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[WIP] Look out for that tree!

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Model currently pending approval for upload. finally made it to release lol.


Right then, so, I was bored one day, and in my state of being in the state of boredom. I decided that I would do something that I decided to then do. At that particular point in time. And so I did that thing in which It decided- By Myself, that I was going to do.


(Note, all textures are WIP. everything is subject to change, who knows, I might put a top hat on his shoulder... or maybe a monocle on his nose. We will never know untill it is released WHEN it is finished)


(Also, no promises I will ever release this, as time is my enemy right now, BUT IF I DO. Then I do.)


I suppose some pictures are in order.














And also for giggles





Link, Smoo, Langerd and 9 others like this
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This is an awesome model! I was hoping to see another model of a Scout trooper released. Please, please, please release this! It looks quite excellent and I love me some Imperial models. It would go great with DT's Stormtrooper.


Also could you please keep the pauldron it looks awesome!

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Decided I would post this VERY VERY VERY small update. 


Began working on his feets. Still a bit bendy for my tastes. so I will be tweaking it some moar.

(I really hate feet so this is actually a slight accomplishment for me...)

I hate feet. ._.












For the record, I will be keeping the pauldron. and adding more extras. Because I love me some extras.


Did I mention I hate feet?


(Let's just pretend that kneepad is invisible =_,=)

Barricade24 likes this
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Decided I would post this VERY VERY VERY small update. 


Began working on his feets. Still a bit bendy for my tastes. so I will be tweaking it some moar.

(I really hate feet so this is actually a slight accomplishment for me...)

I hate feet. ._.












For the record, I will be keeping the pauldron. and adding more extras. Because I love me some extras.


Did I mention I hate feet?


(Let's just pretend that kneepad is invisible =_,=)

I don't suppose you would be willing to add on General Weir's bandolier would you?




You don't have to if you don't want to, but I think it would be a really cool add on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes and no. I have no pictures to show right now, as I don't feel I've made enough progress, but I have remade the kneepads so they're actually not squares now.


I'm working on the textures for the boots ( I hate feet ) which is a really big pain in the Islets of langerhans.


Just trying to get it to look right. instead of derpy. When I finish with those I'll post some pictures.


I still continue to hate feet.

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  • 3 years later...

It really looks great, but I feel there's something off with the helmet. Maybe it's a bit too thin, or perhaps it's the elongated "rebreather" or communicator on the front part that gives it that impression. At least from the references it seems to be a bit shorter:













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To my knowledge there are only two scout trooper models in existence. one really old one for JKO that was never finished to my knowledge and only ever released as a "beta" which was made by Slurpy_Commando from what I remember, and the one currently being used which was made by Monsoontide, Keshire and Duncan. other than that there have been a few kit-bashes of their model and Neomarz' clone trooper as well as several skins(which don't really count). but that's all I know of. Feel free to correct me if there are others that I missed.

Thanks for the kind words and criticism all.

Xanemus and Jolly like this
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