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The path of the Apprentice

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What he said plus added on the NPCs file set force to 999 and health to 999 also @@KyleKatarn1995 I don't know what have caused this problem with the crest in game play, but on both versions of ModView it works good.

Well I gotta say the Samurai armor on Darth Vader looks absolutely amazing. It's like he's holding up his army of Stormurai troopers. I love it, @@dark_apprentice. :)

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Yes, it is not finished yet. I still need to add the prostetic right arm on it, as well as to try a little more on the "tattoo" design, since it's not easy one i just improvise it. And sure the colors will have to match later, also the neck needs little adjustment, sadly I wasn't able to do it myself, seems that the verts on his neck don't work as i want and i cannot split them on half. The body I've used is from the Android model with the body skin from the Robed monk of JK2 character. Do you have any other JK-3 male torso suggestions with arms, that could work and not just sleeves that were re-textured.

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Yes, it is not finished yet. I still need to add the prostetic right arm on it, as well as to try a little more on the "tattoo" design, since it's not easy one i just improvise it. And sure the colors will have to match later, also the neck needs little adjustment, sadly I wasn't able to do it myself, seems that the verts on his neck don't work as i want and i cannot split them on half. The body I've used is from the Android model with the body skin from the Robed monk of JK2 character. Do you have any other JK-3 male torso suggestions with arms, that could work and not just sleeves that were re-textured.

Dark, you COULD use DT's ESB Luke. The Dagobah variant doesn't have sleeved arms. Could also use that for a V2 of your own Dagobah Luke. :D

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 I don't know what have caused this problem with the crest in game play, but on both versions of ModView it works good.

Reimport the model into Blender, select the helmet and go into edit mode (you should see that triangles are missing in Blender), select just the crest part and recalculate the normals so all of the triangles on the front are showing.  Then re-export, and it should be fixed.  The only other issue is that it's invisible from behind.  You could duplicate the crest and flip the normals (at the cost of more triangles) or just make a shader so it's two-sided.

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Ok, so thanks to the HS_Dooku's head, DT's Maul and some magical friend help I am glad to present you the glory of Sir Christopher Lee as SARUMAN from "Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit"





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The first proper Lord of the Rings model for Jedi Academy. I'm not a fan of Lord of the Rings, but I think this looks impressive.

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I said that I will stop with this own concepts, but I just can't resist the golden middle of the Force xD. So here is my last (i really hope i won't make more) personal concept of a possible design *SPOILER* if there is any chance of a hybrid Anakin/Vader in the new trilogy of Star Wars. This one I call "Anakin VIII". This concept is based on a photo I've found on instagram, from "theforceawakensdaily" (credits to them and the original author), my own interpretation of the concept is not connected by any ways to LucasArts, LucasFilm or Disney. It's just for a personal use and design. Not going to release it (until i am sure, that it can be released in JKHub, without any problems caused). And yes I know that the facial texture is not very simetric.









krkarr and KyleKatarn1995 like this
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I said that I will stop with this own concepts, but I just can't resist the golden middle of the Force xD. So here is my last (i really hope i won't make more) personal concept of a possible design *SPOILER* if there is any chance of a hybrid Anakin/Vader in the new trilogy of Star Wars. This one I call "Anakin VIII". This concept is based on a photo I've found on instagram, from "theforceawakensdaily" (credits to them and the original author), my own interpretation of the concept is not connected by any ways to LucasArts, LucasFilm or Disney. It's just for a personal use and design. Not going to release it (until i am sure, that it can be released in JKHub, without any problems caused). And yes I know that the facial texture is not very simetric.


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That looks pretty awesome. It sorta reminds me of a Two-Face Anakin. :)

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Well that is the idea, one side is Anakin and the light, the other is Vader on the dark. I wanted to make it with the body as well, but I thought he suffered a lot maybe it's better to stay with his Vader body and put just Anakin ROTS arm. I would like to see this design in a movie talking to Kylo and later with Luke.

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