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Can somebody make my FAVORITE star wars character?

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And here I came, thinking that this was a legitimate and heartfelt request. Boy, was I wrong! :o I want my money back! XD


Also, what makes you think you're at all desirable to me? -_-




Jokes aside, this request has been filled twice: once by Raven Software, and once by Major Clod, with an improved player model. What makes Hoar any different to these models?

Lancelot and bigphil2695 like this
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And here I came, thinking that this was a legitimate and heartfelt request. Boy, was I wrong! :o I want my money back! XD


Also, what makes you think you're at all desirable to me? -_-




Jokes aside, this request has been filled twice: once by Raven Software, and once by Major Clod, with an improved player model. What makes Hoar any different to these models?

Oh relax. D:

i joked a lot not about request itself but not about th request itself, but about the kind of asking. XD

the "Also I would have sex with you. ;)" part give me hilarous laughts. :D

I played Kotor and i loved part of Tuskens raider on tatooine. personally i like fight against tuskens they are really good warriors, but also i was wondered about their so unknown and proud culture and they past, because they are the rests of a race destroyed by ratakan empire.

i like the part when revan know their history with help of HK47 languages skills. :D (was exilarant) so, why not a tusken model? can be a nice and a fiery boss in some mod. :)


AI get an idea about frankensteining the improved tusken model with the predator model... O_O



is this hoar, right? mmmm okay now i am thinking about a merging by a tusken and a trandoshan model. o_o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Baggy pants and regular shirt? Which could be frankensteined.

Could you really? I genuinely want a Hoar model! 

Oh relax. D:

i joked a lot not about request itself but not about th request itself, but about the kind of asking. XD

the "Also I would have sex with you. ;)" part give me hilarous laughts. :D

I played Kotor and i loved part of Tuskens raider on tatooine. personally i like fight against tuskens they are really good warriors, but also i was wondered about their so unknown and proud culture and they past, because they are the rests of a race destroyed by ratakan empire.

i like the part when revan know their history with help of HK47 languages skills. :D (was exilarant) so, why not a tusken model? can be a nice and a fiery boss in some mod. :)


AI get an idea about frankensteining the improved tusken model with the predator model... O_O



is this hoar, right? mmmm okay now i am thinking about a merging by a tusken and a trandoshan model. o_o


If you could I would be sooooooo happy! :D

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