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Kanan Jarrus (Very Early W.I.P) Jedi Academy Model

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What's so bad about peneke pack having exclusives? 


and Liam, your Kanan looks great so far, looking forward to trying it or something, we also have a decent soundpack that we could provide for your model, just as a small contribution

Thing is, why should a pack (just because of a few members) have EXCLUSIVITY, in the first place? Nobody else does that. Plus, it really limits down the freedom of X & Y models, so they can't be used in other mods, just because of this exclusivity. Honestly, it's quite dumb.. in a community where we're all working together to help out and benefit one another. So, saying "I'm sorry. You can't use this model, because it's in penekepack" is just a very selfish idea. Whether or not the original creator has given his permission or not.


But I digress, Liam has stated at the beginning on this thread that it will be a public mod (so to speak) and not restricted and I hope it stays that way, personally.

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Alrighty Ive spent past few hours re-doing the head from scratch just because I agree with Noodle you cant cant really nail an actor to Kanan as he is on a style of his own,


I'll have a post up by tonight of any progress I make on that part and many thanks to the sound offers, I recently...spent money on  the blurays just to pick good sounds but i'll see what happens.


Ok now in terms if this is ready for everyone , Of course! I would never ever release it to only a select group the whole point is for you guys to have a laugh and enjoy the game and if I help out with my models then fantastic it means I'm doing something right.


I want you guys to pick apart any issues with it and so on so I can learn  and get better at what I do and when I play the game I can say to myself : "Damn this is really well worth it thanks to the community for pushing me." 


So have no fear Kanan and any model I make after will be here on jkhub and any place else I can post it dont even have have to ask me that! lol  :lol:




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Good to see you'll FINALLY learn how to rig a model for JKA after all these years, Liam. :lol:


Anyhow, looking good. Can't wait to see this finished.

I thought I killed you...God damn it who let this punk into the forums?!


Nice to see you again mr.Dt we meet again at last!




yeah..well ..yeah rigging lets not talk about that for now :lol:   itll get there !  :winkthumb:


Okay I WILL have a render up by morning I had to re-do the head....maybe 4 or 5 times in two days but ive got the bastard now and now the fun begins with eyes and such ill have a render up soon promise! 

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Hey guys sorry for lack of updates still hard at work on sculpting Kanan just taking my time and doing it properly. Now I did re-do the head a good few times from scratch and its starting to dawn on me as I keep leaning into how the show looks with elongated features like head and such its just not cutting it with the Jedi Academy style/game I'll be spending the next few days sculpting a more realistic Kanan that is more suited to what I want go with it will defiently look/feel like him just not so dramatic like my previous sculpts. Sorry for the hold up!


Old Sculpt:


yeyo JK, swegmaster and JAWSFreelao like this
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Hey guys sorry for lack of updates still hard at work on sculpting Kanan just taking my time and doing it properly. Now I did re-do the head a good few times from scratch and its starting to dawn on me as I keep leaning into how the show looks with elongated features like head and such its just not cutting it with the Jedi Academy style/game I'll be spending the next few days sculpting a more realistic Kanan that is more suited to what I want go with it will defiently look/feel like him just not so dramatic like my previous sculpts. Sorry for the hold up!


Old Sculpt:


holy shit it's Lonzo Ball


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Hey guys REALLY quick update ill probably be spamming here over the weekend with updates but I want to keep you all in the know so I can make changes you guys might think are needed. 


Managed to get the main face sorted in terms or forms, need to do the features like mouth/ears/hair/noose properly but moving to a new pieces at the moment so I can get a better look as I go.



swegmaster, Tompa9 and Delmi like this
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Hey guys REALLY quick update ill probably be spamming here over the weekend with updates but I want to keep you all in the know so I can make changes you guys might think are needed. 


Managed to get the main face sorted in terms or forms, need to do the features like mouth/ears/hair/noose properly but moving to a new pieces at the moment so I can get a better look as I go.



Great work, definitely looks like Kanan :)

Liam and General Howard like this
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I'm liking how this is looking much more than Force Arena's Kanan Jarrus. Your work seems to bear more resemblance to the cartoon version, and has a similar body style, while Force Arena's looks way too muscular and tight-clothed. 

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oh dang, looks neat but- are you sculpting on a allready segmented model?

that could give you some trouble with getting sculpted details to line up - but maybe zbrush has a few tools to help you there


Yeah , but i'm storing morph targets which keeps the original segments position of the points intact after I sculpt so it works more like a paint job versus a clay one, worse case ill do retopo of pieces that dont match and tweak it , Sorry i did not respond earlier today as soon as i get the main texture modeling done ill ready for rigging with ya if thats ok?

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Hey guys sorry for the last few days on no posting. I have had to train new people in work and its tired me out. 


Now, I did a VERY very very very very very very quick test on Kanan just messing around with a 2 minutes texture job in painter just to tie you guys over for today as I did promise to update more often.


Please! dont take this as anything other than a junk test model I did to get a few things to work. 


The final model will be 1083459857340% better with textures that are not painted with a mouse from a 2 year old its only something for you guys to rotate around and play with.


The model is also stupidly optimized *points to ear* but have fun with it while I keep sculpting and then get started on new topology for the new model.


Also many thanks to Ashura  for the tips I have arms welded now as one pieces and the seams are much easier to spot/fix in my sculpting!  :winkthumb:


















Tompa9, Lancelot, Langerd and 1 other like this
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Good to hear @@Liam

I allways finish the mesh and textures before I start cutting it up for the dismemberment ingame.

(Ofc I plan out where I'll split the mesh)


I actually use a merged version of the mesh without any accessories during the weighting/rigging process aswell. But we'll get to that later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry guys for the long silence needed a break from Zbrush for abit. 


Models is roughly 80% there to do list is mostly boots/his pony tail. 


I'll be using topogun for getting this guy game ready which is not such a big task just might take a few days.


Sorry again for not posting If you guys spot anything you think might need correcting just post, cheers!  :winkthumb:







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