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Posts posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. I'm not sure if anyone else has realized this, but CamSP and Animation Menu (which are very instrumental in making machinimas) are no longer working as they should with the latest OpenJK builds. I will list in full detail as to what problems I have encountered so that @@therfiles and @@Noodle can be alerted to the situation as well as the ones managing OpenJK as a whole since Knights of the Force 2.1 and Movie Duels Remastered are built based on OpenJK.

    CamSP: When pressing the button that I bind CamSP to it, the game just crashes. While Movie Duels at least allows me to somewhat use it once (as long as it is after I IMMEDIATELY load into the map, otherwise the same crash occurs), Knights of the Force 2.1 hasn't been so kind to it. While in the past with previous builds I could use it alongside it's own camera feature (the earliest build I tested it on with it working was the build where the Feburary 2018 build), more modern builds crashed with it. I had to resort to the latest working build to get it to work along with the mod in of itself.

    Animation Menu: This still SOMEWHAT works, but only THE PLAYER can use the animations as the npc that is designated to use the Animation Menu (which you name NPC1 as assigned by Noodle when he made this mod) doesn't work. No matter what you select, the NPC doesn't do the animation you assign him or her to use and will just remain standing as if it wasn't named NPC1 at all.

    I do not know if it has something to do with the code of the latest OpenJK builds or if the mods themselves need updating, but I wanted to alert everyone to the situation and see if it can be fixed. Thank you very much for your time.

  2. Nah I haven't been posting because I've been working on saluable material .. but I check jkhub just about every morning, lurking in the shadows. The PSU just blew like 2 weeks ago or so. Yeah money's tight for things like that, took my kids to Disneyworld last month for their summer vacation and have been slowly recovering since


    In fact .. I started modding jka when my daughter was 1... She's 11 now lol


    Time flies by, eh?

    ChalklYne likes this
  3. Sure! Let me get a new PSU and I'll hook u up with links. I should just update my sketchfab for portfolio purposes anyway. I sell mainly on cgtrader and turbosquid... I think I had something like daz3d as well but wasn't generating any traffic. I even sunk so low as to considering finishing my tfu mod and releasing it as standalone models in a huge pack for a couple bucks... But figured it rather dooshy and dropped the idea.


    So a PSU is why you haven't posted a lot. I'm guessing that money is really tight atm.

  4. You already know my thoughts on it. Even though the gameplay is ALPHA so far, so far I'm only looking in the direction of RESPAWN with an eyebrow raised in a good way since they essentially gave EA the middle finger and used Unreal Engine 4 for this game as opposed to the overrated Frostbite Engine. The other reason being Chris Avellone writing it, whom essentially wrote Kotor 2 and Fallout New Vegas.

  5. Compiling, compiling. 

    This is the thing that I really hate about modding JA. Interestingly the process also takes place when you finish making a big and detailed map, and also depends on the machine you are using to do it.


    The second aspect is that after the compile some bugs still come up and you have to fix them and then – compile the map again.


    While this is the problem, indeed, there were other things, which we tried to change - menus, HUD and icons for instance, Being a vivid fan of Dark Forces II, I replaced the Force icons back with the original ones from DF2, where these abilities appeared for the first time in Star Wars games. The first versions were quite pixelated, but I recreated them from scratch in a vector form.




    Post an update on the same day E3's Microsoft/PC stuff is going down. Is this month starting to get interesting, or is it just me?

    Lancelot likes this
  6. Agreed, I wouldn't have made anything for JA in the past few years if the new movies hadn't come along.


    A rarity that you post, Plasma. But excuse me for diverging from the main topic to at least ask you a question: Any plans on improving your Kylo Ren model for the future?

  7. Well I'm also hoping to spark a fire in you guys and the greater community to maybe get people together for another great project. I may not be the best coder or mapper, but I can take care of every other small detail while the mappers and scripters work on their part so that nothing else is done. I have recording equipment and two others also expressed interest in doing voice overs. I don't want this to just be my idea, but I want to make it a reality.


    What else would any of you suggest to fix this?


    Existing suggestions:


    New Coruscant SP level ✓ - what am I doing to fix this?


    Nothing yet because I don't know how to script SJC's coruscant map to an SP level. :P


    Too much blood ✓ - what am I doing to fix this?


    [i want to just add red cauterization for saber damage, but there are also enemies who attack wtih vibroblades and swords, when these hit flesh, there should be blood. Not to mention being attacked and bitten or clawed by various hostile wildlife.

    Also, if there was a way to edit the effects so that laser-based weapons also cause the red smoke cauterization damage but shell and rocket based weapons plus explosives cause regular blood, that is also something I experimented with but didn't get very far, with guns I got some decent results but separating the sabers effects from the blades effects is tricky.]


    Call it something other than JK3 Remastered? -


    -rebuttal: Just about every asset is changed, the main menu is different, the music is different, the stances, animations, sound effects, you're only seeing some of the physical changes and population additions because the rest must be heard or felt, like you know, through the force lol. So in a sense, it is a remaster, because the textures are remastered, so is the music, and the models, etc. Very few base game models remain in the game, everything has been given an overhaul. If anyone has a better name I don't mind using it. 


    I have a plethora of files and even many more thanks to old archives so lets talk about this and I will start implementing what changes I can.


    My main goal is to publish both these mods as a two-part story, JK3, then EY4 as its sequel. Really once the mapping part gets done, which is just re-ordering textures in the EY4 mod along with adding npc's and editing map_objects, and substituting the coruscant level in jk3 along with new npc placement/triggerpoints in every level, I can do the rest by myself and will work around the clock diligently to do so. I'm in a unique position where I have the time to work on this, I just need help with the mapping parts, and nothing needs to be made from scratch, which is the beauty of it. We have all the tools right in front of us, its just a matter of convincing a mapper to help pro-bono lol. 


    Perhaps this is the next step to synthesizing JKEnhanced in another form.


    You said JKAEnhanced in another form. Any ideas of what you might do?

  8. 3: Hypori (if possible I would like to rename it in the completed mod, but I tried to make it match the appearance from the clone wars episode plus give it an exotic feel like a place we've never been before, I probably had about ten different textures on this planet before I ended up sticking with this one.)


    In the base mod it was basically an Utapau surface texture with the Dosuun (Rax Joris level) skybox, it had some dangling flora off the city to give it a vibe of having some sense of organic presence, I eventually decided to get rid of any trace of any natural flora by making the planet very stone-like, in stark contrast to the green lush wet Yavin you spend most of the mod in.


    The planet is rock and mineral heavy, but also has lakes, which can be seen from space. It's defining feature is a series of rings orbiting it, which can be seen from the surface as well. There is a greenish hue in the atmosphere and the rocks get darker as you get higher in the mountains and fade lighter the more you are to the surface, something to do with the way the atmosphere processes the local sun's burning affect on the lower more open areas than the cluttered, high razor sharp mountainous regions.


    Have a look:










    the huge alliance hangar where a big battle takes place, there is a second set of maps where all the city is in ruins:






    inside the first courtyard of the city:




    notice here the stalactites replaced the original utapau leaves hanging down, showing the strange phenomena of the Alliance's city being rock-based.




    looking out into the expanse











    now we move deeper into the city itself:








    one of the main jedi allies, a falleen species:




    the battle inside the grand halls: note the architecture of the alliance combines alien and old republic themes, along with a more pure look also contrasting the nearly-demonic Sith structures




    another shot of the grand hall, this time with the aid of the Whipid Jedi (who replaces the Wookiee)




    outside the grand halls:




    outside look of the throne room






    lastly, my favorite shot from the mod: really breathtaking, you can see one of the lakes that you saw from space in the sith command ship




    let me know what you guys think! Still praying for a mapper to fall out of the sky to help me finish this!


    Holy...shit. O_o This is just a taste of what you have been working on, I imagine.

  9. Well life is still kicking me tbh i was staying some where here in southern illinois. But i have to leave by friday. Ive just been working on jh3 in the little spare time ive had to distract myself.


    To be honest finishing it is one of the few things keeping me sane and mptivated these days. LOL

    At least you figured out WHAT was causing the hindering of progress on the map side of things and as a result, getting the frustrations you had with it out of the way. And at least you had somewhere to stay in the meantime, so you had a roof over your head. :)

  10. hmm i think(if its possible) the first level.

    You guys gave us the first level a long time ago,i played it,it was amazing. :)

    i'm curious how you improved the graphics and that level.

    and maybe Yun vs Kyle. 

    I second the Yun vs Kyle level. Though I understand that you guys are still in the Alpha stages of everything, hence the animations are the default JKA animations and there's no SFX/RGB sabers (if you plan on implementing them). But everything else...wow. The rendering engine looks great from the detail alone.

  11. Is that his hand under the saber hilt? It looks completely black, like he has no hand. Maybe try lightening it up a bit so it shows details in the hand a bit. That's the downside to using Modview screenshots: no lighting.

    I think he's wearing a glove. But some glove textures are just darkened hand textures that make the hands look dead. If you look closely at the fingers, you can see the nails. It's something I don't get, honestly.

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