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The path of the Apprentice

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The thing that bothers me most about ports, besides the legal issues ,death of creativity and will to create something of your own, is that so far most of you kiddos have just polycrunched the meshes to make them work in JKA or split them apart to gain the ability to port them at all, but what you kids allways forget is to adjust the textures to make them work/look decent in JKA. Here's an example, both frames in this gif are rendered as Diffuse only - close to what it'd look like in modview (except the nicer transparency handling)




Didn't take long at all. After I found the model and textures online all it took was about ~30-45 minutes of Work.


I'm not 100% happy with the eyes - but for a rather quick example this sufficed.

The eyes actually look okay.

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The thing that bothers me most about ports, besides the legal issues ,death of creativity and will to create something of your own, is that so far most of you kiddos have just polycrunched the meshes to make them work in JKA or split them apart to gain the ability to port them at all, but what you kids allways forget is to adjust the textures to make them work/look decent in JKA.

Alright gramps calm down  :winkthumb: ports are awesome! No one is going to bring anyone to court over something as meaningless as a 20 year old video game character port either, nobody has time for that... Unless you are a petty loser with nothing better going on in your life that is. Most people have simply forgotten about the Jedi Knight games anyways... So in my opinion it's better to have as many neat ports of cool characters as possible than have none at all. 


Most ports are miles better than anything created by community members anyways. 


Personally I would rather have a port of a cool character than not. Also most people don't have the time to make any good character models for free.


What you said about improving ports is very true and very cool tho! Helpful advice and tips are always a lot more productive and helpful than belittling others by calling them children.


That is all, carry on with your thread. 

dark_apprentice likes this
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Alright gramps calm down  :winkthumb: ports are awesome! No one is going to bring anyone to court over something as meaningless as a 20 year old video game character port either, nobody has time for that... Unless you are a petty loser with nothing better going on in your life that is. Most people have simply forgotten about the Jedi Knight games anyways... So in my opinion it's better to have as many neat ports of cool characters as possible than have none at all. 


Most ports are miles better than anything created by community members anyways. 


Personally I would rather have a port of a cool character than not. Also most people don't have the time to make any good character models for free.


What you said about improving ports is very true and very cool tho! Helpful advice and tips are always a lot more productive and helpful than belittling others by calling them children.


That is all, carry on with your thread. 






But seriously, I think you've completely missed the point. In this particular instance, @@AshuraDX was talking specifically about how poorly optimised / converted for use in JKA many ports are. It's why there's rampant transform errors or bland-looking textures in a lot of them - and I say this as someone who has used them myself. And guess what? He's right. Ashura and I have different views on to what extent ported assets can be useful, but he's 100% correct that if someone is going to do it, they should make every effort to do it right. 


Not to mention seeing that kind of shade thrown at one of our best 3D model artists by someone whose greatest achievement is learning to package a bunch of ports into a single .zip and pretend they made them on the MB2 forums made me cringe so hard I got whiplash.

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@@ChalklYne Yes indeed, you are right and I think I already mentioned on the small description before the images, that helmet is combining two parts – the front half is from SW Pinball Force Awakens model, while the back side (which was missing as the model is only with hood on) is from Lervish/Plasma personal Kylo Ren they created a while ago for MB2.
Even, that I am not capable of to create something wonderful (even a piece of s***t) from scratch over Blender, I would still like on time to time to improve my personal knowledge with this software and of course there are many other people way more advanced simply because this is what they do all the time or it's their job (creating 3D models etc.) So yes I will spend time to polish it.

@@AshuraDX I do agree with you on both the texture's work and the shader and at this stage, the textures are the original one without applying any specs or diffuse on them just wanted to quick test the model and capture him in game for better reference than inside ModView. The shader is completely wrong as of now I just wanted to use shader to fix the hair in game, but I've messed it up with different effect ending up with "shiny pig face". About the eyes I am also not that happy even when he close his eyes while moving his head, but the head overall is a Beta version from EA Battlefront 2 so I wouldn't expect much from unfinished mesh that was extracted into facepunch forums. I like the good and smooth effect on the texture you provided as quick test and hope I can reach at least this end result.

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But seriously, I think you've completely missed the point. In this particular instance, @@AshuraDX was talking specifically about how poorly optimised / converted for use in JKA many ports are. It's why there's rampant transform errors or bland-looking textures in a lot of them - and I say this as someone who has used them myself. And guess what? He's right. Ashura and I have different views on to what extent ported assets can be useful, but he's 100% correct that if someone is going to do it, they should make every effort to do it right. 


Not to mention seeing that kind of shade thrown at one of our best 3D model artists by someone whose greatest achievement is learning to package a bunch of ports into a single .zip and pretend they made them on the MB2 forums made me cringe so hard I got whiplash.

^ I can't agree more. Also bear in mind guys, that even if you have the best skills to port an original asset from someone else into older game such as JKA, most modern games such as EA Battlefront 2015 and 2017 editions are very high poly models (by very I mean just a single eye can be up to 800 verts and the full head model about 12K verts). That's why I personally prefer lower quality / poly models with a great realism, such as those guys that develop the models for Force Arena (mobile game), yes they are mobile game characters and look how good they end up inside JKA with parts from other base JKA models. It doesn't mean that a high poly and detailed model can end up as good and bright in JKA as it looks inside the original game. That is why Ashura and Kualan are 100% right

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Alright gramps calm down  :winkthumb: ports are awesome! No one is going to bring anyone to court over something as meaningless as a 20 year old video game character port either, nobody has time for that... Unless you are a petty loser with nothing better going on in your life that is. Most people have simply forgotten about the Jedi Knight games anyways... So in my opinion it's better to have as many neat ports of cool characters as possible than have none at all. 


Most ports are miles better than anything created by community members anyways. 


Personally I would rather have a port of a cool character than not. Also most people don't have the time to make any good character models for free.


What you said about improving ports is very true and very cool tho! Helpful advice and tips are always a lot more productive and helpful than belittling others by calling them children.


That is all, carry on with your thread. 



Lancelot, swegmaster, SomaZ and 4 others like this
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Yeah bud, I dont care about ports anymore. I lost that battle long ago. You gotta start somewhere. Polish all the helmets you want.


I do, however, think that you have been porting and frankensteining long enough that you have plenty of basic knowledge to create something on your own if you would just take the plunge. I think with a little edge and face extrusion skills, maybe some UV unwrapping you'd become a fine modeler and look back on these days as the dark times. You ever feel like taking a leap of faith you can contact me here or on the discord app and I'll help you fine tune your skills. I personally can't wait to see you cross over because you obviously have a passion for modeling. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The thing that bothers me most about ports, besides the legal issues ,death of creativity and will to create something of your own, is that so far most of you kiddos have just polycrunched the meshes to make them work in JKA or split them apart to gain the ability to port them at all, but what you kids allways forget is to adjust the textures to make them work/look decent in JKA. Here's an example, both frames in this gif are rendered as Diffuse only - close to what it'd look like in modview (except the nicer transparency handling)




Didn't take long at all. After I found the model and textures online all it took was about ~30-45 minutes of Work.


I'm not 100% happy with the eyes - but for a rather quick example this sufficed.

And it is because frostbite engine has one of the best lightning engines in the game world... It is like - look the human body without shadows and light look flat... YES because there is no contrast without light and dark. The lightning on the world and on the characters items weapons are generated not baked.. The jk3 engine doesnt have this.. That is why even You put most detail model into the game shadows will look like shit. And model will look very unnatural..

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  • 4 weeks later...

So thanks to Javitolo98 who provided the TFU Wii version over Facepunch, I decided to give a try on Kenobi, surprisingly the head original mesh is around 600 verts and
I was amazed how close it is to the head made years ago from HapSlash in some ways (or at least in ModView), so I tried to improve the textures a little bit, by adding some sharpen and shadows to reflect few details more or less on the head. The Jedi torso is provided by @@The Punisher



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