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Teancum's Species Emporium

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So a quick set of bullet points -- I don't want to do a lot of fluff here. Bodies are a combination of several models (some of which I haven't asked for permission yet, so it might change). Heads, hands (and legs if needed) are copied to the base combined body.

  • Male: Human, Kel-Dor, Rodian, Hapslash's Jedi, etc.
  • Female: Human, Zabrak, Twi'lek, Classic Jedi Mara, etc.

Current WIP species

  • Gran Male (stock JA head/hands)
  • Nautolan Male (TFU head converted by The Punisher, original head by Toonces -- why does everyone credit Neomarz?)
  • Trandoshan Male (Improved Trandoshan head by Darth Shiftee, SWTOR head converted by Kualan) -- I want to put the stock JA head in there too, but I get errors when exporting that head in Blender

Planned species

  • Bothan Male (plan to use any heads I can find)
  • Dathomiran Female (various Ventress heads)
  • Togruta Female (combinations of different horns or whatever they're called with stock JA female jedi faces)
  • Zabrak Male (Maul, Savage, Eeth Koth, Bao-Dur heads)









Lancelot and diogocs195 like this

Looks great. I love how all the aliens seem to look at Rosh with a 'wtf, man' kind of face. 


Is it possible to add normal hands to the Gran? After all, the only gran with those weird tumor like hands was Ree Yees, the rest have normal hands.

eezstreet and Circa like this

Is it possible to add normal hands to the Gran? After all, the only gran with those weird tumor like hands was Ree Yees, the rest have normal hands.

Oh yeah, that's right. I'll make that change.


We really need a good male Twi'lek model.


But yeah, looks good so far. Agreed with Noodle though about the hands.


I agree. I know there's the Star Wars Galaxies models, and there's Bib Fortuna as well. Options are somewhat limited but still available. My hope is to get one main body then make it easy for anyone to kitbash from that point.


Can you shrink the hands of the Gran? Canonically, only certain Grans have big hands because of a illness. By the time jka starts the illness didn't exist anymore. 


Oh yeah, that's right. I'll make that change.



Can you shrink the hands of the Gran? Canonically, only certain Grans have big hands because of a illness. By the time jka starts the illness didn't exist anymore. 

eezstreet and TheWhitePhoenix like this

Self-bump here, sorry about that. Looks like the Gran and Trandoshan are going to be the first to be released. All jedi male body types will be included as I mentioned above. I have one main body with all the Kel-Dor, Human, and Rodian males plus Hapslash's jedi robes. Also, the Trandoshan will have the mouth bones weighted, which means the mouth will move when he talks (which is a big deal for me). My goal is to also upgrade the existing male species for the first release of the pack with these additional torsos/legs, and add new heads where I can (like stuff from Spanki's mods and @@DT85 and his Old Ben robes). I've seen some suggestions for other species, like @[member=Luckxzs]'s Twi'lek male and the Devaronian male by @@AshuraDX -- I'll add them to my list. I'd also love to do a proper Bothan male. Also let me know if there is a specific body part you'd like for me to add, such as a TIE Pilot outfit or something.


Some other things I'm hunting for that might help with new species if anyone knows where to find some I can get permission for (male species for now, female will come later). Specifically I'm looking for head variations, so if there are different authors that have created things, that's even better as head variants won't be just reskins:

  • Sullustan
  • Bothan
  • Duros
  • Mon Calamari


**I threw a few mentions in here. If you see your name and are cool with me using your assets, great. If you'd like a formal request, just don't say anything regarding permission and I'll put a formal request to you.



For those who need a tutorial on rigging a character, or even specific parts (such as the mouth), this tutorial is GREAT. He starts off talking about the actual creation of the skeleton, but from around 9:15 on it clearly shows how to rig and weight paint in Blender.


Jeff likes this

Self-bump here, sorry about that. Looks like the Gran and Trandoshan are going to be the first to be released. All jedi male body types will be included as I mentioned above. I have one main body with all the Kel-Dor, Human, and Rodian males plus Hapslash's jedi robes. Also, the Trandoshan will have the mouth bones weighted, which means the mouth will move when he talks (which is a big deal for me). My goal is to also upgrade the existing male species for the first release of the pack with these additional torsos/legs, and add new heads where I can (like stuff from Spanki's mods and @@DT85 and his Old Ben robes). I've seen some suggestions for other species, like @[member=Luckxzs]'s Twi'lek male and the Devaronian male by @@AshuraDX -- I'll add them to my list. I'd also love to do a proper Bothan male. Also let me know if there is a specific body part you'd like for me to add, such as a TIE Pilot outfit or something.


Some other things I'm hunting for that might help with new species if anyone knows where to find some I can get permission for (male species for now, female will come later). Specifically I'm looking for head variations, so if there are different authors that have created things, that's even better as head variants won't be just reskins:

  • Sullustan
  • Bothan
  • Duros
  • Mon Calamari


**I threw a few mentions in here. If you see your name and are cool with me using your assets, great. If you'd like a formal request, just don't say anything regarding permission and I'll put a formal request to you.



For those who need a tutorial on rigging a character, or even specific parts (such as the mouth), this tutorial is GREAT. He starts off talking about the actual creation of the skeleton, but from around 9:15 on it clearly shows how to rig and weight paint in Blender.



I know of this Mon Calamari pack https://jkhub.org/files/file/2112-mon-calamari/, but it's rigged for Jedi Outcast. I know there are ported Sullustans and Duros, but they use the same assets from Kotor and I don't think they're here. 

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

So the Gran and Trandoshan are pretty much done for the initial release. Because Hapslash's jedi robes have so many surfaces I was limited on the number of combos I could do for the torso (I hit the limit). So far it works perfectly with the default version of the game, so if you for any reason don't want to use OpenJK (why wouldn't you?) it won't be an issue. Here's a quick shot of the Trandoshan. It has three head models, each with a green and orange version: the JA one (pictured), Darth Shiftee's head, and Kualan's conversion of the SWTOR head. I realize it looks lowrez, but LOD0 for this head wouldn't export in Blender, so I had to use LOD1. Still gotta clear the SWTOR head conversion with @@Kualan




Plans are to get the Trando, Gran and Nautolan for the first go-round as well as OJP's RGB sliders for the character menu. Still looking for more unique leg models to merge in as well. @Jose_Carlos has some cool legs on his Celas Nien model, so I may ask for permission to use those. I wanted to do robo-leg Maul, but I don't see that meshing very well.

Noodle likes this

Started a Twi'lek male species. Here is the head by @@Luckxzs on the base species base model I kitbashed. Below that is a modified Bib Fortuna head by @@Langerd. Both heads support eyes/mouth movement, so no they're ready to go. I think I'll go much more for a jedi journeyman feel instead of the robes approach. I have to still switch out the hands for better ones and add body parts. Any requests for torsos? The default is the normal human model, so if anyone wants things like collars, belts, shoulder pauldrons, etc from baseJA models on it let me know.




Langerd, Luckxzs and GPChannel like this

Just an idea, but some of the models could benefit from further customization of the head, for example, adding Jan Ors' head goggles or the Rebel trooper's helmet. 

Teancum likes this

So the Gran and Trandoshan are pretty much done for the initial release. Because Hapslash's jedi robes have so many surfaces I was limited on the number of combos I could do for the torso (I hit the limit). So far it works perfectly with the default version of the game, so if you for any reason don't want to use OpenJK (why wouldn't you?) it won't be an issue. Here's a quick shot of the Trandoshan. It has three head models, each with a green and orange version: the JA one (pictured), Darth Shiftee's head, and Kualan's conversion of the SWTOR head. I realize it looks lowrez, but LOD0 for this head wouldn't export in Blender, so I had to use LOD1. Still gotta clear the SWTOR head conversion with @@Kualan




Plans are to get the Trando, Gran and Nautolan for the first go-round as well as OJP's RGB sliders for the character menu. Still looking for more unique leg models to merge in as well. @Jose_Carlos has some cool legs on his Celas Nien model, so I may ask for permission to use those. I wanted to do robo-leg Maul, but I don't see that meshing very well.


I'm not actually a huge fan of the SWTOR head but you're welcome to use it so long as the people I credit on the file page receive credit too.

Teancum likes this

Just an idea, but some of the models could benefit from further customization of the head, for example, adding Jan Ors' head goggles or the Rebel trooper's helmet. 

Great idea. The rebel helmet doesn't really work for the species I'm working on right now, but I'll remember that. I took your advice on some other things though:


*Added Jan's chaps to hipsi (the "default" hips from baseJA)

*Added Jan's goggles to Twi'lek male headA

*Added Bespin cop's hip holster to hipsi

*Added Kyle's collar to torsoa (the "default" hips from baseJA)

*Added rodian's vest to hipsi



Also, would anyone be upset if I got rid of dismemberment caps? They take up a ton of surfaces and if I just remove them I can add several more parts to the model. I haven't decided, so I'm looking for honest opinions

Noodle likes this

Great idea. The rebel helmet doesn't really work for the species I'm working on right now, but I'll remember that. I took your advice on some other things though:


*Added Jan's chaps to hipsi (the "default" hips from baseJA)

*Added Jan's goggles to Twi'lek male headA

*Added Bespin cop's hip holster to hipsi

*Added Kyle's collar to torsoa (the "default" hips from baseJA)

*Added rodian's vest to hipsi



Also, would anyone be upset if I got rid of dismemberment caps? They take up a ton of surfaces and if I just remove them I can add several more parts to the model. I haven't decided, so I'm looking for honest opinions


You should try to avoid pushing up against the surface limit anyway, let alone deleting needed surfaces. I didn't realise you were planning on putting all these customisations into a single .glm


Instead of cramming all these customisable parts into a single model, why not space them out over several?  


Personal preference, I suppose. I guess I'm a bit nitpicky and want the species button to actually change species rather than multiple types of the same one. I don't plan on pushing past the base surface limit, however. In the end surface-wise there aren't a ton more than the base models, I just mix and match between Hapslash's stuff and baseJA stuff.

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