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The path of the Apprentice

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Looks great in the game as well, but i found the cape a bit odd



yea, i have no idea why the shaders doesn't work on it :( Perhaps it can be because my girlfriend's Photoshop on which i made it is somehow buggy and doesn't want to export good PNG files, I should have made it on my PS damn. will send update later or today

No shaders.... :( Not having those is a pain in the a**.

There are shaders, but they do not work on it, perhaps it's what i said above ^

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Old Master


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Holy sith, dude, that's awesome!!! :o

A small detail - Maul has different gloves, and I think his 'boots' were also black :rolleyes:

Either way - where can I get it??!

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OPEN REQUEST FOR YOUR PERMISSIONS - since it will be too much of PM's I am doing it here.

Hello there, I think I will be able (starting from tomorrow 05.IV.2016) to release some old stuff, that I made, maybe some new versions and maybe some new packs. For one of them however I will need to request for your permission to use in order to release my own kitbash versions on certain characters. My request is directed to the following members:

01. @@Ruxith  [GRANTED]

02. @@Xeby – I am in need of your permission to use your beta model, because personally I like it much more than the final version you've released and also I want to add the new belts over his hips, so that I can make it as an alternative version.  [GRANTED]

03. @@DarthPhae  – if anyone knows anything about Phae, please let me know. If Darth Phae is not able to reach, than I can use the base Jaden Korr "jedi male" models, since the textures are already working on them. But if you are around I will be happy to hear from you using few skins of your own skin pack. Thanks!  [GRANTED]

04. @HellKobra – Yep we all know he's not around this community or anything related with JKA for a looong time, but I guess I can add special credit for him and say in both read me/description "users is not reachable"   [uSER UNREACHABLE]

05. @@Kualan – I am willing to release version 2 of the Rebels Temple Guard and I want to include the unmasked version. I would like to request your ver. 2 Grand Inquisitor's head from your pack.  [GRANTED]

Thank you in advance to all of you!

- Dark_Apprentice

Edited by dark_apprentice
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@@dark_apprentice ... you have my permission to use only beta model (black one with old robe) for your alternative costume. Maybe you will use your port/retextured head of Galen Marek. :P


This is the beta model: Good Luck !  :winkthumb:


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Thanks a lot man! Can I use the side belts you've made, it's not so important, but I just wanna know if you're ok with the belts :)

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Thanks a lot man! Can I use the side belts you've made, it's not so important, but I just wanna know if you're ok with the belts :)

Sorry but no, the beta model don't have side belts, you have to make your own belts. Don't forget to give Me credit and RevanKnight (because he worked alot on this model).

Good luck ! :)

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Here is a preview of my latest update over the Dark Starkiller outfit from TFU for Jedi Academy. This is made by the "beta" model of what @@Xeby and @RavenKnight have made, before their final release. Mine is just an alternative one.

*NOTE* All objects that are in white will not bi visible in game like the 2nd hood, because i wanted to show the model with his hood up.

TheWhitePhoenix, Lancelot and Seven like this
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Here is a preview of my latest update over the Dark Starkiller outfit from TFU for Jedi Academy. This is made by the "beta" model of what @@Xeby and @RavenKnight have made, before their final release. Mine is just an alternative one.


*NOTE* All objects that are in white will not bi visible in game like the 2nd hood, because i wanted to show the model with his hood up.



That looks fantastic. I might look at the textures later and see if I can contribute in any way.

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