scp_chaos1 Posted April 2, 2018 Posted April 2, 2018 In this topic we can see the progress of the maps of the SCP CHAOS OPS mod (which I am obviously creating). Due to the fall of the forum where I published the advances, now I am here publishing them. The first advances are: from the maps of the 3rd campaign of mod. These maps are not all Quote 1: SCP Base: I was inspired by the SCP Containment Breach maps 2: The canon. 3: Drainage and electric zone. 4: The office of boxes. 1st part: I was inspired by the map of The Office Complex, by Counter Strike Source 5: The office of boxes. 2nd part: I was inspired by the map of The Office Complex, by Counter Strike Source 6: The office of boxes. 3rd part: I was inspired by the map of The Office Complex, by Counter Strike Source and the map of Warehouse, by Left 4 Dead. These maps and others, are part of the 3rd campaign of SCP Chaos Ops. What is this mod: in the 3rd mission of X (our character). Its objective is to save the immune ones from the clutches of the zombies and the Chaos Insurgency. In addition to destroying SCP-008, which has the Chaos Insurgency. Credits: Treyarch: for the lamps, shelfts, the engineer helmet and vehicles Valve: for the furniture, pens, chairs, refrigerators, textures and vehicles. and other props from different authors. Smoo, PreFXDesigns, Noodle and 7 others like this
RAILBACK Posted April 3, 2018 Posted April 3, 2018 This is all PORTED from Valve? Looks like half life to me. Onysfx, Smoo and Lazarus like this
scp_chaos1 Posted April 3, 2018 Author Posted April 3, 2018 Technically I put the credits of the original authors but the maps themselves are inspirations of a map of L4D and another of CSS but most are original or based on Google Maps images LukeJM28 and Smoo like this
scp_chaos1 Posted July 31, 2018 Author Posted July 31, 2018 Soon will come a new update of images on the mod. This includes weapons, maps and NPCS. LukeJM28 likes this
LukeJM28 Posted July 31, 2018 Posted July 31, 2018 l /l l ---- ----- l / l l / |l / l l \ |-----l/ l l ---- | ----- nope it not work (i wanted to type Nice xD) scp_chaos1 likes this
the_raven Posted July 31, 2018 Posted July 31, 2018 I though these were source engine too! Talk about skill. Some of the maps are kinda dark, too dark, but i suppose they look better in-game?Also, did i miss something, what's SCP? scp_chaos1 likes this
scp_chaos1 Posted July 31, 2018 Author Posted July 31, 2018 The SCP, by its letters: Secure, Contain and Protect, is responsible for the collection and containment characteristics of anomalous objects with human danger. In this mod, we will be a soldier of the Security Unit of the MTF of the sovereign state called The Town. Our main function is to save lives and keep the SCPs in contention and fight against The Chaos Insurgency. And if your question is the illumination of the maps, if it is totally true that they look better in the game than in the screenshots. the_raven likes this
scp_chaos1 Posted August 11, 2018 Author Posted August 11, 2018 New updates after 84 years: Quote 7: The Graveyard. 8: The Subway. 9: The camp C25B. 10: The Streets. 11: The Department. 12: Drain Tunnels. DarthStiv and DarthValeria like this
scp_chaos1 Posted August 11, 2018 Author Posted August 11, 2018 And More... Quote 13: The underground tunnel. 14: Underground of the Eastern Water Works apartment building. 15: Eastern Water Works apartment building. 16: Abandoned parking building. 17: The Avenue. 18: The Bridge. DarthValeria and DarthStiv like this
Raschu Posted August 11, 2018 Posted August 11, 2018 So, is this a mod much like that SCP Containment Breach game? Your ModDB page is very messy. Nice atmosphere in the maps though!
scp_chaos1 Posted August 11, 2018 Author Posted August 11, 2018 RaschuYes or good something similar only from the point of view of a soldier of the SCP instead of a Class D. At the moment I have not given maintenance to the ModDB page, because of lazy XP.the_ravenYou can try, seeing in the image section of the mod page, I leave the link:
scp_chaos1 Posted August 12, 2018 Author Posted August 12, 2018 Weapons of the mod in the 3rd campaign: Quote Lightsaber: Raging Bull G39C WA 2000 FMG-9 MP5SD3 FX05 or G36C Remington 870 Chrome Neo Stead 2000 RPG-7 M61 C4 N1 C4 N2 P90 Gatling cannon Credits: To all their respective creators. A special credits for user Wystan, for teaching me a lot about mode. DarthValeria and DarthStiv like this
Psyk0Sith Posted August 12, 2018 Posted August 12, 2018 I hope you fix the left arm in 1st person because it's quite distracting. scp_chaos1 likes this
scp_chaos1 Posted August 12, 2018 Author Posted August 12, 2018 I'm still working on it. Psyk0Sith likes this
RAILBACK Posted August 26, 2018 Posted August 26, 2018 Interesting. So upon further examination, how did you manage to eliminate repeating textures? I see some but, most of your shots look like HL / CS textures to me. Is this mapped in Radiant? If so, you either did a crap-ton of extra brushwork or you did this in.... hammer...?If you say this is from scratch, this is a MOUNTAIN of work displayed here.
scp_chaos1 Posted August 26, 2018 Author Posted August 26, 2018 While some textures are from HL2, CS GO and L4D. Others are public domain. As for the maps, all are handmade by Gtk Radiant.
scp_chaos1 Posted April 26, 2019 Author Posted April 26, 2019 I bring you very good news, here is a new update of the mod. Includes seven new maps. As I have not yet delivered the models (which you have seen before), I am still polishing the maps, mainly in the details of the maps. Pics here: Quote I put a Kendo Gunshop as a tribute to Resident Evil 2.: 19: Alison Street: 20: The City Hall of the city (part I): 21: The City Hall of the city (part II): 22: Bone Street: 23: Old Street: 24: Train Station: The Parking: 25: Train Station: Central Zone: more images in: In case it is necessary: Clearly I have been inspired by games like: Left 4 Dead and Counter Strike to make these maps. It should be noted that the only really belong to me are the maps, not the models and textures. Please congratulate the original authors. If any of you have suggestions for this mod, do not hesitate to share your ideas here. Without more to say, this is all for the moment. PreFXDesigns, Lancelot, DarthValeria and 1 other like this
scp_chaos1 Posted December 25, 2022 Author Posted December 25, 2022 Merry Christmas! The time has come to upload new previews, throughout the end of this week and next week previews will be uploaded, so first things first, the first maps have been redesigned and new ones have been added, this campaign may have quite a few maps, some are of short duration, others of medium duration, and others of long duration. One thing this mod has is a hard difficulty that will gradually go up. Credits: Quote I do not own any of the assets used, so the edition is free to use as long as you do not benefit from it in an economic way. Support the original authors of any of the assets used, have a nice day and here is the complete list of credits: Credits: -Models: Companies: Molotov Cocktail, Medkits and the box of them, vehicles, furniture, props (some objects like: boxes, cork boards, cabinets, phones, computers and monitors, corpses, water dispenser, vending machines, etc...) , junk stuff, grass and pots, street lamps, the highway sign, sandbags, electricity boxes and gas meters, green generator, etc... (L4D and L4D2) Turtle Rock Studios and Valve Corporation. Containers, furniture, props (some objects like: Lamps, books, computers and monitors, etc...), junk stuff, tires, grass and pots, etc... (HL2) Sierra Entertainment and Valve Corporation. Furniture, props (some objects like: Lamps, books, computers and monitors, etc...), junk stuff, tires, grass and pots, etc... (CS:GO) Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve Corporation. Junk stuff, furniture, props (some objects like: Candles, bags, gas canister, neon lamps, etc...), wheel rims, a shelf of cigar boxes, a newspaper stand, cabinets, etc... (GTA IV and GTA V) Rockstar North. Vehicles, furniture, props (some objects like: Cigar boxes, lamps, fire alarm, water barrels, water dispensers, vending machines, medical bag (bacta), sandbags, grass and pots, etc...), etc... (COD: 4, MW2, MW3, Ghosts, WAW, BO1, and BO2) Infinite Ward, Treyarch, Sledgehammer Games, and others. Vehicles, furniture, props (some objects like: Bags, backpacks, books, etc...), etc... (CSO2) Nexon Corporation and Valve Corporation. Vehicles, furniture, props (lamps, TVs, computers, etc...), etc... (CS:S) Turtle Rock Studios and Valve Corporation. Vehicles, furniture, props (vests, masks, weapons, helmets, etc...), etc... (PayDay 2) Overkill Software. Vehicles and grocery cart. (SH2) Team Silent and Konami. Medkit model and the music box (F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin) Monolith Productions and Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment. Vehicles. (Alan Wake and Alan Wake's American Nightmare) Remedy Entertainment Users and other modders: Junk stuff, furniture, bags, props (some objects like: Papers, lamps, generators, etc...), etc... (Paranoia 1 and Paranoia 2: Savior) KPL (Kunst-Produkt-Laboratory) and Paranoia Team. All ports of Renafox for Garry's Mod (Steam user and modeler in Sketchfab), and other modelers from Garry's Mod (Erysdren, he made the server rack model. And AkAvery for Peepy plushies AkAvery). And the others that I could not put their credits because of the disappearance of their objects or collaborations, or the users and original or first porters. -Textures: Buildings, trims, roads, and any other type of textures, whether large or small, etc... (L4D and L4D2) Turtle Rock Studios and Valve Corporation. Buildings, trims, roads, and any other type of textures, whether large or small, etc... (HL2) Sierra Entertainment and Valve Corporation. Buildings, trims, roads, and any other type of textures, whether large or small, etc... (GTA IV and GTA V) Rockstar North. Buildings, trims, roads, and any other type of textures, whether large or small, etc... (COD: 4, MW2, MW3, Ghosts, WAW, BO1, and BO2) Infinite Ward, Treyarch, Sledgehammer Games, and others. Buildings, trims, roads, and any other type of textures, whether large or small, etc... (CSO2) Nexon Corporation and Valve Corporation. Buildings, trims, roads, and any other type of textures, whether large or small, etc... (CS:S) Turtle Rock Studios and Valve Corporation. Buildings, trims, roads, and any other type of textures, whether large or small, etc... (CS:GO) Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve Corporation -Weapons: Laser sight (JaKaL). Acog Scope (MW3) Infinite Ward and Sledgehammer Games. Drum Mag (BO1) Treyarch. Beretta M9 (Blaster_pistol) (MW2) Infinite Ward. FN Project 1990 PDWS (Blaster) (Cjone2) Original source unknown. Walther WA 2000 (Disruptor) (MW2) Infinite Ward. Izhmash AK-103 (Bowcaster) (Paranoia 1 (Third Person Model) and Paranoia 2 (First Person Model)) KPL (Kunst-Produkt-Laboratory) and Paranoia Team. Heckler & Koch MaschinenPistole 5 EOD - M203 (Heavy Repeater) (Paranoia 1) Paranoia Team. Colt M16A4 (MW3) (Demp 2) Infinite Ward, and Sledgehammer Games. Remington 870 Marine Magnum (L4D2) Turtle Rock Studios and Valve Corporation. NeoStead 2000 (Concussion) (Soldier Of Fortune: Payback) Cauldron HQ and Activision? Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomyot 7 SP (Merr_Sonn) (BO1 (RPG-7), Far Cry 3 (Rocket in First Person Model) and MW2 (Hearbeat Sensor)) Infinite Ward, Treyarch and Ubisoft Montreal. M61 (Thermal) (Cjone2) Original source unknown. Detonation Packs C4 SP (Laser_trap) (Cjone2) Original source unknown. Detonation Packs C4 (Detpack) (Cjone2) Original source unknown. Taurus Raging Bull (Briar_pistol) (Cjone2) Millenia M9K Addon. Heckler & Koch Automatisches Gewehr G3A4 (Tusken_rifle) (COD: 4 (MW1)) Infinite Ward. KBP Instrument Design Bureau PP-90M1 (MW3) Infinite Ward and Sledgehammer Games. Heckler & Koch HK21 (DC15S) (BO1) Treyarch. Norinco QBZ 95 (DC-15A) (MW3) Infinite Ward and Sledgehammer Games. Israel Military Industries Galil ARM (E5) (BO1) Treyarch. FX-05 Xiuhcóatl (Z6) Original source unknown. FN M249 (Jawa) (Insurgency) New World Interactive and Valve Corporation. -Weapons: Laser sight (JaKaL). Acog Scope (MW3) Infinite Ward and Sledgehammer Games. Drum Mag (BO1) Treyarch. Beretta M9 (Blaster_pistol) (MW2) Infinite Ward. FN Project 1990 PDWS (Blaster) (Cjone2) Original source unknown. Walther WA 2000 (Disruptor) (MW2) Infinite Ward. Izhmash AK-103 (Bowcaster) (Paranoia 1 (Third Person Model) and Paranoia 2 (First Person Model)) KPL (Kunst-Produkt-Laboratory) and Paranoia Team. Heckler & Koch MaschinenPistole 5 EOD - M203 (Heavy Repeater) (Paranoia 1) Paranoia Team. Colt M16A4 (MW3) (Demp 2) Infinite Ward, and Sledgehammer Games. Remington 870 Marine Magnum (L4D2) Turtle Rock Studios and Valve Corporation. NeoStead 2000 (Concussion) (Soldier Of Fortune: Payback) Cauldron HQ and Activision? Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomyot 7 SP (Merr_Sonn) (BO1 (RPG-7), Far Cry 3 (Rocket in First Person Model) and MW2 (Hearbeat Sensor)) Infinite Ward, Treyarch and Ubisoft Montreal. M61 (Thermal) (Cjone2) Original source unknown. Detonation Packs C4 SP (Laser_trap) (Cjone2) Original source unknown. Detonation Packs C4 (Detpack) (Cjone2) Original source unknown. Taurus Raging Bull (Briar_pistol) (Cjone2) Millenia M9K Addon. Heckler & Koch Automatisches Gewehr G3 (Tusken_rifle) (COD: 4 (MW1)) Infinite Ward. KBP Instrument Design Bureau PP-90M1 (MW3) Infinite Ward and Sledgehammer Games. Heckler & Koch HK21 (DC15S) (BO1) Treyarch. Norinco QBZ 95 (DC-15A) (MW3) Infinite Ward and Sledgehammer Games. Israel Military Industries Galil ARM (BO1) Treyarch. FX-05 Xiuhcóatl (Z6) Original source unknown. FN M249 (Jawa) (Insurgency) New World Interactive and Valve Corporation. -Player Models: _humanoid_zombie, Zombie Stormtrooper (Langerd) (You can download in files (I couldn't add the link otherwise the topic would overflow)). Alpha (F.E.A.R. 2, CS:S and other games) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). Replica/Blackburnee/DarkAlliance (F.E.A.R.) (Unknown author) (You can download it with this link: Bulldozer (PayDay 2 and MW3) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). Chaos_mobile_2nd (PayDay 2 and CS:S) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). Combine Trooper and Metrocop (HL2) (Unknown author) (You can download it with this link: Fsb (HL2 and CS:S) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). rebel_Infiltrator/Infiltrator (Splinter Cell?) (Unknown author) (You can download it with this link: Nksf (PayDay 2 and CS:S) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). Nksf_garb (HL2 Beta) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). Nksu (PayDay 2 and CS:S) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). Nksu_cop (PayDay 2 and CS:S) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). Nksu_secondphase (PayDay 2 and CS:S) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). Omega (F.E.A.R. 2, CS:S and other games) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation). Panzer (Omega, creator of the model and everything else). SAS/CSS_sas (Unknown author) (You can download it with this link: Soldier1/Soldier2 (HL2 and CS:S) (Vezonia: Rigging). CSSUrban (CS:S) (Unknown author) (You can download it with this link: MTF_AV (MW1, MW3, Ghosts, PayDay 2, CS:S and Infiltrator model) (Psyk0Sith: Rigging, optimization and general operation, Weske and PreFX: Re-Rigging, adding new meshes and an excellent work and lots of patience). re_zombie/re_zombie2 (Resident Evil?) (unknown author). Scary Zombie (PreFXDesigns) (You can download in files (I couldn't add the link otherwise the topic would overflow)). -Hud: White Hud, Fallout HUD for JKA 1.0 (Nocto) (You can download in files (I couldn't add the link otherwise the topic would overflow)). -Music: Shadowminds by: The Halo Effect (Version: The Halo Effect - Shadowminds (Without vocals/Music only) (HQ Audio) by: Metal Choice) Inside The Particle Storm by: Dark Tranquility (Version: Dark Tranquility - Inside The Particle Storm (Instrumental) by: Metaloke) -Maps: Aesthetics of the Townhall map, Original design of The Gallery by: Dark Tranquility. -Engine: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, for now, the mod was used Jedi Academy: Enhanced (All rights and credits to Circa, and partners.), for the demonstration of the progress Thank you all for making this possible. Let's start with the presentation of the maps: Quote Out_pc01 Pc_parkings01 Pc_boxoffice01 Pc_boxoffice02 Pc_boxoffice_outside01 Pc_graveyard01 Pc_subway01 Pc_c25b01: Pc_nook01 Pc_nation_apartment01 Pc_nation_apartment02 Pc_sewer01 Pc_tunnel01 Pc_sewer02 Pc_sewer03 Pc_fulldep01 Pc_bricit01 Pc_bricit02 Pc_bricit03 Pc_nook02 Pc_be_bridge01 Pc_bridge01 Pc_bridge02 Pc_center01 You can see more images in the Moddb forum. Tomorrow the weapons will be presented, and soon I will see if it is possible to upload videos about everything presented. Lwkill, PierceDoughty, SomaZ and 3 others like this
ZelZel Posted December 25, 2022 Posted December 25, 2022 This is incredible. The maps look great! scp_chaos1 likes this
scp_chaos1 Posted December 25, 2022 Author Posted December 25, 2022 Thank you very much, each and every one of them have waypoints and point_combat, so the interaction with the npcs is really natural.
scp_chaos1 Posted December 26, 2022 Author Posted December 26, 2022 Good afternoon folks, today is the weapons test: Quote Lightsaber: M9: P90: WA 2000: AK 103: MP5 EOD - M203: M16A4: Remington 870: NeoStead 2000: RPG-7: Grenades M61: C4 (Trip_Mine): C4 (Det_pack): Raging Bull: G3A4: PP90M1: Galil ARM: HK21: QBZ 95: Video: DarthValeria, Smoo, PreFXDesigns and 1 other like this
Circa Posted January 18, 2023 Posted January 18, 2023 Wow, I know you've been working on this mod for years and it definitely shows! Incredible work. These images look like a completely different game made by a AAA studio. PreFXDesigns, Smoo and scp_chaos1 like this
scp_chaos1 Posted January 18, 2023 Author Posted January 18, 2023 Thanks to everyone, I have been working every day on it, and every little free time I have is for the mod, soon I will upload new developments, most of the inspiration I have used for the creation of the maps have been various liminal images. The rest have been by all those who have collaborated for this project. An example of the use of a liminal image is this one, it can be found in PC_Bricit01: In game: Liminal space: PreFXDesigns, ZelZel, DarthValeria and 1 other like this
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