radiant originally.


As a map resource this can be very useful! I've been meaning to create ship interiors for my SP project for a long time. 


Wow ! This is the best/most accurate Atlantis map I've ever seen ! Do you create content for other games, such as Garry's Mod, CSS or CS:GO ?


As a map resource this can be very useful! I've been meaning to create ship interiors for my SP project for a long time. 


I will release it as a PREFAB in that case. :)


Wow ! This is the best/most accurate Atlantis map I've ever seen ! Do you create content for other games, such as Garry's Mod, CSS or CS:GO ?


I do not know Hammer but I would totally love for someone to port this over to those games! 

Noodle and LeDocteur like this

Where can I find the door sound of the alpha as an .mp3 or .wav ?


-Nevermind, found it

The sounds are just placeholders atm. I want to eventually extract sounds from episodes of the show and implement them. Sound design is going to be the last finishing touch.


The sounds are just placeholders atm. I want to eventually extract sounds from episodes of the show and implement them. Sound design is going to be the last finishing touch.

There are quite a few sounds in the addon "Carter Addon Pack" for Gmod if you want 


There are quite a few sounds in the addon "Carter Addon Pack" for Gmod if you want 


I'm still tyring to figure out how to import custom .wavs into JKA, needs to be a certain file type. There is a few ocean and wind sounds I want to use ontop of Atlantean sounds.


I'm also trying to figure out what to do for music.  Since there will be a daytime/sunset version and a night time version, the music and ambiance will be diff depending on the setting. For those who have music turned down I want the ambience noise to be immersive. (IE: The sound of the ocean, the sound of the wind howling outside in certain corridors) Since this map is going to be made for Roleplayers and since I want to do a steam VR home port of this, I want to go all in.             


For the night time version which I'm making first  I want to have a sleepy but majestic feel (as if you could sleep here for 10,000 years. I was thinking something along the lines of these mixed down with some  random music from the show. It won't be show's theme on repeat over and over and over again, I can assure you. 



Mixed slightly with the chorus of this. I know nothing about mixing, I will prob try to find someone who can do this for me. 



Started on the atrium areas which will contain most of the quarters, cafeteria, hologram room, labs, etc. Been slow as I have been texture crafting.












I have been making alot of season 5 set pieces too since most of the structural work on the Gateroom area is done is done and I can focus on furniture and props. Like these light fixtures. 



Smoo, Daniel, Merek and 1 other like this

Happy Holidays all.


Some Minor lighting tweaks for Atlantis with the balcony now finished.






So for my other city map, I have decided to revive one of my first maps and incorporate it into the design, Its a very early WIP, an old elegant European style old city mixed and blended with a more technologically advanced city. All of the textures and lighting are placeholders. Oh, this map also features underground catacombs, sewers, and dungeons under the old section of the city. I plan to make a part of this underground Lux (Fox's Lucifer) style club. I want to make this a very colorful map with tons of variety. This yet to be named city (open to suggestions) will be my test bed and playground for going crazy with shaders and concepts, some of which inspired out of films. 








That city map... wouldn't take a lot of work to turn into Canto Bight, lol. It was an elegant european style with some futuristic archways added on! haha, but don't compromise your map for a passing reference. You do you!


I am a doctor, not an Stargate Atlantis character....


@@Sting Do you have by any chance a palmtree model laying arround?



There is one in the Yavin directory.


If not, there are I believe there is two in Szico VII's map model pack


That city map... wouldn't take a lot of work to turn into Canto Bight, lol. It was an elegant european style with some futuristic archways added on! haha, but don't compromise your map for a passing reference. You do you!


Don't even get me started on Canto Bight lol. I said "WOW!" In theaters when they showed the exterior of the city, the beautiful buildings, the waterfalls, I was blown away, but then when they cut to that Casino inside I was taken back in complete revulsion. It was one of the things that I honestly hated about the Last Jedi. 

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