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Poe Dameron & Finn

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Update 15/03/2016:


I did some light baking to try and make some more of the details pop:






Update 13/03/2016:


Just a screenshot of Finn in modview:






Update 02/03/2016:


Work in progress on the textures for the Resistance outfit:







Update 26/02/2016:


Some WIP sculpts on Poe's Resistance Outift:






And Finn:







Update 21/02/2016:


Here's some modview screenshots with the baked diffuse texture for JKA (note the hair and helmet visor have alphas, just obviously can't display them properly in modview):









The way I'm going about this is, there will be a lower poly model for vanilla JKA, to avoid any ghoul2 errors, but I will also include a separate pk3 with a higher poly model as a replacement for people who wish to use it in OpenJK/JKA enhanced or whenever rend2 kicks off.


Update 12/01/2016:


Small update 14/02/2016:


Just made small small adjustments to the helmet and face:






Taken a break from his head to texture his pilot body:






Update 06/02/2015:


Still working on the head, made some minor adjustments to the face:







Update 04/02/2016:


W.I.P on the head at the moment, messing with the alphas on the hair:








Was pretty challenging sculpting his face, (faces linkness in general) I'm still tweaking the actual mesh proportions to get it closer to the reference.


Hey guys, still quite early days on the model, but I'll show you what I've done so far so I can get some feedback and anything I need to fix earlier on.


At the moment just been working on the high poly model in zbrush:






I'm not the greatest at zbrush so I'm aware its not perfect, I'm still fiddling with the cloth folds and creases. 


But I'm going to make a start on retopologisng the head into a lowpoly model, whilst I continue work on the sculpt.


Comments and criticism always welcomed.

Delmi, Wasa, Circa and 18 others like this

Hey guys, still quite early days on the model, but I'll show you what I've done so far so I can get some feedback and anything I need to fix earlier on.


At the moment just been working on the high poly model in zbrush:



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I'm not the greatest at zbrush so I'm aware its not perfect, I'm still fiddling with the cloth folds and creases. 


But I'm going to make a start on retopologisng the head into a lowpoly model, whilst I continue work on the sculpt.


Comments and criticism always welcomed.



Face needs work but for a first WIP image, looks EXTREMELY good. Very nice work so far!


Thank you, yeah face is definitely going to be my next port of call - got plenty of references this time around.


Looking nice!


Will you be including his Resistance jacket outfit as well?


Thanks, yes definitely will be doing his resistance outfit as well.

z3filus and Barricade24 like this

Hey guys, still quite early days on the model, but I'll show you what I've done so far so I can get some feedback and anything I need to fix earlier on.


At the moment just been working on the high poly model in zbrush:



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I'm not the greatest at zbrush so I'm aware its not perfect, I'm still fiddling with the cloth folds and creases. 


But I'm going to make a start on retopologisng the head into a lowpoly model, whilst I continue work on the sculpt.


Comments and criticism always welcomed.

Looks promising, so far.. Will be interesting to see how it progresses.

Scerendo likes this

10/10. Your work has very much improved over time looking back at the Quinlan Vos model you did a bit back. Keep up the great work!

Scerendo likes this

Update 04/02/2016:


W.I.P on the head at the moment, messing with the alphas on the hair:








Was pretty challenging sculpting his face, (faces linkness in general) I'm still tweaking the actual mesh proportions to get it closer to the reference.

Lancelot, therfiles, Stoiss and 1 other like this

Update 12/01/2016:


Taken a break from his head to texture his pilot body:






Would you guys be interested in me doing a weapon model for his pistol as well? Considering I've made a version of it for his holster.


Hell yes to the pistol and nice work btw.

Scerendo likes this

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