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Top Jedi Academy Authors of All Time!

Top Authors Poll  

16 members have voted

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Note: Although I may not like all the work they do these people should be recognized for their hard work and dedication to Jedi Academy. I felt it is time we do that. Be aware you might not recognize some of these authors as they have probably moved on but should be recognized anyways.

  • Sith-J-Cull
  • Mace Crusher Madunusus
  • NozySpy
  • Szico VII
  • Raz0r (just because I can?)
  • Boba Fett
  • Hapslash

  • Toshi

  • Mars Marshall

  • LivingDeadJedi

  • SeveralSidedSid

  • Shroomduck

  • Slider (by recommendation)

  • Lugor

  • Circa

  • AshuraDX

  • Shadow Stone

  • Knights of the Force Tim (tribute)

  • EagleStriker (by SiLink request)

  • Darth Arth

  • Heavy Trooper (not the best modder but he does his best)

  • Darth Linux

  • Inyri

  • Lt. Colonel John Sheppard (most of you don't know him but he made maps for Stargate Event Horizon and he is going to re-release it and update the links at www.sg-eh.forumotion.com register and revive the forum!!!)

  • Dex (another Stargate Event Horizon and Stargate JKA Mapper)

  • Watcher

  • Wector

  • Razorace

  • Tobe_One

  • AngelModder

Smoo and AngelModder like this

I think that half of them should stay, but the other half should be replaced by others. I shouldn't be on there. :P Though I am flattered that I was a first pick. 


Okay, added you.

I think that half of them should stay, but the other half should be replaced by others. I shouldn't be on there. :P Though I am flattered that I was a first pick. 

Well truthfully I forgot most of them.


Fixed it. For now...


What about the old school modders like Lugor, Slider, Scooper, and Luigi Auriemma (Hes a very controversial figure, I mean no offence for bringing him up.) Also didn't Link contribute to JA+'s code?


I'll list some great modders from JA history that I know of that you haven't already listed.




Mars Marshall




The JA Coders in general.


I'll edit it when I think of more.


Onysfx and Morabis like this

I have no idea but Slider is not being put on the list like EVER. He was a jerk...


Opinions are irrelevant :P he has some of (If not the most) downloaded content in JK3 whether you dislike him or his work. You can't be biased when making such lists.


By the way, EagleStriker deserves to be on this list in my opinion. He might not had been a modder (To my knowledge) but he made some of the best comedy videos I've ever seen for a game.

Onysfx, Omicron, MoonDog and 3 others like this

Opinions are irrelevant :P he has some of (If not the most) downloaded content in JK3 whether you dislike him or his work. You can't be biased when making such lists.


By the way, EagleStriker deserves to be on this list in my opinion. He might not had been a modder (To my knowledge) but he made some of the best comedy videos I've ever seen for a game.

I just watched the Christmas special today actually. I agree, he should be recognized. Brilliant work he did.



I'd like to put Shadowstone in there


Not a modder or anything but his maps whenever made always topped the downloads of popularity and coherent with his skills!


One of the only mapper sot release a first map, which was a success in all technical rights!! rare gift!


I'd like to put Shadowstone in there


Not a modder or anything but his maps whenever made always topped the downloads of popularity and coherent with his skills!


One of the only mapper sot release a first map, which was a success in all technical rights!! rare gift!

Jedis home II. The most overplayed RP map ever. I agree, he should be on this list.

eezstreet likes this

Darth-Arth deserves a spot on that list, his Mapping Academy got a lot of Germans (including me) into jk2/jka modding.


Who was behind map-craft again?


Somewhat sad to see Darth Norman no longer on that list, he made great stuff... But not as popular maybe?

Onysfx and eezstreet like this

Tobe_One is still my favorite skinner.

Mercenary for his sp levels.



Yes! Those SP levels were high quality indeed!

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