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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. His limbs go too far back on the release, it looks very awkward and unnatural.
  2. And wouldn't have to start everything over from near scratch. Listen to this man, he is wise.
  3. Exactly. These games blow every other skateboarding game out of the water... playing anything else would just be a disappointing runner up.
  4. 8 in November. Wii is 7 in November and so is the PS3. Sony is still saying the PS3 is a 10 year console, and I can believe it.
  5. Getting closer for sure. I feel like maybe his jaw isn't wide enough, or maybe his cheeks need to be filled out a tiny bit more. I'm not looking at any references ATM though so I could be wrong.
  6. I can't get the plugins to work so I'm going to have to do it manually. Anyone know an easy way to do it manually? I can't imagine doing it by hand, especially not accurately... at least not without taking a week.
  7. If I didn't already have a hundred projects to get done this summer I'd definitely love to help with the mapping side of things... even just to do the brushwork, and let the texturing/lighting go to someone else. Oh well, either way I hope to see more for this mod.
  8. Thanks guys. I've really got no skills with modeling whatsoever, and probably won't start anytime soon. Maybe down the road. @@AshuraDX: And how do I tell if it's two different meshes?
  9. Thanks @@Mysterious Stranger. Chalk, I use Pinnacle as well - fantastic program.
  10. I remember a couple years back I used to have a mod that allowed me to change the camera perspective using sliders in-game. I just had to hit Escape, and in that normal pause menu in MP there would be sliders I could use to adjust the camera angle with ease - anyone remember or have this?
  11. I was working on a reskin and then realized that one part of the texture I was editing is actually just mirrored onto the model... would I have to completely re-map the model in order to have independent sides of the object? Is there a way around this? I know that base Boba model has a decal on just one shoulder that was overlayed somehow, could I do something similar?
  12. Honestly man I had this idea for the skin then named it "Zombie Boba Fett" later because I couldn't think of anything else to name him, I wasn't trying to make him completely look zombified. I did what I set out to achieve with it so it's done - but you or anyone else is welcome to modify it and upload it as long as credit is given. And as @Omicron said, that's a ModView thing - it works perfectly in-game.
  13. Downloading now... mind telling me how it works/how to use it?
  14. Not to rain on your parade, but as great as this idea is I don't think it'll be as easy as you think. Most modders here don't really want to create something original... that's why we make mods and aren't building a game off of the Unreal or Source engines. Plus after seeing the number of big overhauls that "dedicated modders" made that have failed I don't see an even bigger project working. If you wanna create something original, not only are you going to probably have to look elsewhere, but you may run into some issues with Star Wars related content...
  15. I'm just going to bump this since I didn't realize I had requested this ages ago, and still think it would be handy. By .menu you mean just a HUD mod to work from?
  16. Very cool! And glad to have you here Tobe, I love your work.
  17. Not sure what you mean... can you post a picture of the "splotches" you're talking about? I just used Ctrl + Click on the layer with the crosshair on it, then went to the Alpha channel and deleted that area.
  18. I'm having issues with this... I can't seem to get rid of the faint whiteness around part of the crosshair. If you look closely in the in-game shots, there's a very small white border to everything... I'm guessing it has something to do with the Alpha Channel not being set properly? Any help would be great. Maybe @@Inyri knows after doing her ME scope?
  19. Very nice Inyri, can't wait to see what else you've got in store. I'm loving the ME themed mods.
  20. Just to be sure it's not a conflict, are you testing your skins by themselves? When I test mods I make sure the one I'm testing is the ONLY ONE active by loading it from it's own folder in Game Data.
  21. I can't get over how good that looks... it looks like Doom 3 quality, and even better in some spots. Amazing work. Dat glass!
  22. That would be awesome man, thank you! Can't wait for this.
  23. Again, we can only judge accurately once it's in-game. Some in-game shots would be a good idea if you can swing it.
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