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Śăļvõö's Skins and Kitbashes

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        NEW FILES :



ROTS Obi-Wan reskin:




other variants:











IG-88 reskin:


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Any screenshots of your other Marvel characters? that Magneto looks pretty cool.



-Doctor Octopus

-Green Goblin

-The Amazing Spider-Man




-New Goblin



-Iron Man update
-Ghost Rider
-She Hulk
-Wolverine (WIP)
-Hawkeye (WIP)
-Dr. Doom (WIP)
-Dr. Strange (WIP)
-Captain America (WIP)
-Hulk (WIP)
-Ported Iron-Man (WIP)
-Ported Spider-Man (WIP)
-Deadpool (WIP)
@@DTIII I will update, if I remember it, this comment with the links of the other missing images when I can ;)
However it's my brother that lost time with them...I prefer to dedicate myself to Star Wars stuff :P
DTIII, DarthStiv and KyleKatarn1995 like this
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-Doctor Octopus

-Green Goblin

-The Amazing Spider-Man




-New Goblin



-Iron Man update
-Ghost Rider
-She Hulk
-Wolverine (WIP)
-Hawkeye (WIP)
-Dr. Doom (WIP)
-Dr. Strange (WIP)
-Captain America (WIP)
-Hulk (WIP)
-Ported Iron-Man (WIP)
-Ported Spider-Man (WIP)
-Deadpool (WIP)
@@DTIII I will update, if I remember it, this comment with the links of the other missing images when I can ;)
However it's my brother that lost time with them...I prefer to dedicate myself to Star Wars stuff :P


Hmm, if I could make a pitch for a model for your brother...Black Widow (Scarlet Johanson version) with short and long hair? ^_^

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Salvoo, do you have any plans on porting the battlefront 3 boba fett model?


Or ea battlelfront vader?


Atm I'm not working on models, I got kinda crazy with them so I just took a little break  :P Going on working on my mod, but I'd still like to make these requests, if I'm able in the future  ;)

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Alright gotcha, gonna release more of those? I didn't see links or even images for a number of them in the first page.










-Ghost rider


-The Punisher






I definitely wanna see these. ^

Same here.....:)

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-Doctor Octopus

-Green Goblin

-The Amazing Spider-Man




-New Goblin



-Iron Man update
-Ghost Rider
-She Hulk
-Wolverine (WIP)
-Hawkeye (WIP)
-Dr. Doom (WIP)
-Dr. Strange (WIP)
-Captain America (WIP)
-Hulk (WIP)
-Ported Iron-Man (WIP)
-Ported Spider-Man (WIP)
-Deadpool (WIP)
@@DTIII I will update, if I remember it, this comment with the links of the other missing images when I can ;)
However it's my brother that lost time with them...I prefer to dedicate myself to Star Wars stuff :P


That is an exceptional Punisher.

Śăļvõö and swegmaster like this
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This should be included


All of them but The Punisher have to be fixed up a bit. Wake up !!..the Punisher is downloadable in the first page since the Stone Age !!    :angry:


Weird, when I checked it was under the "released upon request" section with no link.

Maybe I looked in the wrong section...?


ahaha @@Circa according to me we urgently need a forum section called "Users' epic failures" , even if you don't want us to creat topics with our favorite cat images, that is pretty fair, so I don't know if this idea could be accepted. But after all we already have a nonsense section :P


For this horror I'd deserve a memorable place.


@The Punisher ahah can't believe I forgot uploading it,  :wallbash:

sorry ahah :D

I've put the link of in the first page now, enjoy ;)

Jeff, The Punisher and scp_chaos1 like this
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There you find even other skins such as BUD SPENCER:

































It's Superman with Kyle Katarn's head ahah :P















Sorry, too tiring posting so much screenshots in a so short time !! BTW, it's the same than before :P You'd find a screen somewhere in this thread ;)











I have a billion other models...but I'll post a link to them in these days...I remember you  that all the models I mentioned are downloadable from the first page of the thread ;)

Enjoy ;)

Bud Spencer looks totally awesome there!! I wonder if you'll also make a Terence Lawrence model? :)

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Hi everyone :)


I've taken a break atm so here is the topic of my brother, that's keeping up all ;)https://jkhub.org/topic/8281-backflip1s-skins-kitbashes/


If you have some requests you could ask him : porting, skins and frankenstein requests are accepted ;)



Understandable man! We all need some break from things every now and then. I just hope you don't go too far or stay away for too long. We need artists like you.



Congrats to your brother also. I already saw his page and posted a couple of pics of his Punisher model in SP. Looking forward for his models.

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