DrXann Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 I can tell by not even watching the movie yet that its setting up for a Second Galactic Civil War.
redsaurus Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 Also watch the film before complaining too much Darth Sion likes this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 I can tell by not even watching the movie yet that its setting up for a Second Galactic Civil War.They did that in the EU before too. :/ As to the complaining, it's not just complaining. It's explaining they did it before. ALL I'm seeing is that they're plagiarizing the EU.
DrXann Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 What wrong with taking things from the Expanded Unvierse.
Fuse294 Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 The force and it's application comes easier to some than others, and each have areas they excel at. MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev
Garyn Dakari Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 Disney made it clear from very early on they'd be taking from the EU as they saw fit. And frankly I see no problem with that, given that there was some legitimately good content in the EU, but a LOT of crap content as well. For example, as much as I love the Jedi Knight series as *games*, their storylines are pretty awful when compared to the movies if we're being honest, so I'm totally fine with them being non-canon now. But one of Han and Leia's children falling to the dark side, that's a good concept from the EU, and they kept it. Darth Sion, BruceJohnJenner, NumberWan and 2 others like this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 Disney made it clear from very early on they'd be taking from the EU as they saw fit. And frankly I see no problem with that, given that there was some legitimately good content in the EU, but a LOT of crap content as well. For example, as much as I love the Jedi Knight series as *games*, their storylines are pretty awful when compared to the movies if we're being honest, so I'm totally fine with them being non-canon now. But one of Han and Leia's children falling to the dark side, that's a good concept from the EU, and they kept it.I take it you didn't look at ALL of the EU before coming to a decision...? And basically, why would they call it Legends? Cause it's it's own canon. An alternative timeline. Either way, if they wanted to go so far as to make two timelines, they can AT LEAST try to be original instead of making a Jacen Solo/Ben Skywalker mismash that is just paling in comparison to Jacen and Ben. Jacen had LEGITIMATE REASONS for becoming Darth Caedus. Kylo becoming obsessed with his grandfather is NOT ORIGINAL. In fact, it's just REPEATING what was told before with Kyp Durron.
DrXann Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 Lets not start an argument here.I have nothing against Disney taking things from the Expanded Universe.Some things in the Expanded Universe are better but one thing I don't like was the Yuuzhan Vong being overpowered.
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 Lets not start an argument here.I have nothing against Disney taking things from the Expanded Universe.Some things in the Expanded Universe are better but one thing I don't like was the Yuuzhan Vong being overpowered.I will agree to keep things civil, yes. But if you studied the Yuuzan Vong's history, like the Rakata of the Infinite Empire, they lost their connection to the Force due to being disconnected from the symbiosis that helped connect them to it, hence why they couldn't be felt in the Force. Also, their tech was Bio-Organic....Yeah, THAT is freaky. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yuuzhan_Vong
Garyn Dakari Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 I take it you didn't look at ALL of the EU before coming to a decision...? And basically, why would they call it Legends? Cause it's it's own canon. An alternative timeline. Either way, if they wanted to go so far as to make two timelines, they can AT LEAST try to be original instead of making a Jacen Solo/Ben Skywalker mismash that is just paling in comparison to Jacen and Ben. Jacen had LEGITIMATE REASONS for becoming Darth Caedus. Kylo becoming obsessed with his grandfather is NOT ORIGINAL. In fact, it's just REPEATING what was told before with Kyp Durron. Well no, I have not read all the 300-something comic books or all 400-something books - but I am *very* familiar with the EU, I've read several books, played several games, and read hundreds(No exaggeration) of wookipedia pages to fill in the gaps. There's a lot of stuff I liked, even loved. KotOR 1 and 2 I thought were fantastic additions to the EU, and there was some great content added to that via the comic series. Thrawn was a great concept for a character, and yeah, the stories of Mara Jade, Ben Skywalker, and Jacen(When watching TFA I was actually half expecting Ren to be called "Jacen" once his parentage was revealed.), Jaina, and Anakin Solo were interesting. However, for every good thing in the EU, there were at least five incredibly stupid things to counterbalance them. Apparently Palpatine had a ship full of clones just waiting to be possessed by his spirit at a moment's notice. Sure, that's a good backup plan I guess, but it makes you wonder why he stuck around in that crusty old body of his if he could have a stronger, youthful body any time he wanted. Oh, and Vader's ultimate sacrifice, casting off the Dark Side, and destroying himself and his master to redeem himself and save his son? Just a minor inconvenience to ol' Palpy, actually. Like tripping over your own robe on your way to your evil chair. Or how about the time this three-eyed guy called Trioculous claimed to be the son of Palpatine, and therefore heir to the Empire? Except that was all a lie, and Palpatine's real son was... well, another three-eyed guy named Triclops. Or how Boba Fett escaped the Sarlacc, only to fall in again, and escape again. Or how Darth Maul returned and attacked Obi-Wan and Luke on Tatooine, only to get killed again. And be cloned by pirates and sent to kill Vader... only to be killed a third time. Or how there were about fifty or so Jedi during the events of the original trilogy, some actively aiding the Rebellion. I guess Yoda didn't know what he was talking about when he told Luke "When gone I am, the last of the Jedi will you be," Or how Luke and Vader actually dueled each other multiple times before the events of Empire Strikes Back(Though, the new canon comics have already done this as well. Equally annoying). Those are just a few examples of EU messing up movie events, that's not even scratching the surface of their dumb 'outside' storylines or characters. Look, I'm not trying to be an ass here or take a dump on something you're passionate about, if you like the EU, more power to you, I'm just saying that keeping it carries far too much unwanted baggage. Though actually, as a thought exercise, lets imagine an alternate scenario where Disney kept the old EU. They still want to make their movies though, right? So lets look at their options: 1. Forget the idea of Episodes or returning characters and set it so far in the future or the past that they don't have to worry about EU interference.2. Adapt existing EU into movies.3. Try and fit new movies into the gaps left by the EU. The first option makes no sense from a business standpoint and almost none from a creative standpoint. They'd be catering to no one but the most die hard EU fans. Wouldn't happen. The second option seems to be what most EU fans wanted... or think they wanted. I say this would've opened a huge, nasty can of worms I wouldn't want to go anywhere near. Movies adaptations of books are never 100% faithful. Some of the closest are Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, but they still change things - which is fine, it's good that they do. But what happens if a Star Wars movie based itself off a Star Wars book and put itself in the same continuity? There would certainly be differences, but which one would be "More canon" ? The book, because it came first? Or the movie, because movies reach a wider audience or because so far they're just inherently more canon? The internet fights about this are headache inducing to even imagine. And even if that isn't seen as a large issue, that's just a really uncreative and dull route to take. There's no incentive to attract creative directors or screenwriters to throw together the movie version of the already set-in-stone Star Wars Book #127. And very little reason for fans to get excited about said movie when they can just look up everything that will happen on Wookipedia or by reading the book.Furthermore, the EU relies very heavily on the rest of the EU. So what part do they turn into movies? All of it? Hell no. The best parts? How will the people who only watch the movies know what the hell's going on? They'll need to consult the internet or an uberfan whose read the books. That just isn't a good future for Star Wars, and Disney knew it. The third almost sounds good, except when you realize the EU doesn't have many gaps, at least not involving the main characters. Sure, they never died, but are you gonna make a trilogy of movies just about that, while referencing those awesome adventures from the books that will leave audiences wondering wtf anyone's talking about? The EU was simply so overstuffed there was no room for creative freedom to make a sequel trilogy. Regardless of whether this trilogy works out better or worse than the books did, starting from scratch was the right call. therfiles likes this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 However guys, before you all write me off as an Expanded Universe (Legends) purist, I'll say this: There ARE INDEED a few things about TFA that I like. Which I will list here.1. The Crossguard Lightsaber. I'll admit, it's a weird design for a Lightsaber. Harking more to the European Longsword way of combat instead of the traditional Lightsaber based off of JAPANESE KATANA swordplay. But if you can master this weapon, you CAN INDEED be deadly as an opponent and a great ally to those you fight with. 2. The Incom T-70 X-Wing of the Resistance. With this incarnation of the X-Wing, I really WOULDN'T mind it if they used this in the Legend's late Legacy Era (130 - 138 ABY), as I found what we got, the X-83, to be...essentially the P-38 of the Star Wars era. If you compare the X-83 and the P-38, they're VERY SIMILAR to each other. Since in the EU up to the Early Legacy Era we got the XJ Series of X-Wing, I wouldn't mind the T-70 taking the helm after the XJ7's time was up. 3. The First Order Stormtroopers. Now, going again to the late Legacy Era, when you saw the Stormtroopers of the Fel Empire, including the famed 501st, fighting Darth Krayt's One Sith Stormtroopers, you COULDN'T really tell who was killing whom. If the One Sith's Stormtroopers used the First Order's armor designs, that would make them not only different to the Stormtroopers we know of the Fel Empire, but would also give them a "foreign" type of appearance. Well no, I have not read all the 300-something comic books or all 400-something books - but I am *very* familiar with the EU, I've read several books, played several games, and read hundreds(No exaggeration) of wookipedia pages to fill in the gaps. There's a lot of stuff I liked, even loved. KotOR 1 and 2 I thought were fantastic additions to the EU, and there was some great content added to that via the comic series. Thrawn was a great concept for a character, and yeah, the stories of Mara Jade, Ben Skywalker, and Jacen(When watching TFA I was actually half expecting Ren to be called "Jacen" once his parentage was revealed.), Jaina, and Anakin Solo were interesting. However, for every good thing in the EU, there were at least five incredibly stupid things to counterbalance them. Apparently Palpatine had a ship full of clones just waiting to be possessed by his spirit at a moment's notice. Sure, that's a good backup plan I guess, but it makes you wonder why he stuck around in that crusty old body of his if he could have a stronger, youthful body any time he wanted. Oh, and Vader's ultimate sacrifice, casting off the Dark Side, and destroying himself and his master to redeem himself and save his son? Just a minor inconvenience to ol' Palpy, actually. Like tripping over your own robe on your way to your evil chair. Or how about the time this three-eyed guy called Trioculous claimed to be the son of Palpatine, and therefore heir to the Empire? Except that was all a lie, and Palpatine's real son was... well, another three-eyed guy named Triclops. Or how Boba Fett escaped the Sarlacc, only to fall in again, and escape again. Or how Darth Maul returned and attacked Obi-Wan and Luke on Tatooine, only to get killed again. And be cloned by pirates and sent to kill Vader... only to be killed a third time. Or how there were about fifty or so Jedi during the events of the original trilogy, some actively aiding the Rebellion. I guess Yoda didn't know what he was talking about when he told Luke "When gone I am, the last of the Jedi will you be," Or how Luke and Vader actually dueled each other multiple times before the events of Empire Strikes Back(Though, the new canon comics have already done this as well. Equally annoying). Those are just a few examples of EU messing up movie events, that's not even scratching the surface of their dumb 'outside' storylines or characters. Look, I'm not trying to be an ass here or take a dump on something you're passionate about, if you like the EU, more power to you, I'm just saying that keeping it carries far too much unwanted baggage. Though actually, as a thought exercise, lets imagine an alternate scenario where Disney kept the old EU. They still want to make their movies though, right? So lets look at their options: 1. Forget the idea of Episodes or returning characters and set it so far in the future or the past that they don't have to worry about EU interference.2. Adapt existing EU into movies.3. Try and fit new movies into the gaps left by the EU. The first option makes no sense from a business standpoint and almost none from a creative standpoint. They'd be catering to no one but the most die hard EU fans. Wouldn't happen. The second option seems to be what most EU fans wanted... or think they wanted. I say this would've opened a huge, nasty can of worms I wouldn't want to go anywhere near. Movies adaptations of books are never 100% faithful. Some of the closest are Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, but they still change things - which is fine, it's good that they do. But what happens if a Star Wars movie based itself off a Star Wars book and put itself in the same continuity? There would certainly be differences, but which one would be "More canon" ? The book, because it came first? Or the movie, because movies reach a wider audience or because so far they're just inherently more canon? The internet fights about this are headache inducing to even imagine. And even if that isn't seen as a large issue, that's just a really uncreative and dull route to take. There's no incentive to attract creative directors or screenwriters to throw together the movie version of the already set-in-stone Star Wars Book #127. And very little reason for fans to get excited about said movie when they can just look up everything that will happen on Wookipedia or by reading the book.Furthermore, the EU relies very heavily on the rest of the EU. So what part do they turn into movies? All of it? Hell no. The best parts? How will the people who only watch the movies know what the hell's going on? They'll need to consult the internet or an uberfan whose read the books. That just isn't a good future for Star Wars, and Disney knew it. The third almost sounds good, except when you realize the EU doesn't have many gaps, at least not involving the main characters. Sure, they never died, but are you gonna make a trilogy of movies just about that, while referencing those awesome adventures from the books that will leave audiences wondering wtf anyone's talking about? The EU was simply so overstuffed there was no room for creative freedom to make a sequel trilogy. Regardless of whether this trilogy works out better or worse than the books did, starting from scratch was the right call.1. Then WHY did Palpatine wait? And that wasn't plot that made him wait. He wanted to strike when the New Republic was MOST VULNERABLE.2. I think the fact that Palpatine saw Triclops as a FAILURE, along with the fact that Triclops became affiliated with the New Republic, shows that Triclops wanted NOTHING to do with his father. And his mother Sly...wow....I wouldn't want THAT as my mother either. :/3. And yet Boba went on to become Mandalore. Also, they addressed that. Mandalorian Iron is not only Lightsaber repellent like Cortosis, but it's HARD to destroy. Even for a Sarlacc. 4. That was NON-CANON and labeled Infinites. Infinites is NON-CANON to Legends. 5. Did you forget that Dagobah is FILLED with Dark Side energy, like the cave Luke went to? It was the PERFECT hiding spot for Yoda. But it also PREVENTED HIM from sensing what was going on in the galaxy. Same goes for sensing the Jedi helping the Rebellion. And BTW, starting from scratch would've meant REBOOTING the movies too, dude. And considering TFA is essentially EPIV rehashed, that's more than likely to happen. It seems you really DON'T know the EU. *rolls eyes*
afi Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 A lot of spoilers incoming: The movie is good but the final lightsaber duel was awful to watch and I think it's pretty stupid to think that someone who uses a lightsaber for the first time can win against a trained dark Jedi, even if he's wounded. I think you notice the absence of George Lucas both in a good and a bad way. A perfect amount of slapstick moments (no Jar Jar Binks or Ewoks) and decent dialogues versus a lack of the original SW-feeling and a lack of elegance. Also. most of the characters in this movie are copies of characters in the old movies. Kylo Ren is kinda like Vader, there is a new emperor, a new death-star, even a new Tarkin and also someone who is kinda looking like Yoda just to mention a few points. Even though I liked the movie, I often had the feeling that I'm watching a reboot of Episode IV mixed with the new Star Trek movies instead of something completely new. The beginning of the movie was great but in the end they blew it. Especially the lightsaber "duel" that had no kind of elegance at any time. When you compare it to Episode III (or even the original trilogy) it looked like two childs beating each other with wooden sticks. In the end it's a good movie but unfortunately far from being great. It's too referential and foreseeable (A new death star? "There must be some kind of weak spot." I thought it was meant to be a joke when Han Solo said this). Also please don't let this topic become a debate on principles about the EU. It's supposed to be about Episode VII therfiles, BruceJohnJenner, Futuza and 2 others like this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 A lot of spoilers incoming: The movie is good but the final lightsaber duel was awful to watch and I think it's pretty stupid to think that someone who uses a lightsaber for the first time can win against a trained dark Jedi, even if he's wounded.I think you notice the absence of George Lucas both in a good and a bad way. A perfect amount of slapstick moments (no Jar Jar Binks or Ewoks) and decent dialogues versus a lack of the original SW-feeling and a lack of elegance. Also. most of the characters in this movie are copies of characters in the old movies.Kylo Ren is kinda like Vader, there is a new emperor, a new death-star, even a new Tarkin and also someone who is kinda looking like Yoda just to mention a few points. Even though I liked the movie, I often had the feeling that I'm watching a reboot of Episode IV mixed with the new Star Trek movies instead of something completely new.The beginning of the movie was great but in the end they blew it. Especially the lightsaber "duel" that had no kind of elegance at any time. When you compare it to Episode III (or even the original trilogy) it looked like two childs beating each other with wooden sticks. In the end it's a good movie but unfortunately far from being great. It's too referential and foreseeable (A new death star? "There must be some kind of weak spot." I thought it was meant to be a joke when Han Solo said this). Also please don't let this topic become a debate on principles about the EU. It's supposed to be about Episode VIIAlthough I agree with that, it's not my fault people can just take a look at Wookieepedia if they're REALLY curious. Makes people seem lazy, though if they don't want spoilers too, I can understand that part.
Futuza Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 Hello guys. Yes, The Force Awakens brought me out of my deep internet slumber lol. Do not read my post if you haven't seen VII yet. Warning, I'm extremely critical of things I love. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm ranting, but I'm still wildly happy about the movie. I figure I'll review it here and rant a bit, sorry. Overall 8/10 movie. Definitely better than the prequels, but I fear I expected too much from it. 10/10 Execution. Dialogue was great, probably one of the funnier Starwars films and there was no crummy Lucas dialogue to be found. The characters were great and it was nice to see Han and Chewie doing their smuggling and still trying to talk their way out of everything. The action scenes were splendid and I didn't see too many lens flares. Overall with the script that was written, I felt like it couldn't have been a better put together movie. It was nice seeing a rusty old real set for the Falcon, green screens were extremely limited and necessary for their moments. Star fighters never felt cooler and I definitely want to enroll in the Imperial Academy more than ever now. 6/10 Story. Basically it rehashes A New Hope's storyline and throws in some elements from Empire Strikes Back. See this for details. WARNING: Contains entire plot. We have Deathstar 3.0, only its back and badder then ever because now it's the size of a planet and can destroy multiple planets at once. Feminism is cool and all, but I felt like it was being shoved down my throat and JJ was attempting to be politically correct the entire time least someone be offended. Political correctness has it's uses, but when it gets in the way of telling a story and vomits itself all over the plot - I feel like I'm being treated like a child who can't handle the real world. Please Disney, you're trying to hard. The plot twists are way too obvious and completely expected. Imagine if Kylo/Ben had actually decided to repent and come back with Han. Now that would have been a real shocker, but nope. Well at least Harrison Ford finally got his wishes. Also given the context of the story, it also fit. I could see Kylo/Ben actually doing what he did and getting away with it. So at least that was logical. Also sad seeing no reaction between Luke and Han. The ending was...logically ridiculous. Hello yes I'm Luke Skywalker the hermit. Wear my hood and be all mysterious on this island am I. I just like to stare off cliffs and contemplate the force yes. Been doing nothing for 30 years I have. Also, hi my name is Leia and react to the death of my former lover I do not. Show emotion I do not. There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignor-wait a second. At least I can hug my niece. And who is this Snok guy, what kind of lame ass villain name is that? Awww my wittle snookie wants to play wid da force. Some more context would be nice. Why is the New Republic's government stupid enough to not notice a giant super-weapon being built a couple of orbits over? And where does this New Order get it's funding? Aren't planetary weapons expensive? Kylo Ren is losing limbs in a rapidly Anakin-like manner. Perhaps he just like's his grandfather that much, he'll sacrifice his limbs to be more like him. Apparently no one informed him of Vader's redemption at the end. Guess Luke like's to keep it a secret. Too fast paced, we needed more context for how everything got the way it did. More Points-Genuinely funny. Don't think I've ever laughed more at Starwars. And in a good way.-The nostalgia is real.-WTF? Who let the Marvel animators change the hologram technology to Marvel Universe giant god displays? Where is my blue holograms!?-Hahaha. Kylo Ren is so ugly. Looks like a wangsty teenager anakin-look alike with pimple problems. Couldn't help but laugh when he took off his mask. Too bad he doesn't have his dad's good looks.-Kylo Ren's abilities with the force are wildly inconsistent. Apparently he can stop blaster fire in mid air...and hold it for several minutes while barely paying attention to it while he chats with his minions and threatens the populace of Jakku. He can also read minds fairly regularly (remember even Vader had trouble doing that with Leia in VI). He also has no problem holding people in place with force grip. Okay so shiz this guy is powerful. Is completely overpowered by little force adapt girl who has no lightsaber training whatsoever. Apparently his limits to stopping blaster fire starts with Wookie Crossbow bolts. Guess those are pretty powerful.-How the fudge did they get Anakin's saber off of Bespin. Apparently nobody informed them that when you drop heavy metal objects into a gas giant it doesn't come back.-Hehehe...Finn throwing the training droid like it's junk.-Awww Chewie bragging to the nurse. Dat was good.-Really liked the vision Rey has after touching the saber. Nice reflection back to the mysterious nature of the force.-R2D2 randomly booting up after the Resistance wins. Okay R2D2, you can use the force can't you? Just admit it, your a Jedi.-C3p0 arm is randomly red. Goodness, this whole line was unnecessary.-There's a lot of reused shots from Star Trek. Instantly recognized JJ's style, wish he'd experiment a bit more. But I guess it works, they weren't bad necessarily.-No 70/80's cheesy screen wipes.-More realistic stars in the background of the title scroll! It is glorious! Also did they change the font slightly?-That glorious opening shot was too short.-Wilhelm scream was too quiet, please make it more noticeable.-"I've got a bad feeling about this!" Yesssss.-Captain Phasma surprisingly lame. Hello yes, I am bad ass commando/bounty-hunter-like person. I'll just turn off the shields for you and let you throw me in a trash compactor like a good girl.-New Hyperspace style is great.-Han is cheating at Hyperspace. What is this. You can't just jump into hyperspace from inside another ship. Besides wasn't your tractor beam locking the ship down? Oh well, it was cool enough I guess I'll take it.-Hehehe sand monster thing ate tie fighter and then blew up. Don't eat tie fighters.-I like that Kylo Ren's saber is using unstable synthetic crystals. Nice touch.-The Stormtroopers of this generation are getting smarter. If your boss is having a temper tantrum, don't interrupt him. Hahaha.-The ground breaking apart, preventing Rey from finishing off Kylo was a bit too cliche'd. Really? Also fighting against the edge of a cliff...haven't seen that one before Hollywood.-The irony of Kylo being mad at Finn for being a traitor. Seems to fail to realize he's basically betrayed his uncle, parents, and the whole of the galaxy.-What happened to the Jedi Academy? Didn't Luke train more then just Kylo, did he really kill them ALL off?-So the planet Luke ended up on...is this suppose to be the planet the Jedi originated from...or just some random planet?-NO FINN It's not a sun, it's a star! The Sun is a specific star millions of lightyears away. Jerk. Mandalorian, Wasa, Garyn Dakari and 2 others like this
eezstreet Posted December 18, 2015 Posted December 18, 2015 Disney made it clear from very early on they'd be taking from the EU as they saw fit. And frankly I see no problem with that, given that there was some legitimately good content in the EU, but a LOT of crap content as well. For example, as much as I love the Jedi Knight series as *games*, their storylines are pretty awful when compared to the movies if we're being honest, so I'm totally fine with them being non-canon now. But one of Han and Leia's children falling to the dark side, that's a good concept from the EU, and they kept it.This. Please no more discussion about the EU. I think it's interesting how they've taken elements from it, but it's not ripping off something if it was already in the universe, and the conversation is starting to degenerate. My need for moderating this topic has caused the movie to be spoiled for me. Are you happy?
Futuza Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 My need for moderating this topic has caused the movie to be spoiled for me. Are you happy?Look at what you've done! Be ashamed ye charlatans.
Garyn Dakari Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 This. Please no more discussion about the EU. I think it's interesting how they've taken elements from it, but it's not ripping off something if it was already in the universe, and the conversation is starting to degenerate. My need for moderating this topic has caused the movie to be spoiled for me. Are you happy? It shall be done. You have my apologies if that was my doing, though as everyone was being civil I don't see why moderation was in order at all Moderator note - Some off-topic posts were hidden Hello guys. Yes, The Force Awakens brought me out of my deep internet slumber lol. Do not read my post if you haven't seen VII yet. Warning, I'm extremely critical of things I love. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm ranting, but I'm still wildly happy about the movie. I figure I'll review it here and rant a bit, sorry. Overall 8/10 movie. Definitely better than the prequels, but I fear I expected too much from it. 10/10 Execution. Dialogue was great, probably one of the funnier Starwars films and there was no crummy Lucas dialogue to be found. The characters were great and it was nice to see Han and Chewie doing their smuggling and still trying to talk their way out of everything. The action scenes were splendid and I didn't see too many lens flares. Overall with the script that was written, I felt like it couldn't have been a better put together movie. It was nice seeing a rusty old real set for the Falcon, green screens were extremely limited and necessary for their moments. Star fighters never felt cooler and I definitely want to enroll in the Imperial Academy more than ever now. 6/10 Story. Basically it rehashes A New Hope's storyline and throws in some elements from Empire Strikes Back. See this for details. WARNING: Contains entire plot. We have Deathstar 3.0, only its back and badder then ever because now it's the size of a planet and can destroy multiple planets at once. Feminism is cool and all, but I felt like it was being shoved down my throat and JJ was attempting to be politically correct the entire time least someone be offended. Political correctness has it's uses, but when it gets in the way of telling a story and vomits itself all over the plot - I feel like I'm being treated like a child who can't handle the real world. Please Disney, you're trying to hard. The plot twists are way too obvious and completely expected. Imagine if Kylo/Ben had actually decided to repent and come back with Han. Now that would have been a real shocker, but nope. Well at least Harrison Ford finally got his wishes. Also given the context of the story, it also fit. I could see Kylo/Ben actually doing what he did and getting away with it. So at least that was logical. Also sad seeing no reaction between Luke and Han. The ending was...logically ridiculous. Hello yes I'm Luke Skywalker the hermit. Wear my hood and be all mysterious on this island am I. I just like to stare off cliffs and contemplate the force yes. Been doing nothing for 30 years I have. Also, hi my name is Leia and react to the death of my former lover I do not. Show emotion I do not. There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignor-wait a second. At least I can hug my niece. And who is this Snok guy, what kind of lame ass villain name is that? Awww my wittle snookie wants to play wid da force. Some more context would be nice. Why is the New Republic's government stupid enough to not notice a giant super-weapon being built a couple of orbits over? And where does this New Order get it's funding? Aren't planetary weapons expensive? Kylo Ren is losing limbs in a rapidly Anakin-like manner. Perhaps he just like's his grandfather that much, he'll sacrifice his limbs to be more like him. Apparently no one informed him of Vader's redemption at the end. Guess Luke like's to keep it a secret. Too fast paced, we needed more context for how everything got the way it did. More Points-Genuinely funny. Don't think I've ever laughed more at Starwars. And in a good way.-The nostalgia is real.-WTF? Who let the Marvel animators change the hologram technology to Marvel Universe giant god displays? Where is my blue holograms!?-Hahaha. Kylo Ren is so ugly. Looks like a wangsty teenager anakin-look alike with pimple problems. Couldn't help but laugh when he took off his mask. Too bad he doesn't have his dad's good looks.-Kylo Ren's abilities with the force are wildly inconsistent. Apparently he can stop blaster fire in mid air...and hold it for several minutes while barely paying attention to it while he chats with his minions and threatens the populace of Jakku. He can also read minds fairly regularly (remember even Vader had trouble doing that with Leia in VI). He also has no problem holding people in place with force grip. Okay so shiz this guy is powerful. Is completely overpowered by little force adapt girl who has no lightsaber training whatsoever. Apparently his limits to stopping blaster fire starts with Wookie Crossbow bolts. Guess those are pretty powerful.-How the fudge did they get Anakin's saber off of Bespin. Apparently nobody informed them that when you drop heavy metal objects into a gas giant it doesn't come back.-Hehehe...Finn throwing the training droid like it's junk.-Awww Chewie bragging to the nurse. Dat was good.-Really liked the vision Rey has after touching the saber. Nice reflection back to the mysterious nature of the force.-R2D2 randomly booting up after the Resistance wins. Okay R2D2, you can use the force can't you? Just admit it, your a Jedi.-C3p0 arm is randomly red. Goodness, this whole line was unnecessary.-There's a lot of reused shots from Star Trek. Instantly recognized JJ's style, wish he'd experiment a bit more. But I guess it works, they weren't bad necessarily.-No 70/80's cheesy screen wipes.-More realistic stars in the background of the title scroll! It is glorious! Also did they change the font slightly?-That glorious opening shot was too short.-Wilhelm scream was too quiet, please make it more noticeable.-"I've got a bad feeling about this!" Yesssss.-Captain Phasma surprisingly lame. Hello yes, I am bad ass commando/bounty-hunter-like person. I'll just turn off the shields for you and let you throw me in a trash compactor like a good girl.-New Hyperspace style is great.-Han is cheating at Hyperspace. What is this. You can't just jump into hyperspace from inside another ship. Besides wasn't your tractor beam locking the ship down? Oh well, it was cool enough I guess I'll take it.-Hehehe sand monster thing ate tie fighter and then blew up. Don't eat tie fighters.-I like that Kylo Ren's saber is using unstable synthetic crystals. Nice touch.-The Stormtroopers of this generation are getting smarter. If your boss is having a temper tantrum, don't interrupt him. Hahaha.-The ground breaking apart, preventing Rey from finishing off Kylo was a bit too cliche'd. Really? Also fighting against the edge of a cliff...haven't seen that one before Hollywood.-The irony of Kylo being mad at Finn for being a traitor. Seems to fail to realize he's basically betrayed his uncle, parents, and the whole of the galaxy.-What happened to the Jedi Academy? Didn't Luke train more then just Kylo, did he really kill them ALL off?-So the planet Luke ended up on...is this suppose to be the planet the Jedi originated from...or just some random planet?-NO FINN It's not a sun, it's a star! The Sun is a specific star millions of lightyears away. Jerk. I agree with most of your points there. Especially the parts about Phasma and the ground breaking, and all of the positive things you mentioned. A few things you mentioned though, while legitimate questions, I figure will be answered in Episode VIII(Which I believe will be a lot more Luke/Force focused). At least I hope so, in regards to what the hell planet Luke's on, how the hell his lightsaber was saved, why the hell did R2 boot up, and why the hell Rey is so powerful. I'll admit I was a tad bugged when Maz was asked "Where did you get this?" and she said "A good question, one for another time." Come on movie, would it have killed you to tell us now? But eh. Anyway, as for Ren looking like a total dork, he certainly does that - but honestly, I liked that about him. I noticed other people in the theater laughing a little when they showed his face, but I was just thinking, "Well that's unique. How often do you get such a funny looking dude as your main villain?" Plus I believe the family resemblance to Anakin, Luke, and Han, so yeah, that part I was fine with. Big wide galaxy out there, not everyone needs to be a beauty model eezstreet likes this
Fuse294 Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 Aww I missed the exploding tie bit because I went to the toilet when they were crashing.. MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I guess they just don't want to try and defend their points. But whatever.
eezstreet Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I guess they just don't want to try and defend their points. But whatever. No. Because this thread is devoted to Ep7, not about whether the EU should have been scrapped. Don't make this personal. Last warning on this matter. Move on. Syko, BruceJohnJenner, Garyn Dakari and 1 other like this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 No. Because this thread is devoted to Ep7, not about whether the EU should have been scrapped. Don't make this personal. Last warning on this matter. Move on.Alright. Oh, Eez? Just saying, not trying to start up anything again, BUT....*In a Stormtrooper's voice* Move along. That might help since this is a Star Wars thread.
Futuza Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 Can someone clarify for me, is the "deathplanet" shooting only planets in it's same solar system or does it somehow have unlimited range and utilize hyperspace to hit things across the galaxy? And how many planets got exploded and was one of them Coruscant? Also Star Destroyer's now have quantum field regulators, did I hear that right? NumberWan and BruceJohnJenner like this
Fuse294 Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 URGH This whole thread is falling to the Dark Side. MB2 Beta Tester / MB2 FA Assistant Dev
afi Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 Yeah I also wondered which planets got destroyed
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