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Shelter Duel Map [WIP]

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Hello everybody,


today I feel like telling you what I'm currently working on. Many people are waiting for a finished version of rend2. I felt it would be nice to have some kind of "show room" for the visual quality that can be archived with it. So I started porting one of my small maps to JKA. Because I never mapped for JKA before, it could take some time to finish it. But here is a video of my map in Unreal Engine 4.11.



I'm pretty sure that some effects can't be archived with the engine of JKA, but I'm positive that the result will still be good. Modeling is done in Blender and textures in Substance Painter 2. Since @@AshuraDX made a very nice smart material to "convert" pbr stuff to the old JKA shading style, I plan to release my map for the vanilla renderer and rend2.


Here is a WIP screenshot:



Criticism is welcome.

Mand'alor, ooeJack, Smoo and 11 others like this
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So, I resolved a stupid mistake I did. Now it can finally go on. :D




Dont get me wrong .. i dont think that this is a stupid idea (because it is completely NOT stupid idea)


But ... you made maps, objects, textures in the higher and newer engine (the newest i think O.o) and You made it , changed it to put it in the game that is nearly ... 13 years old...


I mean ... JK3 IS SO +swear+


AWESOME!!!! People using new techniques , new programs , making game look better because it is ... one of the best (the best for me .. next to the Jk2 of course with better story than jk3) star wars games to this day... And modding community here is not only alive - IT GET STRONGER by the time!


I am .. shocked about Your work ! It looks great!

Bek and yeyo JK like this
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice level. Yes I started shader work for an underwater map years ago. I had the water shader(s) working somewhat in JA. I tried to change the default shader for water so it would change from that dam blue fog to a less dense fog that you could actually see further. But when rendered it reverted to default blue fog.

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Nice level. Yes I started shader work for an underwater map years ago. I had the water shader(s) working somewhat in JA. I tried to change the default shader for water so it would change from that dam blue fog to a less dense fog that you could actually see further. But when rendered it reverted to default blue fog.

Actually Jk2 had better water options in my opinion.. water on Yavin was annoying but the fog in the water was good idea. Now Jk3 has this stupid blue color effect ... It can be even removed with the cg_draw2d 0 cheat code.. Stupid as hell (GOD ! YAVIN SWAMP LEVEL... That was SOOooo annoying.. But i like this level too..) I made a little duel map in JK2 with sarlacc on the top of the arena.. inside it i made a stomach acid that hurts the player.. The water + fog looked much cooler than one that i made for Jk3...

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you for the kind words. There is still a lot to do, but progress is steady. 

I guess I will start tomorrow with fixing the models since some normals are messed up, also adding the missing pipes and adding the railings. I'd love to add my terrain to the map, but it is one very large model (in model scale not file size or polycount) and I'm not sure if the model formats of jka will allow such a large model. Maybe anyone has an idea for a solution without separating the model in little pieces? It has only one 4k texture. I don't want to make the terrain a cubemap, because I want to fake caustics on it.

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@@SomaZ PLS Make One Thing!!! In the Skybox make a Sun.... And Make It fill This Room with an awesome lightning! The model work is amazing but there is a little lightning atmosphere ;) Still Looks Epic!

Seeing that it will be an Underwater base this probably won't happen in the way you imagine :D

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Seeing that it will be an Underwater base this probably won't happen in the way you imagine :D

But How much in the UNDERWATER?? OoO




And in the skybox You will add the sunlight in the water like here!




Holy shiet! That would be cool

RAILBACK and Smoo like this
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But How much in the UNDERWATER?? OoO




And in the skybox You will add the sunlight in the water like here!




Holy shiet! That would be cool

SomaZ is very ambitious about this, and i'M doing my best to help him achieve some of these effects ;)

Langerd likes this
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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking good, when will you release the map?


I know it sucks, but I can only say: I'll release it when it's done.

Some models are still missing, I want to fake the water caustics, add moving light shafts, make it playable (means adding propper collision to everything, add pickups, some spawnpoints and so on) and then add rend2 support (maybe later). So this could still take some time. :/

DarthDementous and yeyo JK like this
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I know it sucks, but I can only say: I'll release it when it's done.

Some models are still missing, I want to fake the water caustics, add moving light shafts, make it playable (means adding propper collision to everything, add pickups, some spawnpoints and so on) and then add rend2 support (maybe later). So this could still take some time. :/

ok thanks

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