Circa Posted June 6, 2015 Posted June 6, 2015 Interviews have been quite scarce around here lately, and we apologize for that. We're back though, with long awaited interview with retired JKHub staff member and current co-leader of (JAWA) clan, SiLink!Circa:Tell us your story. When did you start playing JKA? Were you in any clans before (JAWA)?SiLink:I started JKA back in December 2004, when I was 14. I actually played Jedi Outcast before that for around 4 months, stupidly thinking that it was the sequel rather than Academy. Before JAWA, I wasn't in any other clans in JKA, but in JKO I was in a clan called (TAG) for a couple of weeks.Circa: How did you find out about (JAWA)?SiLink:When I first started playing, I hopped between servers and eventually found one called ClanWarriors. CW was run by Gage, the idea behind it was that it hosted many clans on one server/website, making it very popular especially server slot wise.Shortly after playing on CW, I met with one of the founders of JAWA called Matt. He was a really cool guy, he wasn't very skilled but what skills he did have, he tried to show to those new to the game. Eventually I asked for membership and was accepted Circa:What was the clan like when you joined, compared to how it is now?SiLink:Completely different, back then you were forced to have a Jawa skin and use staff. There were also very very few ranks which you'd obtain very quickly (Usually within a month you'd have them all). Padawan -> Knight -> Full Member, compared to the 12 ranks we have now!It was very easy to join as well, you'd simply have to ask Matt and he'd say Yes or No, there wasn't even a website/forum/server/roster, just one active leader who had everything in his mind. It was a really simple system which probably wouldn't work well today but back then it was quite common practice.Circa:It seems like (JAWA) has been a large clan for a good portion of JKA's history. Why do you think it has been one of the most successful clans, even after all these years? What's the secret?SiLink:We're very lucky to have had so many members (past and present) who are very helpful and have contributed.In 2005, when I began leading the clan, we were still sharing a server with a lot of other clans which were all growing rapidly, and merging with each other... in the end there was only Klan Warriors, Gods of Sith, Eternal Starwars Legends and JAWA left. Competition for success was a big thing, and eventually only JAWA and Klan Warriors (Unrelated to ClanWarriors) remained. Because of this, and the large amount of players using the server, it was like rocket fuel and took off.Eventually we got our own website, server and player base in 2006. Thankfully we've had and still have such a huge amount of members who love helping out. I can't tell you how many selfless people we've had, because it is in the hundreds for sure. This has been the one thing that has kept us going for so long, and I'm really thankful to every member that has ever passed through our doors because without them, we wouldn't be here for sure.I know a lot of people don't like our rules, but a lot do and it fits into its own little niche, which is attractive to a lot of people. Our server settings have remained essentially untouched since 2006 purposely so that the server that people played on 10 years ago is not unfamiliar.Circa:And you're clearly doing something right, so why change? What are some of the reasons one would want to join the (JAWA) clan?SiLink:We try to accomodate for every interest. For example, if someone wants to just focus on the fighting aspect of the game, then we have a HUGE amount of events such as a monthly league with 12 events, regular tournaments, really unique events such as The Valis Hunt, The Power 10, ladders, regular clan matches and specific ranks (Elite and Master) which have quite a high benchmark for ingame skill.With that being said, we are a social clan and we do a lot of things to keep that our main focus. We have active clubs such as our ambassadors which keep us in regular contact with our allies, Event Planners, who as the name suggests, plan out huge amounts of events on the server, a regular Podcast, a videos club, arts and a monthly newsletter called the (JAWA) Post. We hold Meet and Greets often where members can sit down and get to know each other better (Which can be a problem in such large communities).For those more focused on arts, we have a specialised club for that as well as regular contests including Signature of the Week and a huge amount of clan comics.All of this can be found on our wiki which has over a thousand pages of actual content, we like to always keep that up to date especially with so much going on around the clan. We really feel like our clan covers a lot of interests, but we're always trying to improve and strive to be the best we can.Circa:Lots of stuff to do. Very cool.If there was a new Jedi Knight game released in the future, would (JAWA) move on to the new game, or stick with JKA?SiLink:It really does depend I guess... I know a lot of members wanted us to move on to The Old Republic when that came out but ... JK2/JK3 really has it's own atmosphere that can't be replaced, only improved on. I really hope that if there is a "JK4", that it keeps the game very familiar without alienating its current fan base.I've never been a fan of clan structures that focus on more than one game, so if what I said above does happen, it'd be an "all in" situation where we'd move over entirely. That is the only way I could see us moving on from JKA, but unfortunately I don't hold to much hope for a "JK4" which meets the above description. JKA is great, and it feels like a game that doesn't really age, especially with the amazing work of the guys over at OpenJK/JACoders.Circa:Interesting. That's true. I'm sure lots of people here on JKHub can vouch for that mindset. JKA truly is special.Do you have any tips for smaller/newer clans on how to grow as a community and a clan in JKA?SiLink:Yes, one big tip comes to mind. Share servers! I can't tell you how many clan leaders I've met who for some reason expect their empty server to magically fill up... approach other clans and try and share resources, then split off on your own. Without a strong player base, you're going to fizzle out VERY quickly. It takes a lot of hard work to get off the ground, especially these days without a force like ClanWarriors in the background, but it's very doable. Unfortunately leaders have nobody to blame but themselves for a clans shortfalls.Circa:Some people remember you as an original staff member here at JKHub, but some people don't realize your role in the creation and success of the startup, along with Caelum. Can you tell us a bit about your role in that?SiLink:When I first heard about JKHub, I was really skeptical but Caelum proved me wrong very quickly. He's a tremendously hard worker and built the foundations quite quickly. I was a JKFiles staff member prior to this, and I can tell you, that ship was sinking and fast, thus why JKHub was born.It became clear to the original staff at the time (Caelum, MagSul, Raz0r, myself, The One and Only, Drako, and MaceMadunusus) that we needed files and a lot of them. I took on the role of managing this and contacted *counts* 374 authors in the Jedi Academy community past and present.Obviously a lot of these modders had left the game many years prior, so I needed to find new contact information... this took up weeks of my time but eventually I managed to get a very high percentage of those I contacted to not only allow me to post their files on their behalf, but also join the community forums (An accidental positive byproduct!) and become active contributors. I still get the occasional reply email years later saying "Sorry just saw this email, feel free to use my files!" rofl.The hardest part was uploading all these files, I remember when we first started we had around 30... but after I began reaching out we got to around 1,000 before launch. Unfortunately this completely killed any desire to visit JKHub that I had XD so if my memory serves me correctly, I quickly stepped down (And came back later that year for a long run).Circa:I'm sure everyone reading this really appreciates all you (and the others) did, that's for sure.Where do you see yourself a year from now, in the JKA community? What about three years?SiLink:Unfortunately this answer is shorter than the others: Doing the same I don't see that ever changing.Circa:That's good to hear!One last question! What is your favorite JKA map?SiLink:Argh so many. But oddly enough the base map mp/ffa3 I do love JK2's Bespin FFA as well! Simplicity at its best.Circa:Good choices. I'd have to agree.Well, that's all we've got. Thanks so much for taking the time to sit down and chat, SiLink! If you're interested in the (JAWA) clan, you can visit their website at and visit their server at or!Click here to view the article Smoo and Boothand like this .!¡!.
Syko Posted June 6, 2015 Posted June 6, 2015 No offense intended to anyone but I feel like this interview is kind of unnecessary. Most everyone here knows SiLink to some degree since he's usually pretty active around here which negates the purpose of conducting an interview. I guess activity around here has been pretty slow. Thanks for putting a news post together for us to read at least. z3filus likes this
Onysfx Posted June 7, 2015 Posted June 7, 2015 @@Syko I had no idea he was in JAWA actually. It was nice to have a small update here. And I've learned something very useful today, have a server where multiple clans can get together. It will help keep the server populated. Very good advice @SiLink. Thank you. LavCorps!, Cerez and Circa like this
Link Posted June 7, 2015 Posted June 7, 2015 @@Syko I had no idea he was in JAWA actually. It was nice to have a small update here. And I've learned something very useful today, have a server where multiple clans can get together. It will help keep the server populated. Very good advice @SiLink. Thank you. The JKA community is really lacking in such server unfortunately. LavCorps! and Cerez like this
z3filus Posted June 7, 2015 Posted June 7, 2015 "long awaited interview with retired JKHub staff member" I must agree with @@Syko - this interview was unnecessary
Circa Posted June 7, 2015 Author Posted June 7, 2015 So sorry I inconvenienced you guys with this "unnecessary" interview. It was fun to do and lots of people dont know SiLink very well these days. Can't please everyone. What would be a necessary interview in your opinion? .!¡!.
Onysfx Posted June 7, 2015 Posted June 7, 2015 @@Circa. Interview @@Scooper of Makermod. Makermod is barely known by anybody. Link and Boothand like this
IrocJeff Posted June 7, 2015 Posted June 7, 2015 So sorry I inconvenienced you guys with this "unnecessary" interview. It was fun to do and lots of people dont know SiLink very well these days. Can't please everyone. What would be a necessary interview in your opinion? I had no idea what @@SiLink did or does or whatever and after reading the interview nothing really appealed to me but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate the interview and think you need to do more of these.
Syko Posted June 7, 2015 Posted June 7, 2015 So sorry I inconvenienced you guys with this "unnecessary" interview. It was fun to do and lots of people dont know SiLink very well these days. Can't please everyone. What would be a necessary interview in your opinion? Well I just would have liked to read an interview with a modder who is more or less notable. I guess maybe I didn't find it interesting because I don't care about the non-modding community that much. Also, I did thank you for taking the time to write the interview. I'm not trying to be an asshole.
MagSul Posted June 7, 2015 Posted June 7, 2015 I enjoyed it. SiLink's thoughts regarding JAWA were particularly interesting. Being reminded of that busy period where we were all uploading files, though... That took so long! But, it was all worth it in the end. Link and Circa like this
Circa Posted June 7, 2015 Author Posted June 7, 2015 Well I just would have liked to read an interview with a modder who is more or less notable. I guess maybe I didn't find it interesting because I don't care about the non-modding community that much. Also, I did thank you for taking the time to write the interview. I'm not trying to be an asshole.Like I said, it's impossible to cater to everyone's interests with everything we do. JKHub has been mod central since its launch and we are making a slow push to make this place appeal to the entire JK community, like it was originally planned to be. Expect more and more content and features aimed at players rather than solely modders. And I know you're not an asshole Syko. afi, MagSul and Link like this .!¡!.
Link Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 Like I said, it's impossible to cater to everyone's interests with everything we do. JKHub has been mod central since its launch and we are making a slow push to make this place appeal to the entire JK community, like it was originally planned to be. Expect more and more content and features aimed at players rather than solely modders. And I know you're not an asshole Syko. Aye, the original vision of JKHub was that it interviewed people from all sectors of the community on a regular basis. We also had JKA related news in mind but that idea never really gained much ground or support after I stepped down unfortunately. Circa likes this
eezstreet Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 Well I just would have liked to read an interview with a modder who is more or less notable. I guess maybe I didn't find it interesting because I don't care about the non-modding community that much. Also, I did thank you for taking the time to write the interview. I'm not trying to be an asshole. Well I'd like to play devil's advocate here for a moment. Suppose you are a player/clan member/someone who is interested in interviews like these. Why would you be interested in an interview with a developer for a mod? This is something that I think quite a few people have complained about before. I don't know if any interview is "necessary". We do these features ultimately for whomever may be interested. That being said, like @@Syko this interview just wasn't that interesting to me but that's because I don't have an interest in clans in general. I'm sure others do.
afi Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 Syko, 99% of the content on JKHub is about modding so what's the issue if there's one article about non-modding related stuff? I'm sure there will be a lot of modding related interviews again in the future. Circa and eezstreet like this
Scooper Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 @@Circa. Interview @@Scooper of Makermod. Makermod is barely known by anybody.Not sure if I'm supposed to be flattered for being suggested, or insulted for the comment about makermod.
Onysfx Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 Not sure if I'm supposed to be flattered for being suggested, or insulted for the comment about makermod. Both. Makermod is one of the least known mods, it's not even on the menu on the jkhub bar uptop anymore. Makermod was the first time I ever built something in a game myself. It's simple, intuitive, and definitely needs to be covered.
Circa Posted June 8, 2015 Author Posted June 8, 2015 Both. Makermod is one of the least known mods, it's not even on the menu on the jkhub bar uptop anymore. Makermod was the first time I ever built something in a game myself. It's simple, intuitive, and definitely needs to be covered. Not sure if I'm supposed to be flattered for being suggested, or insulted for the comment about makermod. I don't remember it ever being on the bar, but it if it was, it was taken down due to the link being dead. I just added it to point to the Makermod forum here. .!¡!.
eezstreet Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 Interviews have been quite scarce around here lately, and we apologize for that. We're back though, with long awaited interview with retired JKHub staff member and current co-leader of (JAWA) clan, SiLink!Circa:Tell us your story. When did you start playing JKA? Were you in any clans before (JAWA)?SiLink:I started JKA back in December 2004, when I was 14. I actually played Jedi Outcast before that for around 4 months, stupidly thinking that it was the sequel rather than Academy. Before JAWA, I wasn't in any other clans in JKA, but in JKO I was in a clan called (TAG) for a couple of weeks.Circa: How did you find out about (JAWA)?SiLink:When I first started playing, I hopped between servers and eventually found one called ClanWarriors. CW was run by Gage, the idea behind it was that it hosted many clans on one server/website, making it very popular especially server slot wise.Shortly after playing on CW, I met with one of the founders of JAWA called Matt. He was a really cool guy, he wasn't very skilled but what skills he did have, he tried to show to those new to the game. Eventually I asked for membership and was accepted Circa:What was the clan like when you joined, compared to how it is now?SiLink:Completely different, back then you were forced to have a Jawa skin and use staff. There were also very very few ranks which you'd obtain very quickly (Usually within a month you'd have them all). Padawan -> Knight -> Full Member, compared to the 12 ranks we have now!It was very easy to join as well, you'd simply have to ask Matt and he'd say Yes or No, there wasn't even a website/forum/server/roster, just one active leader who had everything in his mind. It was a really simple system which probably wouldn't work well today but back then it was quite common practice.Circa:It seems like (JAWA) has been a large clan for a good portion of JKA's history. Why do you think it has been one of the most successful clans, even after all these years? What's the secret?SiLink:We're very lucky to have had so many members (past and present) who are very helpful and have contributed.In 2005, when I began leading the clan, we were still sharing a server with a lot of other clans which were all growing rapidly, and merging with each other... in the end there was only Klan Warriors, Gods of Sith, Eternal Starwars Legends and JAWA left. Competition for success was a big thing, and eventually only JAWA and Klan Warriors (Unrelated to ClanWarriors) remained. Because of this, and the large amount of players using the server, it was like rocket fuel and took off.Eventually we got our own website, server and player base in 2006. Thankfully we've had and still have such a huge amount of members who love helping out. I can't tell you how many selfless people we've had, because it is in the hundreds for sure. This has been the one thing that has kept us going for so long, and I'm really thankful to every member that has ever passed through our doors because without them, we wouldn't be here for sure.I know a lot of people don't like our rules, but a lot do and it fits into its own little niche, which is attractive to a lot of people. Our server settings have remained essentially untouched since 2006 purposely so that the server that people played on 10 years ago is not unfamiliar.Circa:And you're clearly doing something right, so why change? :PWhat are some of the reasons one would want to join the (JAWA) clan?SiLink:We try to accomodate for every interest. For example, if someone wants to just focus on the fighting aspect of the game, then we have a HUGE amount of events such as a monthly league with 12 events, regular tournaments, really unique events such as The Valis Hunt, The Power 10, ladders, regular clan matches and specific ranks (Elite and Master) which have quite a high benchmark for ingame skill.With that being said, we are a social clan and we do a lot of things to keep that our main focus. We have active clubs such as our ambassadors which keep us in regular contact with our allies, Event Planners, who as the name suggests, plan out huge amounts of events on the server, a regular Podcast, a videos club, arts and a monthly newsletter called the (JAWA) Post. We hold Meet and Greets often where members can sit down and get to know each other better (Which can be a problem in such large communities).For those more focused on arts, we have a specialised club for that as well as regular contests including Signature of the Week and a huge amount of clan comics.All of this can be found on our wiki which has over a thousand pages of actual content, we like to always keep that up to date especially with so much going on around the clan. We really feel like our clan covers a lot of interests, but we're always trying to improve and strive to be the best we can.Circa:Lots of stuff to do. Very cool.If there was a new Jedi Knight game released in the future, would (JAWA) move on to the new game, or stick with JKA?SiLink:It really does depend I guess... I know a lot of members wanted us to move on to The Old Republic when that came out but ... JK2/JK3 really has it's own atmosphere that can't be replaced, only improved on. I really hope that if there is a "JK4", that it keeps the game very familiar without alienating its current fan base.I've never been a fan of clan structures that focus on more than one game, so if what I said above does happen, it'd be an "all in" situation where we'd move over entirely. That is the only way I could see us moving on from JKA, but unfortunately I don't hold to much hope for a "JK4" which meets the above description. JKA is great, and it feels like a game that doesn't really age, especially with the amazing work of the guys over at OpenJK/JACoders.Circa:Interesting. That's true. I'm sure lots of people here on JKHub can vouch for that mindset. JKA truly is special.Do you have any tips for smaller/newer clans on how to grow as a community and a clan in JKA?SiLink:Yes, one big tip comes to mind. Share servers! I can't tell you how many clan leaders I've met who for some reason expect their empty server to magically fill up... approach other clans and try and share resources, then split off on your own. Without a strong player base, you're going to fizzle out VERY quickly. It takes a lot of hard work to get off the ground, especially these days without a force like ClanWarriors in the background, but it's very doable. Unfortunately leaders have nobody to blame but themselves for a clans shortfalls.Circa:Some people remember you as an original staff member here at JKHub, but some people don't realize your role in the creation and success of the startup, along with Caelum. Can you tell us a bit about your role in that?SiLink:When I first heard about JKHub, I was really skeptical but Caelum proved me wrong very quickly. He's a tremendously hard worker and built the foundations quite quickly. I was a JKFiles staff member prior to this, and I can tell you, that ship was sinking and fast, thus why JKHub was born.It became clear to the original staff at the time (Caelum, MagSul, Raz0r, myself, The One and Only, Drako, and MaceMadunusus) that we needed files and a lot of them. I took on the role of managing this and contacted *counts* 374 authors in the Jedi Academy community past and present.Obviously a lot of these modders had left the game many years prior, so I needed to find new contact information... this took up weeks of my time but eventually I managed to get a very high percentage of those I contacted to not only allow me to post their files on their behalf, but also join the community forums (An accidental positive byproduct!) and become active contributors. I still get the occasional reply email years later saying "Sorry just saw this email, feel free to use my files!" rofl.The hardest part was uploading all these files, I remember when we first started we had around 30... but after I began reaching out we got to around 1,000 before launch. Unfortunately this completely killed any desire to visit JKHub that I had XD so if my memory serves me correctly, I quickly stepped down (And came back later that year for a long run).Circa:I'm sure everyone reading this really appreciates all you (and the others) did, that's for sure.Where do you see yourself a year from now, in the JKA community? What about three years?SiLink:Unfortunately this answer is shorter than the others: Doing the same I don't see that ever changing.Circa:That's good to hear!One last question! What is your favorite JKA map?SiLink:Argh so many. But oddly enough the base map mp/ffa3 I do love JK2's Bespin FFA as well! Simplicity at its best.Circa:Good choices. I'd have to agree.Well, that's all we've got. Thanks so much for taking the time to sit down and chat, SiLink! If you're interested in the (JAWA) clan, you can visit their website at and visit their server at or!Click here to view the articleSiLink imma let you finish but Makermod is the greatest mod of all time. Link likes this
Syko Posted June 9, 2015 Posted June 9, 2015 Syko, 99% of the content on JKHub is about modding so what's the issue if there's one article about non-modding related stuff? I'm sure there will be a lot of modding related interviews again in the future. I was interpreting the underlying reason for writing the article as, "activity is low here, we haven't written a news post in a while, and we can't find anyone to interview, so lets pick SiLink because he's active here and he's head of the JAWA clan", rather than "lets make an article that focuses on the community aspect of JA as opposed to the modding aspect".
Ping Posted June 9, 2015 Posted June 9, 2015 I got the same vibe as @@Syko on this one, but I don't mind. Activity is always nice.
afi Posted June 9, 2015 Posted June 9, 2015 I was interpreting the underlying reason for writing the article as, "activity is low here, we haven't written a news post in a while, and we can't find anyone to interview, so lets pick SiLink because he's active here and he's head of the JAWA clan", rather than "lets make an article that focuses on the community aspect of JA as opposed to the modding aspect". I kinda agree with you but it's always nice having some new content.
Circa Posted June 9, 2015 Author Posted June 9, 2015 We have a list of potential interviewees and this was the one that was on there the longest, because of Link's contribution to this website. More will come. Hopefully there will be some that you guys are more interested in at some point. .!¡!.
Sturg29 Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 oh for what he has done for the website thats why he was interviewed lol ok thought it was bc of his skill <.< i am aware he has none :0
Raz0r Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 Why you mad though? eezstreet, Circa and Asulynn like this
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