Circa Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 So...what about the code?What about it? There doesn't have to be any coding but if anyone would like to throw in some code mod ideas, anyone can take them up if they so desire. Are you asking because you're interested? .!¡!.
eezstreet Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 No, I'm asking because I'm not sure whether this is going to use new code or not. I don't really know -what- this is, to tell the truth. Is it for SP or MP?
Circa Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 No, I'm asking because I'm not sure whether this is going to use new code or not. I don't really know -what- this is, to tell the truth. Is it for SP or MP?It's basically a big mod package of any mod that people want to contribute. The ultimate goal is to include things that make the game better, and more complete. But anything can be contributed. It can be for SP or MP. I think the main target is SP though, since it needs the most attention (to make it better). .!¡!.
Futuza Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 Smarter npcs that don't just stand there and wait to be sabered.Ahahahahaha. Implement this.
eezstreet Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 Part of the problem with "smarter NPCs" is that a lot of the flaws lie within the waypointing system and decision making. A lot of waypointing is absent in JKA, wheras JK2 had a lot more.
MagSul Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 One thing I did loathe about the original game was that aside from their consistently atrocious aim, the NPCs would remain completely immobile whilst I charged at them with a lightsaber. katanamaru likes this
Circa Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 The only thing that could pseudo-fix that is set their evasion level to 5 in the NPC files. Even then they probably won't be much "smarter" about it. Without coding of course. .!¡!.
Scorpion Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 -Wishlist -mindtrick level 4 (it allows you to control opponents in single player, I've tried it xD)-new saber style names (instead of blue, yellow, and red, have soresu, shi-cho, and djem-so)-UNLIMITED POWAH! (Level 4 lightning can be used even longer even if you don't have force, but at the expense of your health)-More customization-New saber system for gods sake, enough of the hit and run.-Prone crawling-If you do a complete voiceover replacement, more missions for SP! (Ok, this idea isn't too important xD)-Easter eggs (Palpatine: Jaden...I told you it would come to this...I was right...the jedi are taking ovah!)-Holstered weapons-Grapple hook (For custom missions that require it, not like the JAplus one where you can Pull yourself up the hook, no, I mean just use it for swinging to the other side of the chasm)-Create your own saber hilt. Not just select one, I mean actually select the parts you want with it. -Back story of how jaden got his lightsaber (brand new mission). -Smarter npcs that don't just stand there and wait to be sabered.-Lightsaber settings (change the length of your saber, as well as its strength).-Dark forces II sense (sound and darkening effect)-Enhanced melee (more complex than the MBII version xD) I hope these ideas don't sound too much like OJP enhanced xD Just my ideas, if I have any more I'll post them.I like the build saber thing. Perhaps implement @@AshuraDX 's saberbuilder somehow, or a system like it. That'd be really cool. And for MY wishlist...FOR GODS SAKES, THE ONLY JEDI IN THE WORLD AREN'T LUKE,KYLE JADEN AND ROSH! I mean, so many students and the only time you see them is in Korriban...for them to die. I mean, them dying should mean something. But you feel nothing because you gained no connection to them. For example, Raltheran, right at the beginning. You hear the name only to never hear of the damn jedi again. Have them speak, follow you around, be assigned on missions WITH you sometimes...and when you reach Korriban and see them die, you'll feel something! I mean, really. Also, make saberlocks happen more often. They're really cool but you can go through a whole playthrough without happening even once. It's ridiculous. Those are the only two wishes I have, and they're my biggest. I hope I made myself clear. Onysfx likes this
AshuraDX Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 implementing a saber system like mine should be possible I guess but I think it'd require serious coding workif anybody feels up to that , my saberbuilder assets are free to use Scorpion likes this
Onysfx Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 I like the build saber thing. Perhaps implement @@AshuraDX 's saberbuilder somehow, or a system like it. That'd be really cool. And for MY wishlist...FOR GODS SAKES, THE ONLY JEDI IN THE WORLD AREN'T LUKE,KYLE JADEN AND ROSH! I mean, so many students and the only time you see them is in Korriban...for them to die. I mean, them dying should mean something. But you feel nothing because you gained no connection to them. For example, Raltheran, right at the beginning. You hear the name only to never hear of the damn jedi again. Have them speak, follow you around, be assigned on missions WITH you sometimes...and when you reach Korriban and see them die, you'll feel something! I mean, really. Also, make saberlocks happen more often. They're really cool but you can go through a whole playthrough without happening even once. It's ridiculous. Those are the only two wishes I have, and they're my biggest. I hope I made myself clear.I agree. Getting to know the other jedi a little more would definitely be nice. Scorpion likes this
katanamaru Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 Wait @@Onysfx, I thought you'd be happy to see Jedi die by the dozens?
Onysfx Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 Wait @@Onysfx, I thought you'd be happy to see Jedi die by the dozens?It makes it more satisfying when people feel the angah for a friend getting killed. Circa and Futuza like this
Futuza Posted September 27, 2013 Posted September 27, 2013 One thing I did loathe about the original game was that aside from their consistently atrocious aim, the NPCs would remain completely immobile whilst I charged at them with a lightsaber.Fixed in JKG a few months ago. Unfortunately we're re-doing it from scratch so it be broken again. And for MY wishlist...FOR GODS SAKES, THE ONLY JEDI IN THE WORLD AREN'T LUKE,KYLE JADEN AND ROSH! I mean, so many students and the only time you see them is in Korriban...for them to die. I mean, them dying should mean something.New challenge idea: Beat Korriban without losing a single Jedi to enemy forces. IMPOSSIBRUU!!1! Onysfx and Scorpion like this
Agent Jones Posted October 2, 2013 Posted October 2, 2013 New challenge idea: Beat Korriban without losing a single Jedi to enemy forces. IMPOSSIBRUU!!1!Can't do it .One of the jedis you meet is scripted to lose all her health and die right after having been spawned. Scorpion and Circa like this
katanamaru Posted October 2, 2013 Posted October 2, 2013 It is her destiny! Bek, Onysfx and Circa like this
Agent Jones Posted October 3, 2013 Posted October 3, 2013 I once tried to save her using force speed. I killed the cultist....and she died anyway. You can't fight yer fate
NumberWan Posted October 3, 2013 Posted October 3, 2013 The music in JO and JA are not the same files. JA uses some of the original tracks from JO, but also introduces new ones, including those of Hoth, and on Korriban among some other levels. On the whole - in JO the music from original trilogy was placed wonderfully. I really like the feel of Bespin music in JO, Nar Shaddaa is also made spectacularly. Yavin IV with Jedi motives was also a nice one. JA used most of this tracks on new locations, without adding genuine feeling of harmonic co-existence of music, level design, characters and events. In my opinion, one couldn't make a worse Coruscant version than the one seen in JA. It's been disproportioned and of suh low quality, that I thought it was an outside work, not from the original developers. I would really like to change that level, remove certain elements of architecture and make it broader perhaps, more detailed. Tatooine seems to be very fine, I like these maps. Unfortunately it was one of a few locations, where we saw unique NPCs, that could challenge us both in saber-fighting and blaster strikes. Noghri were not the same, though taun-taun, wampas and rancors were also good. To tell the truth I expected a real Hutt to be seen on of those levels, not just a pile of mercs and recolored prisoners, escaping from Rancor!
katanamaru Posted October 3, 2013 Posted October 3, 2013 It's neat for me to read about how much people cared about the music. I have to admit that I don't pay attention to music after 10 seconds. It just becomes background noise. So I thought the music in JO and JA was the same John Williams fair that I tune out after awhile.
Circa Posted October 3, 2013 Posted October 3, 2013 The music in JO and JA are not the same files. JA uses some of the original tracks from JO, but also introduces new ones, including those of Hoth, and on Korriban among some other levels. On the whole - in JO the music from original trilogy was placed wonderfully. I really like the feel of Bespin music in JO, Nar Shaddaa is also made spectacularly. Yavin IV with Jedi motives was also a nice one. JA used most of this tracks on new locations, without adding genuine feeling of harmonic co-existence of music, level design, characters and events. In my opinion, one couldn't make a worse Coruscant version than the one seen in JA. It's been disproportioned and of suh low quality, that I thought it was an outside work, not from the original developers. I would really like to change that level, remove certain elements of architecture and make it broader perhaps, more detailed. Tatooine seems to be very fine, I like these maps. Unfortunately it was one of a few locations, where we saw unique NPCs, that could challenge us both in saber-fighting and blaster strikes. Noghri were not the same, though taun-taun, wampas and rancors were also good. To tell the truth I expected a real Hutt to be seen on of those levels, not just a pile of mercs and recolored prisoners, escaping from Rancor!Agreed on everything. I thought we would see a Hutt as well, which would have been awesome. Maybe we could rework that somehow? Hmm. And yeah, Tatooine is my favorite setting in the Star Wars universe, so I was really glad they included that in JA, twice. Though it would have been better if they weren't right after one another. .!¡!.
Rage Posted October 9, 2013 Posted October 9, 2013 I really like all the ideas, the whole project sounds awesome - As I'm a fan of Stormtroopers, it would be cool to inplace some new ones, to make the "common" imperial opponents a little more exciting, like the Nova Troopers (could be done with a simple skin: on the space stations, or the Storm Commandos. One more mission in an imperial base would be cool aswell, like seen in JO at the beginning where you can only fight with rifles, but I think that's pretty much work, and I like the idea of getting the mod done in 1 or 2 months - New weapons would be very cool indeed, I would love to see the T-21 or the DLT-19, or some New Republic weapons, as they are very limited (I think it's only the DL-44 blaster pistol? And not even this is directly connected to the Republic) or even an antiquiated DC-15? - What's about some new maps? I really love the idea of your mercenary-mode, @@therfiles. I thought about making a new siege mission for a few months now, where you can chose between an arrested mercenary/bounty hunter group and the imperial crew of an imperial ship or space stations. The main goal of the mercenaries/bounty hunters, to get out of their cells (or maybe it even starts after they achieved that), fight their way through the corridors and steal a shuttle to get out of the station/ship. And the class that have been Jedi or Sith before can be "elite" soldiers, such as Dark Troopers or Nova Troopers for the Imperials and maybe a heavy armoured Trandoshan or something for the mercenaries/bounty hunters. If you're searching for people to map, I would like to help It could be even small projects, like new duel maps, though I like the idea of concentrating on the SP. Best Regards,Rage Circa and SOVIET CORSAIR like this
Circa Posted October 9, 2013 Posted October 9, 2013 @@Rage yes, we could use someone to map! That would be awesome. I was always wanting a mission where you had to go under cover as a Stormtrooper and infiltrate an Imperial base. That would be so epic. SOVIET CORSAIR and therfiles like this .!¡!.
katanamaru Posted October 9, 2013 Posted October 9, 2013 I made a little weapons.dat mod last weekend or so. I wanted to make guns fun to play with so I've been using that with another playthrough. Mostly upping the ammo count to 999, reducing ammo cost to 1 for most guns, and making the pistol and E11 primary fire not use any ammo. Yeah it's OP, but now I actually am using the guns. I've never done that before! Circa likes this
Circa Posted October 9, 2013 Posted October 9, 2013 I made a little weapons.dat mod last weekend or so. I wanted to make guns fun to play with so I've been using that with another playthrough. Mostly upping the ammo count to 999, reducing ammo cost to 1 for most guns, and making the pistol and E11 primary fire not use any ammo. Yeah it's OP, but now I actually am using the guns. I've never done that before!I would use the guns more if they had better animations. So I'm glad you're doing that as well. .!¡!.
katanamaru Posted October 9, 2013 Posted October 9, 2013 My animations aren't great, but they are a huge improvement over the defaults. They are in the animations I've put together so far. You'll see soon enough. Circa likes this
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