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The Force Awakens Conversion Mod for SP

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If that works for your mod I can provide you with the model, thought I have uploaded it here but can't find it in my files dunno why.

Maybe a website malfunction for some reason....


Okay guys i need help

I have a little problem in here  :P

It happened when i just shoot the tie pilo NPC

Maybe i have to much model in one pk3 or what?  :)
any help?  :D


Okay guys i need help

I have a little problem in here  :P//<![CDATA[

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It happened when i just shoot the tie pilo NPC

Maybe i have to much model in one pk3 or what?  :)

any help?  :D

Forgive my ignorance but doesnt using OpenJksp.exe solve this?


Did for me :)


Had this idea, @@GPChannel.. You know what would make this entire mod 10 times better?! Using OpenJK and the SFX Sabers (The ones that you get in the "Movie Battles II" mod).

If you can find the code for the lightsaber blades, it would just add to the whole movie experience. Definitely something to (seriously) consider. Plus, you could even add other little mods to it, too. Such as holstered lightsaber hilts and what not.

Also, it's fair to say that the Korriban map/mission really needs a new Skybox.
Here's base game Korriban:

Here's the NEW, improved and more "lore accurate" Korriban:


GMRobinHood and MrHeisenberg like this

Okay guys i need help

I have a little problem in here  :P

It happened when i just shoot the tie pilo NPC

Maybe i have to much model in one pk3 or what?  :)

any help?  :D&&0


It's because the TIE Pilot model and the gun he was wielding made up too many polygons. And yes, using OpenJK should fix the problem.

GMRobinHood likes this

ooookaaay,and how can i use my mod in OpenJK because i heard about this thing,but i don't really know what it is.... :P

Why is it better? :)


Had this idea, @@GPChannel.. You know what would make this entire mod 10 times better?! Using OpenJK and the SFX Sabers (The ones that you get in the "Movie Battles II" mod).


If you can find the code for the lightsaber blades, it would just add to the whole movie experience. Definitely something to (seriously) consider. Plus, you could even add other little mods to it, too. Such as holstered lightsaber hilts and what not.


Also, it's fair to say that the Korriban map/mission really needs a new Skybox.

Here's base game Korriban:

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Here's the NEW, improved and more "lore accurate" Korriban:




That in game? Gorgeous haha! 

Darth Sion likes this

ooookaaay,and how can i use my mod in OpenJK because i heard about this thing,but i don't really know what it is.... :P


Why is it better? :)

OpenJK is a modding contribution by Coders of the Jedi Academy community to solve and fix problems/bugs in JA, like the model error you encountered.

GPChannel and GMRobinHood like this

OpenJK is a modding contribution by Coders of the Jedi Academy community to solve and fix problems/bugs in JA, like the model error you encountered.

Can't recommend it enough, personally. Or else when using mods they have a tendency to crash the game. 

GPChannel likes this

Thanks! :D

It worked.

but the music is not working like in the original JKA :(


I mean in maps i just hear the "explore" and "action" music.


How can i do this :)

Er, you'll have to be a little more specific. Are you using the latest build of OpenJK? (what is the date of the one that you are using?) What mission are you trying this out on? Is this only happening on missions that you've modded? Have you tried with a clean base folder?


Er, you'll have to be a little more specific. Are you using the latest build of OpenJK? (what is the date of the one that you are using?) What mission are you trying this out on? Is this only happening on missions that you've modded? Have you tried with a clean base folder?

I have openjk-2016-04-13-0bbbccf2-windows.zip

and i don't know why but the console is not working :P:(

Hope somehow we can fix the music problem because music is very important in this mod :)

MrHeisenberg likes this

The console is open with "Shift + Esc" in last OpenJK Builds :winkthumb:

Weird. Why change the console controls when they've been set since JO?

Weird. Why change the console controls when they've been set since JO?

It was due to ease of access. In JK Enhanced, it's just set to one button/key "`" or "¬", which is much better. Plus, there's also certain control configurations to take into account. Just makes the whole mod/package a lot easier to work with, when other aspects are involved.

MrHeisenberg and Teancum like this

The console controls were not changed, aside from removing the need to use Shift (just the tilde key is needed). The ability to use Shift + Esc was added because some international keyboards do not have the configuration necessary to trigger the console. If you can't access the console with the tilde, it's either changed in some semi-recent commit or its an issue with your OS and how it's interacting with SDL (the window manager).

Teancum and MrHeisenberg like this

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