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Jeff's never ending WIP's

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I know about the dark jedi port. It's hideous, has many clipping issues and is hella boxy (not to mention that whenever a npc uses the ported model It can't use lightsabers because the blades get invisible and don't do damage). Really, I really tried it but I can't overlook it.


The other guy from K2 doesn't exist anywhere as far as i know.


I know about the dark jedi port. It's hideous, has many clipping issues and is hella boxy (not to mention that whenever a npc uses the ported model It can't use lightsabers because the blades get invisible and don't do damage). Really, I really tried it but I can't overlook it.


The other guy from K2 doesn't exist anywhere as far as i know.

I don't know, they usually work for me no problem (in fact, it's some of the other characters in the pack that have this glitch).

There is also Starkiller in Jedi Adventurer Robes that *sometimes* had this glitch.

And yeah, nobody seems to have made the K2 Sith Lord(s)


If you really don't like the ported dark jedi from kotor, then all it needs is the jka reborn model with a few additions (shoulderpads, hood, boots) and some simple retexturing. But really the only thing wrong from what I can remember with the ported model was his hands not being weighed.

the_raven likes this

I always liked the Armored Sith Lord npcs from KOTOR 2.Same goes for the Sith Commandos you encounter toward the end of the game.Models should be made for these.

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Storm Pilot OqO Wooooow

Jeff likes this

The model is eye-candy, I never played TOR so that explains why I never heard about it.



Today https://www.dropbox....Pack 5.zip?dl=0

The pack contains


-Rodian Heavy Defender


-Zakuul Knight

-Tie Pilot (Replacement)

-Shu Mai


As always these are not the best, just enjoy them.



Ahh, another one of your junk packs . They say one man's junk is another man's treasure, so...

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cool another character for federation :D

Jeff likes this

I say, can we have the Rebels' Maul? :rolleyes:


Not until I watch Rebels season 2, in other words when the dvd is released.


This may be a stupid question, but why don't we just do the same with Starkiller?


I personally don't care for Starkiller thought he was a terrible character, but perhaps I should at some point.

Noodle likes this

We still need both the Fifth and Eighth Brothers as character models.Don't forget about the Rebels version of Maul.Maybe even throw in a Rebels Anakin style model during the hologram segment in Shroud of Darkness if you have enough time.

the_raven likes this

Not until I watch Rebels season 2, in other words when the dvd is released.



I personally don't care for Starkiller thought he was a terrible character, but perhaps I should at some point.

Why wait for the dvd when you can watch it on tv or something, online even? :huh:

Also, you talking about Starkiller from TFU1 or TFU2? Because TFU2 was a crap game with a crap storyline, TFU1 on the other hand, was good, but the PC port was awful  :mad: 

Username likes this

Why wait for the dvd when you can watch it on tv or something, online even? :huh:

Also, you talking about Starkiller from TFU1 or TFU2? Because TFU2 was a crap game with a crap storyline, TFU1 on the other hand, was good, but the PC port was awful  :mad:

I could never take TFU2's plot seriously. Starkiller's clone? Come on...Also, the game was really short, It had like 3 missions. Definately not worth the money.

the_raven likes this

I could never take TFU2's plot seriously. Starkiller's clone? Come on...Also, the game was really short, It had like 3 missions. Definately not worth the money.

The only good thing about TFU II was the graphics and the visuals. The story felt kinda' out of place and something they just threw together, because they felt they HAD to make a sequel to it. Not quite a cash-grab, but more or less along those lines. Now, if the first TFU game, had the graphics of TFU II.. Then you'd have a game on your hands.

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