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Status Updates posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. Anyone remember Serenity's (Yeah I know, just roll with me here.) previous mod before Evolution of Combat known as Galaxy in Darkness, or GiD? Well...I found someone on Youtube a bit ago that thinks it's the best mod ever. I even linked him to JKA Enhanced and he said GiD is still better....Ohhhh boy, where do I begin...?

    1. Ramikad


      Meh. To each his own.

    2. Circa


      JKE is still in alpha stages, so that's one thing. The other thing is people can have other opinions. :P

    3. TheWhitePhoenix


      I know. But still, do you guys know how Ancient that mod is? You'd be lucky to even FIND it these days. And it's also built off of KOTF, if I remember correctly.

  2. So now that Filefront is officially closing down...does anyone want to have a back up for all the Kotor 1 and 2 mods that were uploaded there...? It would be a HUGE shame to lose all of that work people spent so much time into to make Knights of the Old Republic even better than it originally was, same with the Sith Lords....:'(

    1. Barricade24


      It probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

    2. Circa


      I'm pretty sure people at DeadlyStream.com will find a way to preserve the ones they don't already have uploaded.

    3. TheWhitePhoenix


      Yes....Along with JKA and JKO, even though there is a back up already. Couldn't hurt to have more back ups in case one website backup goes down....

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