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Everything posted by Langerd

  2. Nope still doesnt work... maybe check it (BUT FIRST TURN OFF YOU AUDIO!!!) And check it in the SP game , in the Mp game (not in the menu... it is strange because the model works in SP and in the MP menu. But when i am selecting a saber in in-game menu it only show the origin of the model (this default thing You know when model is not found... but it is in HALF! )
  3. Here Ya go...
  4. UNEXPECTED EOF - It shows when i join with my weapon selected which in the game doesnt shows up. Any ideas?
  5. Ok it works in SP but! I have find one strange thing :/ What is the unexpected eof means in the console?
  6. Listen never mind... Even in SP it f****ed up (just wanted to make it work but ... well ) . I will find the reason but i have no energy today...
  7. SOMEONE SHOULD MAKE A JK2 DEATHSTAR LIKE PANDE'S TATOOINE!!! (sry for this caps lock but i want that somebody will read that) Anyway cool idea! This maps are awesome and nostalgic
  8. Well i made the sword model. I test it in single player. Everything works fine! Than i thought - Most of players play multiplayer so i will check that everything works fine in mp before i will upload it. In the character menu it loads perfectly. So i loaded the map. Select Join the game and than .... MYYYY EARS GOD WTF!!! WHERE IS MY SWORD AND WTF WITH THIS SOUND HOLY S**T!!! The model in the menu works fine! But It doesnt work when i am in the loaded map . Even in the saber menu (when i want to change my saber DURING the gameplay... not before in the game menu) it is screwed up... And there is strange sound that nearly destroy my ears ... Help pls! Console doesnt shows anything... Fuck
  9. I didnt get original author permission D: You should ask about it
  10. Toshi's Luke torso but with the other cape. When somebody make the franken he can change vertexes This can help to make better resault
  11. Damn in the zip file ofcourse ... gryyy
  12. I dont know how to frankenstein so i can send the dropbox link for someone Who can. Here is the link :3 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rfuqcxl9lcnzfyc/AAD5VY6oN1Y_J_HfU5YY9_x_a?dl=0
  13. I made the skin and changed model a bit XD : http://wrzucaj.net/OOp http://wrzucaj.net/OO3 http://wrzucaj.net/OO5 http://wrzucaj.net/OOC He looks like he shit his pants XD (i am sry for that )
  14. Agree. Many times I walkthrough the whole game with the guns and always choose Kel Dor
  15. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120601163320/starwars/images/2/28/1313.jpg It looks like this but fliped horizontal and with some blur effects. It looks better i like it But the background should be more jedi like i think
  16. AHAHAHAH HE LOOKS CUTE 83 Cant wait!
  17. Hmm You can check the original assets for shaders. I always look at them to know how to do things. I dont know about any shade code. Maybe the fake bumpmapping would be nice for patches.
  18. Rooxon i must say this. I like guys like You. Make models for Someone and for Yourself as the learning how to make better and better. You are awesome man! And I hope many modders will go the way like You because You are perfect authority. And of course awesome stuff!
  19. Yep it worked O-o Does it work for the other enities too?
  20. Ok i made a fan model and want to put it in the engines. I want to make this roatating effect. but there is one problem. I made the engines modelscale 2. But the fan is in the spawnflag - model2 in func_roatating ... in this one spawnflag modelscale doesnt work :/ Any ideas what i can do?
  21. Any progress on this one? :/
  22. This looks funny and awesome in the same time XD. Great job!
  24. This gun looks God like... Epic
  25. This looks great I like them !
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