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Bad Star Wars Games?

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I'm Curious, what do you think are truly bad Star Wars games? I think Kinect Star Wars is pretty bad, mostly due to the Han Solo song it had.


I'm Curious, what do you think are truly bad Star Wars games? I think Kinect Star Wars is pretty bad, mostly due to the Han Solo song it had.


Kinect was bad, the entire game in my opinion. I was never a fan of the force unleashed games, just didn't enjoy them at all. The rest I had a lot of fun with. I pretty much own every game Star Wars related, so I've played them all. Lightsaber duels for the Wii was bad as well.

LucyTheAlien and Bek like this

Star Wars must be quite fortunate to have very few bad games. There honestly aren't any, with the exception of Star Wars Kinect, though I've never played it, it seems to have a bad reputation.


I think most Star Wars games are good games in some way, but some of them are terrible as Star Wars material and I'm so happy they are no longer canon since they don't live up to the quality of the movies. 


Some of the biggest offenders are those in which the main character is a super cool dude with incredible powers that 'can totally beat up the emperor and darth vader in a duel', like Starkiller. Sam Witwer is amazing, but I really dislike The Force Unleashed and all it's stupidity. Same thing with KOTOR I and TOR, games in which every character is trying to out do the characters from the OT. Characters like Revan are revered by many fans, but they fail to realize that he's just a self-insert, he's what the player wants him to be, and most of the time that implies he's almost godlike. 


Shadows of the Empire is also responsible of this, with Dash Rendar being a Han Solo like character, but 'even cooler', for the 90s standard (which was pretty bad). 


I also dislike how Dark Forces made the storyline of how the rebels got the death star plans a silly tutorial. I liked Kyle Katarn when I was 12, but I started to realize he was a 'What if Han Solo was a Jedi' kind of character, and with each game he got more powerful in a way that, again, tried to make the OT characters look like chumps. The whole 'I'm so cool I can handle both the dark side and the light side without issues' idea is dumb and seems to go against everything the movies preached. Same can be applied to things like The Valley of The Jedi.


I did like some games storylines though, like Bounty Hunter and Republic Commando, mainly because instead of trying to make something big -like a galaxy wide conflict that only the main character can solve-, they focused on simple stories that revolved around little conflicts in a gigantic galaxy. 

therfiles, Wasa and LucyTheAlien like this

I did like The Force Unleashed, Dark Forces and KOTOR 1 and KOTOR 2. But the ones I find disappointment with or just didn't like are there too.

The Force Unleashed 2: First of all - WHY!? There's literally no point. The Rebellion has been created, just go to A New Hope already. Second - Why bring Starkiller back as a clone!? In fact, why would Vader try cloning his secret apprentice to begin with when he almost KILLED HIM!? If I were Vader, I would've just said "Fuck it, not dealing with that again." On top of that, the clone being obsessed with Juno was very creepy, to put it lightly. The whole game was a cash grab and should've been more well thought out and given more time.

TOR and the novel Revan: It's not just how Revan was handled, but how the Exile was handled in it too. For one, the Exile, a WOUND in the Force, whom defeated Nihilus, a Sith that can literally suck the life out of you, was nerfed. Not to mention, she was killed off in the most pathetic way possible. Revan himself also disappointed fans in his own novel. And the game, ohhh boy. How he was finally sent off, while an interesting concept, how it was executed was just rushed and contrived. I would've preferred KOTOR 3 coming out instead. While TOR is coming out with interesting content now, some of it's earlier concepts were just bland, to downright boring.

On the Clone Wars Heroes, Wii Saber Battles, and the Kinect Game, I agree that those were bad as well.

the_raven and LucyTheAlien like this

TFU and TFU are bad in terms of story and concept. Too powerful, you start out as a villain but not for long, the story was just silly. Especially TFU2. They were really grasping at straws there. The gameplay was fun though, I will admit.


JKA story is even worse, but the gameplay is fun and MP holds it together.


Obi-Wan for Xbox is pretty bad. Obi-Wan is my favorite character but that game couldn't keep me engaged in it enough to play past the first few levels.


There was a Clone Wars game for original Xbox as well, where you played basically just the Battle of Geonosis and stuff from EP2. I remember playing as Mace Windu and sabering Geonosians and droids. But I think it was pretty bad. I didn't play much of it.

Noodle and LucyTheAlien like this

Unpopular opinion incoming: the first Knights of the Old Republic ain't that good. 


Now, that being said, I've had my fun with it -- and plenty of it! It's a fun game, but I felt it didn't add nearly any depth to the Star Wars universe. It felt like a glossy, superficial layer of goodgood to tide over EU fans for some while longer.


KotOR 2, however, oh my god! That's the best Star Wars game, even in it's originally broken, unfinished state. It presents what is easily the most nuanced, complicated view of the Star Wars universe. For once, it really isn't about an epic battle of good and evil, instead being about everyday decisions, consequential ripple effects, and so much more. It's a very grounded and mature take on everything Star Wars is, and it opened the door for thought and discussion in a lot of ways. 


But, I digress, KotOR, especially from a relative point of view, was a game I could probably live without and not miss too much. 


Unpopular opinion incoming: the first Knights of the Old Republic ain't that good. 


Now, that being said, I've had my fun with it -- and plenty of it! It's a fun game, but I felt it didn't add nearly any depth to the Star Wars universe. It felt like a glossy, superficial layer of goodgood to tide over EU fans for some while longer.


KotOR 2, however, oh my god! That's the best Star Wars game, even in it's originally broken, unfinished state. It presents what is easily the most nuanced, complicated view of the Star Wars universe. For once, it really isn't about an epic battle of good and evil, instead being about everyday decisions, consequential ripple effects, and so much more. It's a very grounded and mature take on everything Star Wars is, and it opened the door for thought and discussion in a lot of ways. 


But, I digress, KotOR, especially from a relative point of view, was a game I could probably live without and not miss too much. 

It makes me glad so many fans are restoring the cut content from Kotor 2 to this day with the Restoration Project.

OobidoobBenubi and the_raven like this

It makes me glad so many fans are restoring the cut content from Kotor 2 to this day with the Restoration Project.

Without a doubt! TSLRCM has done so much for the community and, even then, they continue providing and working... it's really something else.


And, that being said, KotOR 2 has benefited immensely from their work. 

the_raven and TheWhitePhoenix like this

Unpopular opinion incoming: the first Knights of the Old Republic ain't that good. 


Now, that being said, I've had my fun with it -- and plenty of it! It's a fun game, but I felt it didn't add nearly any depth to the Star Wars universe. It felt like a glossy, superficial layer of goodgood to tide over EU fans for some while longer.


KotOR 2, however, oh my god! That's the best Star Wars game, even in it's originally broken, unfinished state. It presents what is easily the most nuanced, complicated view of the Star Wars universe. For once, it really isn't about an epic battle of good and evil, instead being about everyday decisions, consequential ripple effects, and so much more. It's a very grounded and mature take on everything Star Wars is, and it opened the door for thought and discussion in a lot of ways. 


But, I digress, KotOR, especially from a relative point of view, was a game I could probably live without and not miss too much. 


Totally agree. Kotor II is one of the best Star Wars games because it actually offers something new in terms of a story. 


I was never a fan of the force unleashed games, just didn't enjoy them at all.

Same here, I never really understood the fandom that surrounds Tfu. It was great when it came out, but the story is meh, and the gameplay is frustrating/overly repetitive. But to each their own.

Jeff and LucyTheAlien like this

Same here, I never really understood the fandom that surrounds Tfu. It was great when it came out, but the story is meh, and the gameplay is frustrating/overly repetitive. But to each their own.

I'd recommend the Novel anyways if you wanted a sense of balance and something that isn't overpowered like the game.


Finally some people that agree that KotOR 2 is better than 1, you still have to play 1 though to understand things happening in 2.


TCW game for gamecube/XBOX was bad, Obi-Wan was bad. Never played any of these newer games in Wii that are spoke of but I could just tell they were no good without even playing them.


Mysteries of the sith xpac is bad, but only because of the mono audio. DF2 had stereo. Does this count here?

It sure does count here!


I also found that MotS just didn't hold my attention nearly in the same way that DF2 did. 


The TFU games were great from the technology point of view. TFU1's story wasn't brilliant, but it was good. Some say it wasn't original, but what story is original anymore? Not even A New Hope was. Some say the protagonist was overpowered, but what if the Force really is supposed to be that way, and all the other media simply couldn't make it thus? Or what if Galen was just that special? It really didn't bother me. TFU2 was bad, the writing was pathetic, the game was too repetitive, and I personally didn't like the Jar'Kai bit.

Fun fact: When I installed TFU1, it was very demanding on graphics, even on minimal setting, and there was a lot of glitching and lagging. TFU2 wouldn't even run, I'd get a "Your computer isn't strong enough to run this game" message. Then, after I reinstalled Windows, TFU2 would run even better than TFU1 even on high settings! Talk about BS!


Of the Jedi Knight games, JA really pales when compared to JO - the story is way better, the scripting, the cutscenes - only thing JA does indeed better is the variety when it comes to skins, models, sabers, and force powers.


Of the KotOR games, K2 is the superior one, it's just so much deeper! In K1 the "big" revelation wasn't all that big - it was predictable, and the game felt kinda superficial. Still, I liked K1 too, and wouldn't call it bad.
TOR, as much as I hate it, was technologically great. But much like TFU2, it was ruined by bad writing and stupid decisions.


Didn't play Kinekt, have no consoles, though I really want to. I really can't judge how bad the Han Solo song was, but honestly, since I don't like club music, I probably wouldn't like most songs there anyway :D


I think we can all agree that most of the aforementioned sequels are really bad not because of the devs themselves, but because of LucasArts rushing development.

Penekowski and TheWhitePhoenix like this

Kinect Star Wars, Star Wars: Obi-Wan, Yoda Stories. Some seem to confuse a game that does not have a very good narrative with it is a bad game. The Force Unleashed and The Force Unleashed 2 are quite good games although they have flaws. I can also say that the combat of KOTOR and KOTOR 2 is the worst of the games I have played, but I do not consider them bad games because of its plot and characters.


Unpopular opinion incoming: the first Knights of the Old Republic ain't that good. 


Now, that being said, I've had my fun with it -- and plenty of it! It's a fun game, but I felt it didn't add nearly any depth to the Star Wars universe. It felt like a glossy, superficial layer of goodgood to tide over EU fans for some while longer.


KotOR 2, however, oh my god! That's the best Star Wars game, even in it's originally broken, unfinished state. It presents what is easily the most nuanced, complicated view of the Star Wars universe. For once, it really isn't about an epic battle of good and evil, instead being about everyday decisions, consequential ripple effects, and so much more. It's a very grounded and mature take on everything Star Wars is, and it opened the door for thought and discussion in a lot of ways. 


But, I digress, KotOR, especially from a relative point of view, was a game I could probably live without and not miss too much. 


K2 and Republic Commando are the pinnacle of the SW EU IMO. 


What about that fighting game from the 90s? Masters of Teras Kasi?

I didn't play it, but I think I'd love it :D

Many people severely criticized it though.


It wasn't as horrible as the critics made it out to be, but the fighting could get pretty clunky. We actually rented Teras Kasi several times the year it came out. My biggest complaint was that it was a ringout game in the end. The fighting wasn't seamless, but I was never great at fighting games anyway.

the_raven likes this

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