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Star Wars Warzone (W.I.P)

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You're quite the critic. What exactly have you contributed again?

You don't have to contribute anything to post feedback, criticism...


The colors are nice but i think they are too intense. Making them with a little less saturation would be better in my opinion.

A little... :) On the othere side these screens look epic


Regarding DOF - is the option in the setup menu a simple on/off switch or is it a scale we can set? A touch of DOF can help for making some nice screenshots but I don't think it's an option I'd personally use a lot for gameplay.

Lancelot, therfiles, hleV and 1 other like this

The colors are nice but i think they are too intense. Making them with a little less saturation would be better in my opinion.


A little... :) On the othere side these screens look epic


There is a vibrancy slider in the menus to adjust saturation to your preference.



Regarding DOF - is the option in the setup menu a simple on/off switch or is it a scale we can set? A touch of DOF can help for making some nice screenshots but I don't think it's an option I'd personally use a lot for gameplay.

Currently there are various DOF options. 2x Static (blur at specific range - most of the screenshots used this setting) and 2x Cinematic (uses the crosshair depth to select blur range - the crates in the last set of screenshots used that setting).


Adding a slider would be easy, but using non constant values in GLSL is slower. As we move forward we will just adjust the default values I think and find levels most people are happy with.



I can't really see well from my phone, but it looks pretty good aside from everything being overly shiny. The Falcon looks like it's covered in saran wrap. :P

Agreed. Part of that is the matso DOF amplifying bright parts and the defaults are a little high at the moment. Supporting legacy stuff without adjusting thousands of shaders manually (while trying to also allow for unknown maps, etc) is a full time job in itself. This stuff is constantly being tweaked though.


On a related note, I want things in this mod to be somewhat exagerated. All the original JKA stuff was always cartoonish, and will never be photo realistic. Rather then fight an unwinable battle I try to use that look in the best way possible with what I have.

Kualan, Stoiss and Jeff like this

Why is the ground in the spaceport shiny? I still don't agree with this auto-gen everything, make sure we can toggle it on/off.

Sand is not shiny. What you might be seeing is the DOF brighten effect.


The auto-gen stuff is required for backward compatibility, but it can be overridden very easily. 


In your shader simply select an appropriate material type from this list that suits your needs (and if you want a non-generated normalmap, etc, add one and it will use that instead). A shader specified material will always override auto-selection. Shader specified scales, etc, also override auto-selection. Note that in my tests rend2 does not load tga files with an alpha channel correctly. Expect things to not look right with them.


However, if you want to save yourself time, just set an appropriate material type and map your texture in the shader and let the code do it's thing. A material default should suit most situations (and will be faster due to less CPU bottlenecks - if you want to understand why, talk to me on irc, I won't bother to explain it here. In short - Q3 shaders block surface merges and make the renderer do a heep of tiny draw calls - materials let us workaround this issue).


Water - Always draws water through opengl instead.
* If you set a surface as water, nothing else matters. OpenGL draws water and ignores everything else in the shader.
* If you want to force water to be drawn as per your shader, set the material type to something else.
		specularScale = 1.5;
		parallaxScale = 2.0;
Other materials. 
* ignore the // comments after them, they are original and don't always match what we use them for. eg: water is water, not just puddle
* specularScale is reflectiveness as well. High levels will be mirror-ish.
* cubemapScale makes the cubemap on these types more/less reflective.
* note that the two grass type materials will also add foliage on the surface once waypoints have been generated.
		MATERIAL_WATER:			// 13			// light covering of water on a surface
			specularScale = 1.0;
			cubemapScale = 1.5;
			parallaxScale = 2.0;

		MATERIAL_SHORTGRASS:		// 5			// manicured lawn
			specularScale = 0.53;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.5;

		MATERIAL_LONGGRASS:		// 6			// long jungle grass
			specularScale = 0.5;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 3.0;

		MATERIAL_SAND:				// 8			// sandy beach
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.5;

		MATERIAL_CARPET:			// 27			// lush carpet
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.5;

		MATERIAL_GRAVEL:			// 9			// lots of small stones
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 3.0;

		MATERIAL_ROCK:				// 23			//
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 3.0;
			useSteepParallax = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_TILES:			// 26			// tiled floor
			specularScale = 0.86;
			cubemapScale = 0.9;
			parallaxScale = 2.5;
			useSteepParallax = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_SOLIDWOOD:		// 1			// freshly cut timber
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.5;

		MATERIAL_HOLLOWWOOD:		// 2			// termite infested creaky wood
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.5;

		MATERIAL_SOLIDMETAL:		// 3			// solid girders
			specularScale = 0.92;
			cubemapScale = 0.92;
			parallaxScale = 0.005;
			isMetalic = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_HOLLOWMETAL:		// 4			// hollow metal machines -- UQ1: Used for weapons to force lower parallax...
			specularScale = 0.92;
			cubemapScale = 0.92;
			parallaxScale = 2.0;
			isMetalic = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_DRYLEAVES:		// 19			// dried up leaves on the floor
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 0.0;

		MATERIAL_GREENLEAVES:		// 20			// fresh leaves still on a tree
			specularScale = 0.75;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 0.0; // GreenLeaves should NEVER be parallaxed.. It's used for surfaces with an alpha channel and parallax screws it up...

		MATERIAL_FABRIC:			// 21			// Cotton sheets
			specularScale = 0.48;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.5;

		MATERIAL_CANVAS:			// 22			// tent material
			specularScale = 0.45;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.5;

		MATERIAL_MARBLE:			// 12			// marble floors
			specularScale = 0.86;
			cubemapScale = 1.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.0;

		MATERIAL_SNOW:				// 14			// freshly laid snow
			specularScale = 0.65;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 3.0;
			useSteepParallax = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_MUD:				// 17			// wet soil
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 3.0;
			useSteepParallax = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_DIRT:				// 7			// hard mud
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 3.0;
			useSteepParallax = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_CONCRETE:			// 11			// hardened concrete pavement
			specularScale = 0.3;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 3.0;

		MATERIAL_FLESH:			// 16			// hung meat, corpses in the world
			specularScale = 0.2;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_RUBBER:			// 24			// hard tire like rubber
			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_PLASTIC:			// 25			//
			specularScale = 0.88;
			cubemapScale = 0.5;
			parallaxScale = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_PLASTER:			// 28			// drywall style plaster
			specularScale = 0.4;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.0;

		MATERIAL_SHATTERGLASS:		// 29			// glass with the Crisis Zone style shattering
			specularScale = 0.88;
			cubemapScale = 1.0;
			parallaxScale = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_ARMOR:			// 30			// body armor
			specularScale = 0.4;
			cubemapScale = 2.0;
			parallaxScale = 2.0;
			isMetalic = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_ICE:				// 15			// packed snow/solid ice
			specularScale = 0.9;
			cubemapScale = 0.8;
			parallaxScale = 2.0;
			useSteepParallax = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_GLASS:			// 10			//
			specularScale = 0.95;
			cubemapScale = 1.0;
			parallaxScale = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_BPGLASS:			// 18			// bulletproof glass
			specularScale = 0.93;
			cubemapScale = 0.93;
			parallaxScale = 1.0;

		MATERIAL_COMPUTER:			// 31			// computers/electronic equipment
			specularScale = 0.92;
			cubemapScale = 0.92;
			parallaxScale = 2.0;

			specularScale = 0.0;
			cubemapScale = 0.0;
			materialType = (float)0.0;
			parallaxScale = 1.0;


we have nothing out atm, we still test and improve so it will be better play able at some point, i will make a post in here when i will put up a beta for testing :)


When beta testing is on, I am available. (Probably low end testing due to the fact I only have my crappy pc until whoknowswhen) Just shoot me a message on steam or something, or on here. (Steam link in my profile)


just to let players know, Rend2 need cards there support the minimum required version of OpenGL 3.2. if you don't have that you wont be able to play the mod


Here's a new screenshot I call "tavion's picnic"... although it could be alora... lol


Foliage added by a new wolfenstein style foliage system mappers can use to add foliage to their maps easily..


The screenshot also shows the new volumetric light system which is faster then the old one and handles all lights, not just sabers.





Ok, so i have been out of the loop for quite a while about JKA's source code release, so you will have to bear with me. I am guessing this is a kind of post processing shader system, similar to the GLSL shaders for Minecraft?


In which case, would setting one of these shaders in your shaders file (presumably) for a map then render that map unplayable in Base JKA? Or are these parameters simply an addition to the default shader which causes these new shaders to override the default ones when this shader system is installed in JKA?


Again, i'm really not up to speed on all this so forgive me!

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