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Posts posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. I am glad to show you the NEW EPIC CHALLENGE MOD IV project:




    The main story has really changed. Kyle will have to fight his worst ennemy to date: The Death Sower, a terrific fool who want every force user dead.


    The mod will feature not less than 12 differents possible endings, which will grant you a lot of hours to play to get all the secrets stories !



    Working has restarted.

    I am glad you're getting back into things. I am also getting back into filming machinimas for JKA cause 1. Health Reasons (had a bad infection and it only recently got under control) 2. Needed a break so I don't burn out. Let's keep this game alive in our own ways. :D

  2. By the cruelty of life, I lost everything I made about Epic Challenge Mod IV.


    The two main disks. Only remain the first works, about the code, the new lightsabers and the models YasuakiNK have done.



    I was thinking this accident has a deep meaning. I am thinking about a more accurate sequel to Epic Challenge Mod III, a better story than what I initially imagined. 


    But the question is... do I have to make this mod ?


    It's like the community is slowly dying. Only one file per month, and less online members days after days.


    Making a mod takes a lot of time. ECM III took me 2 years, because of my personnal projects and my work. ECM IV would takes at least one year.


    So, is there anybody who wants this mod to be done ?

    We're all still here. Just a lot more quiet than we once were.

  3. Well, I'm taking some steps atm to get my self on my feet. I have not deleted any of my files, I wouldn't throw away that much work LOL. Perhaps in time I will reopen the project, but right now I just need to focus on me. I found a decent cheap set of apartments near by, and I'm trying to get my old job back. 

    I guess I have to admit my depression really gets me down some times, and Instead of coming to others for help I put all the stress on myself. A constant quest for perfection that I can never live up to. My own standards are way to high. In turn that becomes anger that I take out on the wrong people. 

    Look lets just mark it as postponed for a while, by spring I should be in a better living situation and perhaps then I'll continue my work. I apologize for the drama but well that's my mind, I eat away at myself. 


    AngelModder - Don't give up hope. 

    I know the feeling all too well. It gets to you when you're at your weakest and that's when it becomes the hardest to fight. 


    Take the time you have off to get back on your feet, cause that comes first above all else. And that motto is a good one to hold onto, so yes. Never give up hope. 


    And we will all be here for you if you need us. :)

    AngelModder likes this

    I just deleted several posts worth of senseless stupidity (and reactions to it), and banned a very disruptive user who absolutely couldn't participate in a discussion in a sensible and mature way.
    Another staff member locked this thread (quite rightly), but I'm going to be really cheeky and try keeping it open, because this discussion was more-or-less fine up until that point. Please treat each other like humans, alright?


    I was hoping you would come in and clean house, Caelum. Thank you. :(

  5. Project canceled -  I just don't want to work on mapping any more. Too many years spent in fact wasted doing it with little to no pay off. I will be deleting the demo asap. Sorry, I don't belong any where in this community any more so theirs really no need for me to continue working for it. 



    Wish you all the best - AngelModder

    I don't know what the hell happened, but seriously...? Have you ever tried reaching out instead of acting like this? 


    Did something happen IRL? 

    Delmi likes this
  6. IMO It's from what I've seen, a stigma from the old JK3Files days when the site was hit with a DMCA from Bioware cause they had KOTOR models on the site for a time. It's been many years since then and the grip has loosened up against ports from the Lucasarts era, so why that is not more embraced rather than the status quo is again, a stigma that remains from days passed.

  7. Hadn't checked my emails lately but got a fun one a few weeks back.








    General Howard likes this
  8. **Bug/Issue**

    I've encountered an issue (possibly code related) with the current version.. v1.0.2-alpha also had this issue, too.


    "idle" animations no longer seem to work.


    Basically, the playermodel just stands there, as stationary and still as a statue (when left for a duration of up to around 10 seconds). The base game (using "JASP.exe") works fine and doesn't have this problem. It seems to be an ongoing issue with OpenJK.


    Just curious, but do you have any custom animations that you use while testing? Cause if those animations have eliminated the idle animations, then that may be the problem. 

  9. Can't figure out how to attach files.

    Basically, when I open it in blender it's showing all of the parts (the 3 heads, all the torsos, etc.) at once.


    Also all that shows up in the outliner is






    The only one I can enter edit mode for is skeleton_root.


    Edit: This'll work in lieu of screenshots, I guess.


    Edit 2: When right clicking and entering edit mode for the hands... well there's more than one.

    Not sure how many. I stopped separating them at 20.

    This playlist should help you.


    Acerbic likes this
  10. Thank you for all your helpful replies everyone, I'm still right now learning how to use Blender, I really wanted to know if Blender can work with JKA, & according to all of you it will work with JKA


    Thank you very much everyone


    I'll still continue to learn how to use Blender

    Awesome. And remember: Practice makes perfect.

  11. I don't know what you did but it is not right. Seems you added the entire CamSP.cfg at the end of the inhame.txt (and still no lines to call camsp).


    You are over-rating something very simple.


    Extract the ingame.txt from the SP animations.

    Open and inspect it, see there is a list of load instructions. Every load instruction is practically the same except each one call a different menu.


    All you need is a single new line identical to those already there to load camsp (which you can copy from the ingame.txt from camsp).


    Then save the file to your custom pk3.

    I think he's going to need a video explaining things, Punisher.

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