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Star Wars Episode VII Discussion

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I'm purposefully avoiding any Episode VII hype or leaks because I want to experience the movie unspoiled and without any prior knowledge of anything about it.


However, I wonder if mark hamill will still be taken seriously as luke skywalker now? I don't affiliate the old mark hamill with anything other than voice acting and occasional other screen acting. I certainly don't think of luke when I see his face nowadays.


I guess it won't be an issue really.

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I am almost sure it won't. I feel, that the actors were caught by surprize, when they were invited to participate in Episode VII. Some news indicated, that back in 1980s Lucas said to Mark Hamill at least, that some time later he would be filming a new saga with new characters, but he would also ask the current (in 1970s) team to return to reprise the role of good old Luke Skywalker. And Mark Hamill considered that just to be a joke.


It might be off-topic, but I can name only one other franchise, which was developed in similar way - "V". It was a popular TV series about alien invasion back in 1980s. Many years later in 2009 V was re-booted. I must say the show was quite something, but after 2 season it was closed. In any case, two members of older cast returned in the new show. They have a bit different roles (Jane Badler played an alien named Diana in 1980s, and is an alien with the same name of Diana in 2009 series, the other (Marc Singer) is a member of the resistance, and belongs to similar organization in newer seasons).

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  • 2 weeks later...

That image strongly suggests that he will appear in the new saga as the new Ben Kenobi (hooded old man).

I'm hoping for a more serious, perhaps darker version of Luke in the new saga than he was in the original movies,
Luke was just a farmer boy from the start to the very end, perhaps a bit more mature at the end of episode 6.


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  • 2 weeks later...


They never stated it officially, but most people speculate that he will indeed take that role of his older Master. Even before Episode VII first spoilers some people said, that after Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker would bring the lightsaber to someone that of a new generation...


AS for the pictures, I saw only the last one before. It's clearly a starship... I guess that we will see Star Destroyers, modified and more advanced perhaps.

The first one was seen from a different angle. The second is most likely the artowrk of Ralph McQuarrie, whose concepts have been in active usage for the last 20 years, lots of Clone Wars Episodes as well as the prequels used these. The oriental ark, as @@Darth Futuza mentioned, is notable to be seen several times in Star Wars now. The most obvious is that it's a nearby gate of Jabba the Hutt's Palace on Tatooine as seen in The Force Unleashed. A similar design was seen in the Clone Wars series as well, but it's not of the Hutt style I guess... The B'Omarr monks are the ones to create such things. :)


Is the photo with the Millenium Falcon old or new? There've been several posts about the return of the ship. Also (spoiler):


The Millenium Falcon is no Longer Han Solo's, but rather a new owner is flying it now



One of the most interesting news of late is perhaps the already known re-design of Imperial stormtroopers.





Though I do like it, the older one was more like Star Wars. The new version reminds of other Sci-Fi movies, released in the last 5-10 years (e.g.Total Recall with Farrell).


There is also a concept art drawing of older Han Solo in the net.


The thing which feels like "A great disturbance in the Force" is perhaps the following (warning! major spoilers!)


It was said, that the new show of Rebels would be connected somehow with Episode VII. Now it is known, that the key moment here is the "Sith Inquisitor". I felt relieved, when I learnt, that the Umbaran from the show is not the main villain in the new trilogy. But still a Sith Inquisitor (which is no surprise, given that the organization counted many members), which is (was) devoted to Palpatine.


It is explained, that the organization is not seen in Episodes IV-VI, because there goals are elsewhere, while the principal one is for Darth Vader only to discover.



On Princess Leia (and someone else from OT):


The news came to attention, when they announced that Carrie Fisher's daughter would reprise the role of younger princess Leia in the film. Certain spoilers suggest (and it's almost proven), that Leia Organa would have a flashback (or perhaps a hologram recording?) of her younger years, when she (perhaps) stayed on Alderaan with her father. At this point she would remember both Darth Vader (so, he actually make it into Episode VII), and the Sith Inquisitor.


Various ideas cone here to my head, for instance, that it happens before Episode IV, so we might see Leia as a young senator on Coruscant, characters from Rebels and perhaps younger Moff Tarkin?



On main villain and someone else (another one) from the OT:


I never had a chance to properly examine the photo released about a week ago, that it is stated that it's indeed has the main villain in the screenshot. It is the above mentioned Sith Inquisitor, most likely human, which wears a dark cloak, has certain prosthetics (an arm and a jaw), who has his evil plans for the next film at least. In this scene he is clearly holding a broken Darth Vader's mask, which might be a metaphor for Episode VII.


The most shocking thing published just on Friday is that we will be seeing Darth Sidious in Episode VII, who is actually behind everything once again. It is said, that the Emperor did die in ROTJ, but this time he will return in a certain manner... Either as a ghost, a vision, perhaps a holocron (which I like the most) or in a new body (the worst idea). StarWars Underworlds source suggests, that if a new actor other than Ian McDiarmid to play the Emperor, then the producers will have to bring a very persuasive explanation...




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Thanks for sharing those tidbits, @@NumberWan! Where did you get your info from? I use starwars7news.com and they recenetly released an article (spoilers) that kinda debunked at least some of those points...still not sure what's true and what's not but that's makes it fun! :D

Very interesting indeed, @NumberWan seems to have almost too much information about the upcoming film, Hahah :D

It sure sounds interesting that Carrie Fishers daughter would play the role of a younger Leia Organa, it just sounds logical.

But then there's a lot of perhaps/maybe/would be logical speculations about the new saga that you can find on google.


Lambda Shuttle ?




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Thanks! I am looking for it from time to time in various sources (back to good memories, when I did the same for Episode II and III), but the main one is still Theforce.net.


It's feels more like a puzzle or a detective investigation: you put the pieces together and yet you are not much closer to solving it.  :P


The Imperial Shuttle? It could be, though the "nose" in the picture is longer, don't you think? Yet, you might be close to truth, and that might be a part of a newer version of an Imperial Shuttle.

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I really hope for an adult and dark movie. I always hated it when Star Wars tried to be funny or extra suitable for kids (like Jar Jar Binks or the Ewoks).

I also don't want to see all the old characters from the 80s, maybe Luke and 1-2 more but that should be it. I think a complete "reboot" would have been even better, means letting the movie take place in a completely different time than the previous movies. Maybe a hundred years before or after RotJ.  I like what J.J. Abrams did with Star Trek though and I hope he will do something similar with Star Wars.

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I think a complete "reboot" would have been even better, means letting the movie take place in a completely different time than the previous movies.

Maybe a hundred years before or after RotJ.  I like what J.J. Abrams did with Star Trek though and I hope he will do something similar with Star Wars.


We'd be fools if we thought this idea never crossed his mind, but tt could have shared the same fate as Terminator: Salvation.

It offered plenty of great effects but lacked the heart of the original films and was the first film in the series failing to meet Boxoffice Magazine predictions by 50%.


Hard to say why JJ Abs decided to continue the saga, but I think it's the right thing to do, because if you watch StarWars Episodes 1 - 6

you should notice that there's still more to the story, what happens to Luke? ...Will the new Republic rise and shine as predicted?


 ...what if the Emperor became a ghost like Obi-Wan & Yoda? ...and did Boba Fett die? How bout dat - maybe he survived :ph34r:

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Though not being the fan of Jar Jar, I guess he still replaced certain emptiness in the story. He actually reminds me of minor fools in classic stories, which still play their part in a manner of assisting major characters. It's more like a Medieval knight fighting against real evil, and his a squire, who bears his armor, but remains out of certain events, because he is naive, silly or just a coward. Though that's surely not a pattern to be seen everywhere.


I guess the element of silliness will still be present even in the new films. At least that's what point out one of the videos. The above mentioned Star Trek actually has lots of such minor episodes throughout the film.


In case of Star Wars, I guess, the return of only some of the main cast won't work fine. I just remembered, what it is like with other franchises - in Starship Troopers the character of Johny Rico returns in film 3, but he is the only one. The film didn't pull it out and was a failure (to many reasons of course). The feel of emptiness is present in certain Star Trek shows, when we see only one familiar face among many new ones.


I might say, that it's essential and even vital for all of the Millenium Falcon to be seen in Episode VII at least. They are the main representatives of the Star Wars traditions, the ones upon which the whole Saga stands and many other stories are based on. It's like a dish or a cocktail - without certain components the taste is most likely not the same.


Though I did enjoy the latest ST, I must say, that creating a new - alternative - timeline was a move, greatly criticized by Trekkies. Knowing some of them, I would say, that there people which gave up ST after such official neglecting of older movies. Similar ideas were voiced by people, when Star Wars Underworld series and later Episode VII were announced. The OT is a sacred thing which will never (and should never) be touched. If they are replaced by new stuff it will bring the collapse of lots of things and the demise of Star Wars itself.


I agree with you on the point, that it would be interesting to see film ,telling us the story like a century before or after ROTJ. And some people suggest, they eventually will - with two more standalone films it would be unwise not to explore new areas in such large Galaxy in a different timeline.



Though now deemed to be non-canon, books, comics and JA suggest Boba Fett survived on Tatooine that fateful day and might return. If not in Episode VII, then in a different film.



Some time during Episode II Lucas released a statement to SW authors not to exploit Boba Fett in any book or story. The idea now is that a new film aside from Episodes VII-IX will present us a story of Boba Fett. It is also said, that Boba might be not the boy we see in Attack of the Clones, but rather someone else killed him before Episode IV and took up his identity and helmet.



It is true, that the story of Luke Skywalker was not complete in Episode VI. It was felt even after they released books and additional material on the days of the New Republic after ROTJ. However... There is a minor thing about Episode VII on this account (spoiler alert!):


The New Republic and the Jedi Order are most likely do not exist in the Galaxy and have never been after ROTJ in Episode VII


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About helmet. Has anyone seen this thread?

It is notable, that one user there noticed one minor detail about the new stormtrooper helmet.




"At first I wasn't sure where it had pointed me to but after zooming out I realised that it was Pinewood. The skylights in the roof seem to match the reflections in the helmet as well."





Not that is eagle's eye!

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No, actually I didn't, because I tried to draw your attention to a bit different subject: not the fact, that the helmet were legit (posted by @@DT85), but the fact, that a fellow SW fan noticed the lights on the helmet, which match the roof windows of Pinewood studios, as seen on Google Maps (!). That proves that the helmet is also real and physical object... :)

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