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Star Wars Episode VII Discussion

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Have you guys seen all the articles about Finn and Poe?























Oh gosh.  This is so stupid.  As was said early, there is nothing implying this at all and Finn is most definitely heterosexual.  The only reason these even get written is because they generate views and produce ad revenue because it's so "edgy" and "contrary".  I like how that last one says "congrats fuckface" in the background though.

therfiles likes this

JKG Developer


Alright since it's clearly already causing an issue I'm just going to edit the post out.

MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev


Is it possible that Kylo Ren is the first retarded Sith Lord of the star wars universe?


Jar Jar is the first retarded sith lord.



z3filus likes this

I wonder who's statue it is.Leia is force sensitive but she doesn't use a lightsaber for obvious reasons or never actually became a jedi in normal canon unlike the expanded universe.That image of an older Luke makes him look like a darksider or like he just fought someone.


@ - Star Wars 1313 is supposed to take place between Episodes 3 and 5 and tell how Boba Fett got to wear his armor. I'm not sure why that would conflict with anything they're doing in Episode 7?

z3filus likes this

@ - Star Wars 1313 is supposed to take place between Episodes 3 and 5 and tell how Boba Fett got to wear his armor. I'm not sure why that would conflict with anything they're doing in Episode 7?


I am just thinking it would be rather pointless to set an entire game around Coruscant after blowing it up in a movie, so i'm glad they didn't. Also it is rumored that after the Han Solo movie there will be a Boba Fett movie, which may also include Coruscant at one point. It is only rumor about the Boba Fett movie, but it would be very interesting if the Boba Fett movie is based around the 1313 game.


I saw the movie today and it is easily one of, if not THE, best Star Wars movies I have ever seen. This movie hit a lot of emotions for me from the opening text crawl to many of the character reveal scenes. While there were certainly somethings that could have been better such as Phasma's role and the Starkiller Base point, I loved the nods the movies made to the previous films. The twist of Kylo Ren's identity really took me by surprise and I still have no real problems with his character at all. I really would have liked to see more events from the character's past dealt with and more of Luke but I did not leave the theater disappointed in the slightest.


Chewie is absolutely fantastic in this movie!

dark_apprentice, Syko and therfiles like this

Glad you liked it! And yeah, Chewie really was a great character in the film. I always liked him, but this film gave me a chance to really see him shine.


Glad you liked it! And yeah, Chewie really was a great character in the film. I always liked him, but this film gave me a chance to really see him shine.

Can you guys elaborate a bit? I thought Chewie was very ineffective in the movie.

z3filus likes this


I am not that sure about Chewie's role, but it seemed he was – this time - a bit more active as a talker (had his own phrases, albeit translated by Han), and had more stormtrooper count than in Episode IV for instance. I can't remember him shooting anything except the stormtroopers in Cloud City and scout troopers on Endor. Here he actually takes a nice shot when hitting Kylo Ren. I am positive, that this little moment actually saves the scene with Han Solo. It could be considered as many fans reaction, streamed with a bowcaster. :)


I watched the film twice now, and actually I like it more after some time. Now with the film seen I always pay attention to details: the planets in the film weren't that interesting, if you ask me, but most scenes were quite full of many details, be it the aliens in the background, or some beasts like a bird on Jakku, some alpacas and turkeys in the village. Also droids and various artifacts (as seen in Maz Kanata's Castle).


The only sad thing about the film for me was - the unexplained moments with Poe (he says, that he managed to escape) and Phasma (the joke was good, but the character played a much smaller role in the film than I expected). They also deleted several scenes. For instance Maz Kanata was supposed to travel to D'Qar (Resistance Base) and deliver the lightsaber to Leia, and then only after that the weapon would find itself in the hands of Finn.


@@Ping I guess for me Chewie has always been a great side-kick, but he had much more of a presence in this film. I loved watching him make fun of Han behind his back, the bowcaster bits, Chewie complaining of being cold, flirting with the nurse, mourning/freaking out about Han's death, and then flying the Falcon solo. He just had much more to do in this film, about as much as he had to do (if not more) in ROTJ, imo.


One of the drawbacks of the film is probably, that some things are never truly explained in Episode VII, while all other episodes actually had the in-film backstory, which you learn from the story itself, without reading much of additional material. I, being a fan, understood a lot from reading various articles about characters and places.


When I watched the destruction of Hosnian Prime, it wasn't clear for me, what and who was actually destroyed in that scene. Korr Sella, a character, which I'd observed through the rumors long before December 17th, had a small cameo at best. Probably it would be better, if we saw Leia talking to Korr Sella in the film. Seeing the New Republic a bit more would also have a more crucial effect. In Episode IV we don't see Alderaan per se, but we see Leia Organa. Her feelings about the planet give the whole tragedy a rightful impact. When Taris is destroyed in KOTOR1 it is our own very personal connection to this planet, that plays a role, that it was difficult to believe, that the ecumenopolis was wiped out by Darth Malak.


I expected Maz Kanata to be a bit more active even after the battle of Takodana. I hope we do see her in the next chapters.


And surely the above mentioned Phasma - it is only revealed in additional materials, why she is so special. She takes pride in remembering the codenamed of the troopers. And her armor was somehow made of the chromium, used originally for the Palpatine's personal yacht (perhaps from the Pre-Clone Wars era).

therfiles and TheWhitePhoenix like this

@@Ping I guess for me Chewie has always been a great side-kick, but he had much more of a presence in this film. I loved watching him make fun of Han behind his back, the bowcaster bits, Chewie complaining of being cold, flirting with the nurse, mourning/freaking out about Han's death, and then flying the Falcon solo. He just had much more to do in this film, about as much as he had to do (if not more) in ROTJ, imo.


No reason to kill off Chewie. That costume never ages. Disney will be able to make money off that thing for decades.



Given the fact, that wookies can live up to centuries, it is true. :) Besides a Finnish actor was a replacement (in certain action, I assume) with Chewie, and Peter Mayhew served as an assistant, while also wearing the costume in other scenes. Just a little off top, but when they were making Episode I, they used added a few Kashyyyk senators in the Galactic Senate scene, and for that they asked some of the team to bring their own wookie costumes from home.


As according to the latest info, it seems, that Kashyyk stays under control of the First Order, while planets such as Naboo, Taris, Corellia and others are part of the New Republic.


Chewie was the only old trilogy character who didn't age at all, which made him all the more cooler. He was in Episode III but he looked different somehow and he was probably CG.


They used a stunt double for most of Chewies action scenes but you can't tell since its two different people are wearing the wookiee costume


I'm glad Peter was still in the movie with all the other old actors, but Joonas Suotamo was mostly seen in the Chewie costume. http://fansided.com/2015/12/20/star-wars-chewbacca-force-awakens/  As the article (link) says, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Suotamo become the regular actor for Chewbacca as the films progress. I think he still needs to avenge his friend. I was disappointed at how they did NOT show the primal anger and brutality of that fuzzball, that many would expect to see after Han died. I know it's probably more more fitting for a video game but if you've seen all the movies so far of this saga, then you'd expect Chewie to rip the arms of the stormtroopers, pull their heads with the spine still intact like a mothaf*** Predator in them films. Especially when you KNOW that Chewie isn't old like Han, so you can't say he wen't sad because he's old.

I'm also curious about who Rey is, and the theory of her being Luke's daughter is tempting. That would be awesome to find out in the cinema. Even if Kylo was badly wounded, his mind clouded by anger and sorrow and what not, Rey still needs to be of a powerful force family to pull the stuff that she did, there's no doubt about it. I've discussed this film with my friends and no one seems to like the new saber so far, because there's no reason why it has the side blades.

I belive Fin was included only because they wanted a black guy in the heroes side; everything Fin does, Poe could have done.
Poe could have escaped on his own and meet Rey on Jakku, become her friend and bond a close relationship with her and he could have gone with
Han and Chewie while the rest of the Rebels attack the base. There is simply no need for Fin. He's there for the drama, 'bald&beautiful' moments.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this


As far as I remember, Chewie wasn't CG there. At least Peter Mayhew participated in the making, and commented that it was great to return as Chewie for Episode III. The Kashyyk scenes weren't that real though, however the scenery was based upon the real place in Asia (I can't remember, perhaps Thailand or Southern China).



Chewie is actually quite old. We can't say he is in his 60s or 80s. But for a wookie his age is somehow like 50s perhaps. I guess he is close to the age, when you don't allow the anger to get over you, but simply let the sadness be the only one with you, when you experience losing a close friend.


As for Rey, a lot implies, she is Luke's daughter. I simply follow the line, spoken by Kathleen Kennedy, who said, that Episodes VII-IX are the story of the Skywalker family. A continuation of their story. Rey is the primary character. And even without it, we can see a lot of traits, that can be spotted in the Skywalker line and those, who are related to them. And she even takes a lot from Luke. We can guess, that they want to continue the main theme from previous 6 episodes - the family line, but step away from Father-Son concept, closer to Father-Daughter and maybe even Niece-Uncle (etc). After rewatching Episode VII I thought, that Han might think, that the girl reminds him of someone familiar. More than that she reminds him of the son, of what his son could have been.


It is also a pre step, so to speak, to that Rey will prove to Kylo Ren by her actions and other things, that he isn't the only one powerful in the Force to be compared to Skywalkers and Darth Vader himself. More than that - following the Dark Side won't make one as powerful as the former Sith Lord. It takes much more than training at the Academy, killing all the Jedi and then studying under some mysterious Leader Snoke.


As for Finn - I actually like him. I can't say that his appearance is because of some "musts". I see it that all the characters, starting with Jedi and ending with simple droids do have a development in their persona in the films. In one way or another we learn a great deal about them without following any books or games: some things are obvious in the episodes themselves.


Star Wars already presented us with the stormtroopers and main primary goal. We also got a chance, how the helmet "is put on". Now it is time to see, "how it is taken off". And it is time to explore the depths beneath the stormtrooper helmet.

Garyn Dakari likes this

I'm not saying this from a racist point of view, <-- hopefully this will be enough to kill that thought in your heads. But seriously, think about it for a second;

Poe Dameron's parents were high ranking officers of the Rebel Alliance, the same group that fought against the Empire. Poe grew up hearing about their battles, and eventually joined the Resistance only to become the best starpilot in the galaxy. Ring any bells? I'll continue; He was a natural leader, and a cunning soldier, he ended up becoming one of General Leia Organa's most trusted operatives and he was sent on the most important mission, to find Lor San Tekka, and the missing part of a map to find Luke Skywalker. Now.. this is where it gets interesting; Kylo comes and captures him, interrogates and tortures him. Every prisoner that escapes only needs but one perfect moment to flee, Poe could have been escorted to somewhere within the ship, just by 2 stormtroopers, and he could have put up a fight, someone could have shot towards him, hitting the handcuffs and thus freeing his hands, so now he would be able to pick up a blaster and run to the nearest hangar, sneak into a ship and escapes, but he gets shot down and he crashes on Jakku where he meets Rey who's in some sort of a trouble, but he has some luck because with her, is BB-8 !! They escape from Jakku with the Millennium Falcon, and Poe tells Rey the specific coordinates of the Rebel Base and once they land, Han Solo comes running towards them demanding an explanation to why the hell are they flying around with his ship. Han might have told Leia that his ship was stolen, but laters reveals that he actually lost it in a bet (again). After a small talk, Han solo tells Poe and Rey about the stories of the Jedi and the darkside.

They head out to meet with Maz Kanata where Rey starts to hear things, and goes wandering like Harry Potter, Poe decides to follow her because she didn't look ok. He could be there just in time before Rey passes out from the vision she was having, and Maz comes by with her " the force is calling to her" mumbo jumbo when they're suddenly attacked. In the midst of the battle, Rey wakes up and wanders off to the forrest and gets captured. Poe decides to rescue her with Han and Chewie. And Poe is the one who eventually tries to defend himself with Luke's old saber.

Now here comes Disney!!! They decide to have yet another character, but hmm..  this is a pickle.. they're not sure if they want to create a useless character like JarJar.. so they decide to look at the character of Poe Dameron and give some of his lines and work to create this run away stormtrooper who Rey would bond with, but oh no! They would need to introduce such an important character early in the film. Hmm.. why not introduce him when Poe is captured? Oh yes, and now Fin becomes the main male hero of the film. Leaving the character of Poe Dameron just a good pilot (who retrieved critical information) as just a side character, or atleast a more minor character, who although would eventually come and blast the Starkillerbase to oblivion ( just like Luke) 

Does anyone else see this? Maybe Fin is one of the changes made to the script by Lucas. I really don't see why Fin is in the movie.
One hint would be the sense of humor; Poe jokes about Kylo's mask the same way that Fin later would act funny and... really? No one else sees this? :D 
It's obvious that Poe and Fin were first one single character who would do all kinds of stuff, but Disney decided to split the character into 2 for some reasons.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this

There is a list of scenes from the novel on wookiepedia, some of which should have been in the film. One involves Chewie and Wookie's rage (yes, that stuff with arms)))
-The novel opens with a scene of Leia thinking about the events of the past and about having sent an exceptional Resistance pilot (Poe Dameron) to try and find her brother. This is followed by the opening scene of the Movie (the First Order forces on approach to Jakku).
-FN-2187's failure to shoot the villagers is initially thought by one of his fellow troopers to be due to a "blaster jam," explaining why Captain Phasma orders him to turn in his weapon to be checked by technicians.
-Leia is seen sending her personal envoy, Korr Sella, to persuade the Senate of the New Republic to act against the First Order, revealing that the Resistance is not a formal part of the New Republic armed forces. Sella is later noted to be one of the victims of the first firing of the Starkiller Base superweapon.
-There is an additional scene that depicts Poe Dameron's encounter with a scavenger on Jakku and his escape from the planet following the crash of the stolen TIE fighter.
-There is an additional scene at Maz Kanata's castle, just after Finn's decision to try and flee the conflict. Unkar Plutt and some of his henchmen arrive and attempt to abduct Rey and BB-8. Rey tries to shoot him with the blaster given to her by Han, but she has not taken the safety off, and is quickly disarmed by Plutt. This is may explain why in the movie she is shown taking the safety off before attacking a group of stormtroopers. Rey is rescued by the intervention of Chewbacca, whom Plutt unwisely aggravates by poking at his wounded shoulder. Chewbacca responds by ripping off Plutt's arm.


I actually see Finn and Poe as two separate characters from the start: one is a pilot, the other is an untraditional stormtrooper-turned-good. We had this story with Han Solo previously, but it doesn't feel that way: for me he is forever a smuggler. So Finn makes a transition from a stormtrooper to "a just guy". Poe however is an example of a professional and a good person (something usually mentioned by other characters in the movies "He's a good guy, stick with him").


In one case I do feel, that adding Finn was a necessity for the sake of the plot: the new weapon is unknown to most of the characters, however Finn does know about it. This was a small break in the story, which feels awkward.

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