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DICE's Battlefront II

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I got my hands on this finally and let me just say I was very impressed. It's clean, the graphics are AMAZING. The weapons could use some more kick to all of them, and the health system could use some improvement. But overall it's a fun game. Just needs TLC. 7/10. Nothing special, but still fun to play.

Alvar007 and General Howard like this

My biggest peeve about the current state of the game right now:




Since the rewards for progression is based on activity, people put rubber bands on their controllers while they go AFK and get the same exact rewards as if they were actually playing. Like why would rewards NOT be based on performance like every other game ever? It worked perfectly in the first game. They made credit rewards a percentage of the score you earn. Makes perfect sense. But no, now you are rewarded a set amount for just playing. And its only like 100 credits per game which is extremely low.

Mand'alor, Teancum and Smoo like this

Finished the campaign, was good. Billy Dee Williams is hands down the best part about it.


Pissed that I had to use 1152X864 res and everything on low just to play it. MP However, I can play @ 1080p with medium settings. #wtfdice


Finished the campaign, was good. Billy Dee Williams is hands down the best part about it.


I've only seen the storymode in youtube since I can't play the game, but I really liked Shriv. His adventure with Lando made it even better. 

Circa, Kuhe and Tempust85 like this

Might be nothing special to you guys but I really appreciate the little dialogs they've put into between the heroes and villians. E.g. when Luke walks next to Han he tells him that they'll have to win or Vader telling Fett that he can be replaced. I really like that :D


It's one of the coolest things in the game. I really wish I could get a game with no credit farmers in it, because HvV is really solid. 

I disagree. I'm REALLY not enjoying HvV mode as much, this time 'round. The combat is god awful! And all people do, is spam the hell out of Force Push moves and then get teamed-up on. So, it ends up being like 2v1 or even 3v1 and you don't stand a chance. 


Yeah fair enough. I don't go jedi just Boba or Han, Bossk or Lando. It could use far more depth on the saber combat but it is still fun if you prefer blasters.

  • 4 months later...

Yeah, so apparently, microtransactions will be brought back with the new update, but at the same time, there'll be a new mode - Ewok hunt, and several new character skins.

Check something out here (sorry, I just don't use twitter and have no idea about navigating on it)


Heh, heard people saying "Oh, the damage is fixed, micro transactions removed". Well guess what, the damage was already done, BFII is terrible and now BFII's transformation to the darkside is complete (in a bad way of course).


Merged @'s thread with this one.


Also, the new microtransactions will be cosmetic only. So at least they won't be pay to win or anything. If you're gonna have them, that's the best kind to have for sure.

Lancelot and the_raven like this

Heh, heard people saying "Oh, the damage is fixed, micro transactions removed". Well guess what, the damage was already done, BFII is terrible and now BFII's transformation to the darkside is complete (in a bad way of course).

What exactly is terrible? It has a FANTASTIC campaign and solid multiplayer. I still prefer Pandemic's games, but aside from these cosmetic microtransactions it's amazing.

It's a lot of fun, but much more competitive and far less casual than the old games. Far more about who is the best player and less about running around as a hero.


Good to see at least in some ways it surpasses the original ones.(I just don't know why they don't add any kind of conquest mode similar to the original ones. Conquest mode in Battlefront 2 >>>>> Galactic Assault in new ones) 


I saw an article that they are making a imperials vs ewoks map as an update. I hope they don't make it as unbalanced as the one in the original 2.(Which was broken as hell in every match)

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